"Aw Angleterre." France said as he kissed England's neck. England shifted on France's lap and moaned a bit. "Je t'adore." France said. England blinked and got off France's lap. He walked over to the door leaving the French man lost. England shut the door and then looked back at France.

"There the door's bloody shut now will you just kiss me?" England asked as he walked back over to France. France smiled up to England and gave a confused look.

"Arthur I said je t'adore." France said.

"And I bloody did." England said. France was confused for a second and England just pulled him back into a kiss. He then forgot about the whole thing.

"O Arthur!" France said as he ran over to the small nation. England looked up to France and smiled a bit. America looked between the two and laughed at them.

"You guy's look so happy." America pointed out.

"Je t'adore Angleterre." France said. England blinked and sighed. He then walked over to the door and shut it. France raised an eye brow and even America was confused.

"Dude?" America asked. France looked to him and England stomped on France's foot.

"Stop saying that!" England hissed.

"O cher~!" France said as he ran into the living room. England looked up from his book and France smiled. "Je t'adore." France said.

"You're the one who is bloody up. Shut it you're self." England said. France gave a confused look.

"Non cher you don't get it I said Je t'adore." France said.

"God France you are being so pushy." England got up from his spot and shut the door. France once again was confused.

"No cher Je t'adore." France said.

"I already did!" England yelled.

"Cher do you no what je t'adore mean's?" France asked.

"I know bloody well what it mean's! I am not that stupid France! I shut the bloody door! What else do you want for me!" England yelled. France laughed.

"No cher Je t'adore in french is I adore you." France laughed. England blinked.

"O..." England waited and France stopped laughing.

"O mon dieu! That was good mon cher~! it's not shut the door it's je t'adore." France said. He wiped the tear's away from his eyes and hugged England close to him. England blushed and France rocked them back and forth.

"O cher." France smiled as he kissed England. England moved a bit so France could kiss his neck. The only light they had was from the moon shining into their bed room. "Je t'adore cher." France said. England got up at this point and shut the door. France looked at him and sighed. "Cher we already went over this." France said. England scoffed and smiled to the French man.

"I know." he said and ran at France jumping on the nation and pushing him down on the bed. He kissed him happily and France smiled. "Je t'adore France." England said. France just kissed England back.

"Later cher I'm doing something." France laughed. England hit France's arm and France laughed again. "Je t'aime." France said.

"I love you to frog." England said softly.

Here it is just some funny flush to mess around with! I hope you all liked it! I do not own Hetalia!