Disclaimer: The following written stories contents do not belong to me. Batman & Young Justice is owned by DC Comics. Please support the official release.

This is the last chapter of the story. I felt it was necessary to end here, I also have no more ideas left to continue. Anyway here it is.

Entry 16:

We are about 15 minutes away from Middleton, Colorado when Aqualad calls for a quick debrief on the mission. Miss Martian relays all relevant events that has happened to the eight of us and explains our trip to the Midwest. Once the debrief is done, we arrive at our destination. Each of us put civilian clothes over our costumes to avoid attracting attention, Beast Boy included with that Glamor Charm on him. We each split up into three teams: M'Gann & Garfield; Connor, Kori, and Rose; Myself, Roy and Cassandra; I brought the latter along, not because she can't defend herself, it's self-evidence that she could beat me in a fight. It's only because I don't want to listen to Bruce getting on my case about his "precious" daughter getting hurt. The three of us head into a bar, despite Roy's objection (not gonna force him to drink or anything since he is a recovering alcoholic), where some guy tries to hit on the tough Baby Bat. Cassandra doesn't say anything but it is clear on her face that she is getting annoyed by the guy. I step up to him and tell him to leave her alone, but he has to be the drunken idiot that he is and tries to attack me. Then once I mop the floor with him, his buddies intervene to no good cause Roy and Cass take them down as well. When we attempt to leave, the police arrive and arrest us for domestic disturbance and destruction of property and take us to the downtown precinct.

The three of us hear Miss M and GA chastising us in the mind-link while the rest are amused that we got caught. I order the rest of the crew to rendezvous with us at the police station. Before we are placed inside the cage, I do the stereotypical-villain thing and take her gun and demand where I can find an important townsman who could disguise themselves from their true appearance as a member of the Untitled. It finally dawns on me that the person I am looking for could be right in front of me and my instincts were correct as she revealed herself. She had recognized Ducra's essence in me and tried to take me down but a few copper arrows from GA & Arsenal delayed her. Once we were outside, I interrogated the suspect into why he would break the treaty between our groups and she defends herself saying that she had nothing to do with assaulting and killing last members of the All-Caste. We come to an understanding that someone in the Untitled is trying to play us and initiate a war, but now it is irrelevant. The treaty was broken by an Untitled with the deaths of the residual All-Caste and as member, I am a warrior of the All-Caste, determined to end a reign of terror that dates back to the dawn of man. Just as I dealt the finishing blow with the Blades of All, one last memory of my time at the Acres of All comes to mind.

At the Acres of All, two individuals are at the cleansing chambers undergoing a ritual of tranquility.

Ducra: "Up and at em, pup. I suppose I should congratulate you. The first human in a thousand years to survive the cleansing. But I still can't tell if it's because you're worthy—or just so damned stubborn."

Jason: "Can't I be both?"

Ducra: "Shut up and get dressed already. You people await."

Once he returns from clothing into the gradual robes, Jason is shocked to see the monks bowing at him. He shyly gives his thanks.

Ducra: "Wow. Really sent chills through these old bones with that oratory."

Jason: "You taught me how to be an assassin, old lady, not a public speaker. But between the two of us, All-Mother? "

Ducra: "Always."

Jason: "You had faith in me long after I had none of my own. You taught me that to give someone death is as intimate and private as giving him life. You showed me that past, present, and future are not separate places… they are the All. For all those things and more I will be forever grateful, Ducra."

Ducra (smirk): "But?"

Jason (angry): "But all I really want is to kill the man responsible for my murder! I want to kill the Joker, and I want to make Batman—my guardian… my protector—suffer for not bothering to avenge my death. It's all I can think of… it is all that I am!"

Ducra: "This was never about making you perfect, Jason. This is not the end of your journey. Rather it is the beginning. One day your heart will shine brighter than the dark fury inside you. And that day will be glorious."

The defeated Untitled still tries to defend herself saying she wasn't responsible; I'll have to find out who sent me into this debacle, how many of the Untitled are left, and if I have just been put into this war. As to answer the first question, I have a feeling I know who it is and I wish I was wrong with my assumption. Things go to sucky again as the deceased monster reverts to her human form and the townsfolk are gathering. We all are able to evade these people and make our way to the bioship, however I am also aware that heading back up to the orbiting satellite would just result in me being a prisoner among heroes. So thanks to the new type of wrist-watch Father Box I took from Ra's, I made my escape. I can count on Miss M to deliver the debrief on her own.

What I didn't count on was Starfire and Arsenal by my side. Judging from the expressions on their faces, they knew I would escape the first chance I could take. Starfire told me she has room in her spaceship and that she would like not to be and feel alone. I accepted and Roy eagerly accepted as well; with the lives each of us have lived, it was time for a fresh start and what better way than with equally or more "damaged" friends. A few days later, we sent a message to Rose, Connor and Cassandra, extending an invitation to join us. Cassandra replied she would stay with Bruce and be a reserve member for our little group, but that she wanted to hang out with me some time soon. Rose accepted the invitation, claiming she wanted to help us with the Untitled and because she felt more accepted with us more than the Team. Connor agreed to join us, stating that his Buddhist teachings could help us with achieving inner peace; I really believe he can grant us that.

Wayne Manor August 16, 2020 6:30 pm EST

Inside the mansion, a family gathers around for the first ever portrait sitting of this generation of Wayne. One portrait has been completed with extended family members: James Gordon, Stephanie Brown, Alfred Pennyworth and Barbara & Mary Grayson. The other soon-to-be finished portrait has the immediate family of Bruce Wayne, Selina Wayne, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, Damian Wayne and Alfred Pennyworth standing around while the matriarch and patriarch of the family sit down in special chairs holding hands. Outside it looks a close-family, right?… wrong. The 3rd and 5th Robin will not stop arguing despite everyone's annoyance. Once a 10-minute recess is announced to the photographer, the family meeting begins.

Tim: "You keep finding new ways to taint the Robin legacy with every mission."

Damian: "If by taint you mean not allowing anyone to murder my father and winning the day and showing how much better I am than you Drake, then yes. But as usual, your incompetence proves you wrong."

Bruce: "Both of you—stop it now! As Robins, you've all had your strengths and weaknesses just as I had my own learning curve before and after putting on the cowl. But you've all honored your time as Robin – especially Stephanie and Jason."

Damian: "Tt"

Bruce: "You share something—a red, yellow and black uniform of service that should be a bond between all of you, not a wedge. As well as Barbara, Cassandra and Stephanie; yet they better themselves and each other in their tenures as Batgirl. I'm tired of this constant battle of who is honoring what legacy."

Damian: "I'll tell you what I'm tired of, and that's being held to some invented skirmish standard on the whim of a mediocre teenaged crime-fighter!"

Tim: "And I've got better things to do than stand here and put up with the bullshit from an arrogant toddler!"

Damian: "Likewise, and if Todd did honor his time as Robin, why isn't he here now? I already know he was a failure at his time!"

Dick: "Well, there goes movie night."

Bruce: "I thought rounding us all up out of uniform would be a good idea – spend some quality time together to –"

Dick: "Immortalize ourselves?"

Bruce: "Actually no, Dick. Seeing all the generations of Waynes hanging on the walls – staring out at us – it's like they're telling me to celebrate our time together – memorialize it."

Selina: "Well it was a nice gesture. I'm sure they would be proud of you."

Dick: "Yeah every year's a souvenir, huh, Bruce?"

Bruce: "Yes. Yes it is."

Red Hood's POV:

After my therapy session with Dr. Chase Meridian, one of Bruce's exes, who thankfully knew the family's identities, I planned on spending one last day in my Gotham safe-house and I was planning to talk to Bruce and settle this disagreement when I got a call from the League Shadows phone requesting a meeting at midnight. I guess I was the first one to arrive, and then I was greeted by an unknown guest while pointing my gun at him/her with the safety on.

Nightwing: "Really Jason? Pointing a gun at me and my wife?"

Red Hood (holstering the gun): "You two should know better than to sneak up on me, Rachel."

Oracle: "Why did you flake out on Miss M after your mission?"

Red Hood: "Superman said otherwise, but I could not take that chance of being the League's prisoner, no matter how you guys could rephrase it."

Oracle: "I just hope you aren't getting yourself in more trouble."

Red Hood: "You, Bruce and your father haven't heard trouble from me in Gotham or anywhere else. And to answer your concern, I've been going to therapy, keeping good company and leave it at that. Our next guest can attest to that."

Black Bat: "It's true; he's behaving."

Nightwing: "What are you two doing here?" (Meaning Cassandra and Stephanie)

Spoiler: "I got a call about a meeting and Cass decided to accompany me. What are you three doing here?"

Oracle: "He got the same call and we dropped off Mary with her grandfather."

Red Robin (arriving): "Can some please explain what is going on here?"

Red Hood: "I'm guessing you got the same call as the rest of us?"

Red Robin: "Yeah."

Nightwing: "Ok then, who called us then?"

Robin: "That would be me."

Red Hood: "Rumor in the Shadows is that the Light put a half-billion dollar bounty on you. Is it so wise for you to be out of your crib and making yourself an easy target for assassins?"

Robin: "You mean these losers?" (Referring to the tied-up and incapacitated group)

Red Hood: "Okay then, why are you wasting our time?"

Nightwing: "Jason, at least try to be nice or civil for a change."

Robin: "I'm serving notice."

Black Bat: "Of what?"

Robin: "I don't why you Batgirls are here but since Fatgirl was a Robin once, this applies to her too."

Oracle (irritated tone): "Damian, we've talked about this. You don't call a girl fat! You don't call anyone fat! This is the only time I'm going to warn you."

Robin: "Tt, whatever! Anyway, back to the matter at hand. Day or night, when you least expect it, I'm going to defeat you at something you feel unbeatable at."

Nightwing: "You're going to attack us?"

Robin: "Yes, then I'm going to take something personal of yours as a memento and hang it in my room."

All of us groan at this kids' declaration of assault. We don't intend to take him seriously but he just kept talking.

Black Bat: "And this is to prove what exactly?"

Robin: "That I'm the best Robin, out of all of you."

Spoiler: "And who do you to intend to prove this to?"

Robin: "To you, to Father, and to me."

Nightwing: "Damian, you have nothing to prove —none of us do."

Oracle: "Exactly! Even though I was the first Batgirl, I was also Bruce's second apprentice. I get that just like the rest of you, you want to prove yourself an equal to Dick or myself. Each of us has something that shows how we excel at a certain topic than our predecessors or successors. Tim and myself are better intellects, Cassandra and Jason are the better fighters among us, Dick, Tim and Myself are better leaders, Jason and Stephanie are always improving themselves when others say they can't catch up to their peers. And just to indulge your ego, you are Bruce's biological son and you have a vast knowledge due to your mother. But even with our strengths and weaknesses, it doesn't mean that one of us is the best out of all us. You don't see Steph or Cass handing out threats to prove they're the best Batgirl; you don't even see any of Green Arrow, Aquaman, Flash, or Wonder Woman's apprentices doing what you're trying to do."

Nightwing: "Besides we all heard what he said at the portrait sitting."

Red Hood: "Portrait sitting? Huh, guess my invite got lost in the mail."

Robin: "Forewarned is forearmed."

Red Hood: "Bat-san still preaching that old chestnut, huh?"

Spoiler: "You seem to forget, you're a ten year old kid – any one of us can wipe the floor with you."

Robin: "You can try. Now excuse me, there's a few more assassins who need to learn why Gotham can be an unforgiving place."

Red Robin: "That kid is wired way too tight."

Nightwing: "Remind you of someone?"

Red Hood: "Unfortunately, yes. I know I'm usually one with the attention issues but he and I way too similar, along with his father. "

I attempt to make my leave when Barbara and Cassandra pull me aside to discuss my portrait sitting comment. I do confess that things are still in the crapper between us and I am still legally dead, which is why I couldn't come but it still does hurt me that he didn't even try to contact me about it. I may be the black sheep, but even though I try to distance myself from the others, I still am a member of the family. Once the two of them leave, I call Bruce to settle the tension between us. I arrive at the Bat-cave.

Bruce: "What is it that you wanted to tell me?"

Jason: "The Observer showed me what happened when you confronted your parents' killer, Joe Chill. I saw that you were contemplating making the same decision I'm continuing to make. You chose not to kill him but fate ironically turned against Chill when the villains attacked him for creating you."

Bruce: "Is there more you have to say?"

Jason: "Yes, I realize that not taking revenge is something you want me to do and I always thought if it was Dick, you would have done so. I was wrong about that."

Bruce: "I'm sensing a but."

Jason: "But, the situations we faced were not the same. Chill took your parents, while the Joker took my life. When we faced each other months ago, I had to find out why you didn't do what should have been done long before. When he decides to make his comeback, he's not going back to Arkham. I'm going to kill him and noting will stop me from doing so, not even you!"

Bruce: "To tell you to let this go will be a waste of breath. You will try but I will stop you. Just to let you know, I try to remain Gotham's savior and bring the best of her good people but I often do wonder if I make the wrong choices at the time. I don't forget who suffer at his hands or anyone else's and I do support what I said about torturing him until ending him, but it is not up to me or you to be executioners."

Jason: "It also means to me that each of us is expendable and you know damn well that has never been me. I am no one's tool to be used, discarded and replaced, not by you, the League, or Ra's. I'm glad we got this out in the air but it seems we are getting off topic to why I came here."

I knew the others were here, listening to us argue and one of them decided to get involved.

Damian: "Why are you here then, Todd?"

Jason: "Not that it matters to you, demon-spawn, but I'm offering your father a deal."

Bruce: "What deal?"

Jason: "Commissioner Gordon, please come down here. This has to do with you as well since it is off the record." (James makes his way down to the computer) "The deal is I stay out of Gotham and not do your jobs in my version of the "right way." I also promise that if by circumstance, I come back to Gotham, I'll follow your orders (indicating Batman) unless the situation is out of both your control, with the exclusion of not having my guns on me. I'm not trigger happy as you want to believe, I know how to restrain myself."

James: "And what do you want from this?"

Jason: "When I'm not in Gotham and tell the League and Team this, don't get in the way of doing my job whenever we coincidentally meet up. You and others either back me up or stay out of my way. And don't try to change my ways. That's the deal: take it or leave it."

After much deliberation with the rest of the family, a group consensus was made.

Bruce: "Deal."

Once we shook hands, I was ready to head back to the others in Miami when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Bruce: "Despite our differences, I won't argue with your results. I just want you to know, you might not believe me but I love you son. I want you to come back home. If not now, then as soon as you feel comfortable. I know we won't have what we used to, but I'm willing to be a better father to you."

Jason: (I won't say this out loud, but thank you Bruce.) "I know."

Selina: "Keep yourself safe, kitten."

Jason (smirking, half-joking and half-serious): "I will… Mom."

Computer: "Recognize: Robin B-13."

Jason: "Red Hood: B-13 update."

I arrive at the Miami Zeta-tube and make my way back to Starfire's ship, where everyone greeted me on my return. Don't call us a team though, call us the Outlaws.

I was very happy to write this. Thank you guys for reading my first story. I like to thank my followers Bayllarina, Crystal-Rose-Lover, Eaglegirl09, Ember-Elric-X, HarbingerLady, KUBBLE IS BACK, Masqueraded Angel, RDFitzy, UltimateGundamFighter, Ultimate Lyoko Warrior, cerealkiller78, . , fujimora pantsu, .9 and lolmak. I especially thank the guest reviewers Guest, Son Goku, Cool, bluesapphire, random person for their reviews; it kept me going. When the sequel is published, it will be after the League of Assassins in the Red Hood and the Outlaws comic; it's really good. I also intended to finish this with the death of the Joker but I'll do it in the sequel. You will be able to find it in the crossover of Red Hood & Young Justice. Leave a review telling me how you liked or disliked this story. Until we meet again, readers.