Ohio minna san! I am here with my first multi-chaptered Fairy Tail fic. There aren't much horror fics so I decided to write one. Hope you like this chapter; prologue to be precise. Do review and tell me if it is any good.

Disclaimer: I am probably not the gr8 Hiro-sensei. So, I no own. Nahii !


He was running.

He was becoming desperate to get out of this forest. Moonlight shone through the trees, green moonlight. Leaves were being crushed under his overexerted feet. He was so exhausted that even his bangs were sweaty. He didn't have any energy left. But he had to keep on running.

He just could not stop.

He just could not give up.

Because if he did...

A maniacal laughter echoed through the forest. His heartbeat became faster, and breathing unsteady. He forced his feet to move even faster.

The dark mist started to creep towards him. He feared this eerie darkness. But that didn't stop him because it wasn't an option. He didn't even dare to turn around even if he knew he was being followed.

He couldn't stand those green glowing irises.

It was either to run or to get trapped in this place. With that freak.

Darkness kept creeping closer from his sides, but he kept running forward, even if his feet screamed to stop. The forest was becoming thinner, and he could feel the familiar warmth around him. He could see his light among the darkness. He could finally see his nakama.

But... he tripped. He tried to get up but he couldn't. He had twisted his ankle. And as he watched, his only source of light was once again covered by darkness.

"Bad boy. Trying to run off again, huh?"

His breath hitched. He couldn't breathe properly anymore. Reluctantly, he turned around to meet those green irises. He was frozen in place. These eyes freaked him. They would dig out the darkness buried deep inside him. They would torture him.

And he was so mesmerised in the illusions created by these eyes that he could notice anything else. He didn't notice the wicked greenish gleam of the sword in his hand.

The sword that pierced right through his heart.

Maniacal laughter echoed through his newfound darkness.

He didn't want this to happen. He didn't want to be consumed by those irises. He doesn't want to be trapped in this darkness.

He doesn't want to be trapped in his own mind.


Tasukete is a Japanese word, which means 'Help me!' (Thanx Rhov-san!)

Hope you enjoyed. Please review minna and tell me if you could guess the character(s). And do tell me if I should continue. Review!