Hey guys this just came into my head I update on my others stories soon Promise. Hope you like it!

Disclaimer:I don't own Kung Fu Panda


"He has anyone seen Tigress?" Po said as he walked into the kitchen.

"No actually no one has seen her all day." Crane answered

"Maybe Master Shifu knows where she is" Monkey suggested

"Good Idea lets go and ask" Viper agreed and with that hey headed to look for Shifu.

"Ah! Nothing but relaxation today" Shifu said

"Master Shifu!"Po yelled as they ran in.

"Ug!What now?!" Shifu said annoyed.

"Uh.. Do you know where Tigress is we haven't seen her all day?"Po asked.

"What?!Tigress is missing?"Shifu asked.

"Yeah we were hoping you knew where she is?"Viper told him.

"Well I don't come on we have to go and find her!"Shifu said and they all headed off to find her.

"Ug!Huh?"Tigress woke up not knowing were she was "Where am I?"

"Oh! You're finally awayde Tigress. I was wondering when you'll awake. Welcome to my cave" A voice said.

"I know that voice, but you died a few years ago."Tigress said.

"Oh!Tigress, Tigress, Tigress when will you understand that flabby panda's silly hold ONLY trnsports people to a different location"

"Tia Lung!" Tigress realized.

"Ding, Ding, Ding, you figure it out. I've waited years to finally get my revenge" Tia lung said with an evil grin.

"What do you want with me?"She asked.

"I wnat nothing with you, I need the flabby panda. You see I know he truly cares for you more than a friend."He answered.

"He doesn't care for me like that. He never will"tigress told him trying not to sound disappinted.

"Aww!How cute. You like him like that as well. You see I've been keeping a close eye on you guys and I've seen the look in his eyes that he truly cares for you."He stated.

"How would you know?You're not in his mind!"Tigress said.

"Oh! I don't need to be in his mind. I could see it like I told you. He's been trying to tell you for years but doesn't have the courage till now"Tai lung said.

"That doesn't prove anything!"She shouted.

"What that Po cares for you, sure it does, take a look"he said and openned up a bot but nothing was in it he trapped her again and it put her back to sleep.

"We've looked for her everywhere!"Viper said.

"Even the training hall"Mantis said. Po let out a big sigh of disappointment."We're going to find her buddy don't worry"Mantis assured jumping on Po's back.

"I just hope she's ok"Po said."Hey whats that?"Po asked as he saw a note on the table. Viper read it and got worried."What?!"Po asked. She handed him the note he re-read it and ran out the palace after a while more of reading it, it read:

Dear Dragon Warrior,

If you want your precious Tigress back come alone to the valley of peace's only mountains if anyone and I mean ANYONE comes along with you she well suffer a great death right before your eyes. Don't even think about making a surprise attack! Because my sences are better than befores you won't defeat me with you 'Wuxi Finger' hold this time I can sence you from a mile away.(A/N:Sorry i'm not good with threats)

-An old enemy

Well there you hoped you liked it I'll update as soon as I can. Please Review it makes my day!