A/n: And guess whose back! :D :D

Haha that's right~ Little ol' me~ Well after my previous story which was a grand success [If I say so myself xD] I'm back with another story and this time its based on Gintama! I was extremely disappointed that they stopped the show.. AGAIN. And so I'm here to spread some Gintama love and joy. Before we start, there are a few things to note:

1. This chapter is NOT Chapter 1. As the title says, it's the Prologue. So don't freak out if it doesn't make sense.

2. All of you know that Kagura ends most of her sentences with 'aru' but in the subs, they don't translate it into 'uhuh'. So I won't be using aru/uhuh either, but feel free to imagine her talking like that~

3. I will be using several simple Japanese words here and there in order to give effect/emphasis. No worries, for those of you who don't know what it means, I will make sure to explain each word, as always. (:

4. Some characters might seem OOC at times, in order to match the story line. It will be very rare and you shouldn't be able to tell, so no worries.



The man watched as his soldiers were cut down one by one by the intruder. He gripped the cool steel railing and grit his teeth as he prepared for the inevitable. Turning on his heel, he went into his room and began to stuff his Hakama with gold plates. Suddenly, the sliding door was slid open and an attendant covered in muck screamed:

"My Lord! Please escape before its too la-"

The man watched as a bloody hand appeared through the centre of the attendant's chest and he collapsed in a pool of blood. Swearing loudly, the man inched backwards, until his back hit the wall.

"You'll pay for this…"

The intruder grinned viciously; his cerulean eyes wide open.


A/n: Yah that's about it~

What? It's a prologue. It can't be long. –looks away-

Anyway, I wanted to mention a few other things. This isn't an excuse to take up space cuz the chapter was small ok? So first of all, as the description says, this fic is centered around Sogo x Kagura. Of course there will be hintings of GinTsukky [Kyaa~]. But this is majorly based on the two little sadists.

Also, the chapter names will be completely random and will not relate to what happens in the chapter whatsoever. Yes, just like in Gintama. Am I a pro or what? XD

So dun go blaming me if the title and the chapter are completely unrelated.

Aaaah. Well it seems it's still too small~~ Oh well~~

-laughs nervously-

Lets move on shall we!

See you in the official FIRST CHAPTER! 8D

P.s, Hakama is the clothing worn by [generally] men during the Edo period. It was also and is still worn by Shrine Maidens and Preists.
