Hi Guys, sorry this didn't go up like I planned it. The storm we had Sunday that knocked the power out and fried our wireless router and internet one too. So we had to buy both and had to wait for my husband's paycheck, as we only buy the good stuff, as my husband calls it. My husband just finished installing it.

I hope you all enjoy this and a next update will be either the 13th or 14th. This weekend I am working on my video for the Hobbit Fan Fellowship Contest. I am so excited about it! I have been able to get all the coins for it thanks to some great friends and family members, who signed up for twitter accounts just to help me with it, and don't know if it is just on my page or what, but shows I am rank #1! (so ya if you see it, my real name is Lisa not Rose) My video will take all day Sunday to film as I am doing it from several locations and want it to be creative and not just sit in front of a desk and film something. It is going to be so hard getting it to be under the two minutes! But that is the nature of the beast.

Enjoy this chapter and if anyone else is in the contest, good luck! I hope to see you in New Zealand!


Chapter 31

Elali was hiding in some bushes, trying his hardest not to laugh. Elrohir and Elladan were only a few feet away looking for him. He had taught the twin elves to play hide and seek. Currently he was hiding and they were seeking. The twins started off finding easy hiding places but soon realized that they were dealing with a great seeker and as well as a great hider.

"At least our tracking skills are improving," Elladan told his twin. "No orc stands a chance against now."

"And our hiding skills," Elrohir added. "You can come out now Elali, we give up!"

"Two mighty sons on Elrond and elfish warriors are giving up? This is history," Glorfindel said, stepping into the clearing. "You lost elfling is hiding in the bushes. If you look closely enough you will see there is a broken branch."

Elrohir smiled and dived into the bush and came out with a laughing Elali. Elrohir smiled. "I take back what I said. We win!"

"No, you don't. You cheated. Fin wasn't suppose to help you."

Glorfindel smiled. "That means I win."

"No, you helped them cheat."

Elladan stared at his brother and both of them nodded and started to tickle Elali mercilessly. Elali tried to escape but they kept a firm hold on him, the sky growing a little darker. "Give up and admit that we won!"

Elali refused and used his magic to send a little shock to them, which caused them to drop him. The elfling landed with on his feet and ran behind Glorfindel, who was not smiling anymore. "I am not a shield."

"I will make ada give you cookies if you help me."

"I will get ada to commission a new sword if you hand the child over," Elrohir said.

Glorfindel looked down at the wide eyed elfling and stepped aside and with great cruelty said, "I could use a new sword, he's all yours."

Elali stared wide eye at Glorfindel. This was the first time one of older elves didn't try to protect him or spoke to him so harshly. He turned to see the twins slowly walking towards him, but their faces had seemed change and it seemed to get very dark. He slowly backed up into the tree behind him, fear flooding him.

"Tell us little, Elali," Elrohir said, his voice hard and not at all playful. "Tell us that we won."

Elali wanted to run. "I think I am done playing."

"But were are not," Elladan sneered. "You need to be punished for shocking us and for taking our ada away from us."

Elali was growing confused. "I thought..Please don't."

"What, that we were happy to have you here? You were wrong. Who would ever want the nephew of King Thranduil living here. Elrond only puts up with you because he feels obligated too," Glorfindel said. "You are not wanted here in Rivendell. You are not a normal elf with your magic. You are a freak. Your muggle aunt and uncle knew it and the whole wizarding world knew it. You should have stayed there and let them kill you. Instead you came here and ruined our lives."

All three adult elves were coming towards him and he started to scream and fear filled him. He felt himself being shaken and heard his name being called, but it was like it was from a distanced. The fear was filling him and he just wanted to escape, and it was then he saw a light and heard music and he ran towards it.


Arwen had just finished talking with her father. She was walking past Elali room when she heard crying and a scream. She quickly opened the door to find Elali asleep on the bed, but looking as though he was in a nightmare. She hurried over to the bed and began to shake him, trying to get him to wake up. "Elali. Elali. Please wake up! Elali."

She was growing worried as the light shaking didn't work. "Please, Elali, ion, wake up," she said as a single tear fell from her eye and landed on his face. She started to sing to him and it was then that he started to calm down, so she kept singing and picked him up and into her arms.

Slowly Elali opened his eyes. The last thing he remembered was running away from the twins and Glorfindel. He felt safe and warm right now and could hear soft singing. He looked up and saw Arwen.

"I am so glad to see you awake. You were having a bad dream," Arwen told him softly. "Do you have them often?"

Elali's eyes widened. That was it was a bad dream. He remembered being in the woods with the twins playing hide and seek. He didn't remember coming back to his room. "How did I get here? I was playing with Elrohir and Elladan."

"Perhaps you feel asleep," Arwen said, knowing that every so often Elali would be doing something and then he would be sound asleep. "And they brought you here. Can you tell me what happened?"

Elali looked at Arwen, judging her, after a few minutes he spoke. "I was playing hide and seek with the twins and was hiding in a bush. They were looking and looking and couldn't find me because I am a good hider. Fin came and told them where I was hiding and we were talking about who was the winner and I called them cheaters for working together. The twins started to tickle me and I used my magic and then they said…they said.."

Elali started to cry and Arwen held him closer. She started to sing softly, hoping that it would bring the elfling comfort. Elali leaned into her. "They all said I was a freak and didn't belong in Rivendell and that I was taken their ada away from them. Everything was dark and scary. Then I heard someone say my name and heard music and a light appeared. Then I woke up."

"Elali," Arwen said putting her hand gently under his chin. "We all love you, very much. You had a bad dream and Elrohir, Elladan, Glorfindel, love you very much. Ada loves you. My brothers and I are more than happy to share our home and our family with you. You are not a freak but a very special elfling that we have the privilege to care for. How long have you had these dreams?"

Elali looked down at his hands. These types of dreams had been plaguing him for weeks. "Since I left the healing wing."

Arwen kissed Elali head. "You are not alone, Elali. You have been through so much pain. You do not have to fear that we will leave you for elves love children and will always take care of them."


"Before you and your sister were born, I was the youngest Elf. We rarely have children."

"That's sad."

"Yes it is. That is why we all love you and want to protect you. It is why we all want you to live with us. We all want the joy that an elfling brings."

Elali smiled and leaned back into Arwen. "I'm tired."

"Then you should go back to sleep. Dinner is not for another few hours."

"Will you sing to me and stay?"

"Always," Arwen said and began to sing again. Elali felt his eye's falling again. He wondered if this is what it felt like to have a mother, but didn't realize he had said it aloud, causing Arwen to smile with joy.


Legolas left his father's rooms. He was reeling with all the information he had just received. He had never considered marriage and there were a few maidens that had caught his eye, like the maiden that the captain of the guard was training to be his replacement, but he had never look at them seriously. He did not know much about Arwen, the one he would marry in a year's time. They had a pleasant walk the other day and she was the most beautifully elf he had ever seen and they were similar in age. He father never though anyone was good enough for him.

"O' look, Elrohir," Elladan said. "It the prince of the forest!"

Legolas turned to see Lord Elrond's sons, his soon to be brother in laws. "Elrohir, Elladan, are you not suppose to be watching Elali?"

"We were playing a very interesting game in the woods. Hide and seek," Elrohir said.

"It turns out we are not very good seekers."

"But Elali is a very good hider."

"He got so bored waiting for us to find him."

"That he fell asleep."

"We tried to wake him up."

"But couldn't."

"So we carried him back here."

"And he is sleeping in his room."

"Thank you for the information," Legolas said. "I shall see if I have any better luck. It is almost dinner time and he shouldn't miss a meal. He is so thin."

Both twins perked up at the mention of dinner and made their way to the dining hall while Legolas made his way to Elali's room. He paused at the door and his breath caught. Arwen and Elali were curled up together on the bed, Arwen had her eyes closed, but she was humming and glowing. Elali had a look of pure peace on his face. He quietly went into the room. "Lady Arwen."

Arwen opened her eyes. "Prince Legolas."

"Call me Legolas, milady. It is your right to do so."

"Then you must call me Arwen."

"It is almost dinner time. Have you said anything to Elali?"

"No. I was walking past his room and he was having a bad dream. I came in and comforted him and he asked me to stay. I shall wake him."

"What was his dream about?"

Arwen look down at the elfling and switched to the common tongue to explain the dream to Legolas and what she had told him.

"I just saw the twins. They found him asleep and couldn't wake him up," Legolas told her. "Elali, it is time to wake up."

Elali slowly woke up and smiled when he saw Legolas. "Lego."

"Are you hungry?"

The elfling rubbed his eyes and nodded. "Then we shall get you ready for dinner."

Arwen and Legolas worked together to comb Elali's hair. "Arwen?"

"Yes, Elali."

"Can you braid my hair like Lego's?"

Arwen smiled and quickly braided Elali's hair, while Legolas watched on amused. Soon the elfling was ready and the three of them walked together towards the dining hall.

***End of Chapter***