Urahara jumped out of his truck and walked upon the familiar sight.

"Hey look over there!" Yoruichi pointed to a small cub. "He's so cute."

Yoruichi walked over to him and called him over. The little cub was white and not very old.

"Where are his parents?"

"Dead?" Yoruichi put her hand out and the cub hissed at her.

"Seems to know who not to trust." Urahara sighed.

The jungle began to become very quiet. The only sound was the rustling of the large leaves in the breeze. The cub sat back and stopped hissing. Yoruichi still called to him but he wasn't paying any attention to her. Urahara looked around missing the brown eyes looking down in them. An orange tail hit them both on the back on their heads. They turned to see what it was but when they saw nothing they looked back to see the cub was gone.

"Where did he go?" Yoruichi looked around for the cub.

"I think I know."

Urahara walked over to the ledge he had once stood on many years ago. He watched as an orange tiger that was once his pet scowl the small white cub. He smiled widely when the rare blue panther that he had once tried to make his own walk over with two others behind him. One was orange like their mom the other was blue. Three other cubs ran out of the cave his pet had disappeared into a long time ago. One cub was a dark orange, another was dark blue and the last one was a mix of light blues and oranges.

"He has quite the family." Yoruichi smiled and place a hand on her stomach.


Ichigo smacked one of his youngest cubs.



"What now?" Grimmjow came over with Gin and Shinji tow of their oldest cubs.

"Shiro was interacting with humans again." Ichigo growled. "One day he's going to get hurt."

"You're too protective." Grimmjow laughed.

Their first litter only had two cubs. Gin being the oldest had light blue fur like his father with blue eyes, and Shinji being the younger one had light orange fur like their mother with brown eyes. Shiro was one of their cubs from their recent litters. This time there were four, Karin being the oldest had dark blue fur and took after her father with her stubbornness with brown eyes, Yuzu had dark orange fur and took after their mother with gold eyes, Shiro was next with his pure white fur and bright yellow eyes, and Kon who was their youngest had very light blue fur with little orange highlights and brown eyes.

Grimmjow pulled Ichigo close to him and kissed him on the head. Grimmjow looked up and locked eyes with the two humans that were once he enemy. Both smiled down on them and their small family. Grimmjow smirked.

"Maybe the humans weren't that bad."

Ichigo growled and went off on a rant and Grimmjow chuckled. Looking at the two the blond man mouthed some words before leaving and Grimmjow nodded in return.


"You sure you want to leave? We might never get the chance to come back."

"Yes he's happy here and has a new home. I don't want to take him away from that plus I don't think we have enough room for two fully grown large cats, two teens, and four cubs that still have to grow still."

"True but it is still nice seeing that he's doing so well-"

Urahara held onto Yoruichi's hand as they walked away and back to their trucks. He smiled and thought back to what he said. Not only did it go both ways for him but the panther as well.

"Thank you"