Hey guys! I know I've been kinda slacking on my other story but I'm kinda having a writers block. I've had this idea for so long I thought it was about time i uploaded it. Read and Review~

Je t'adore

Chapter 1 :

Have you ever felt out of place? Have you ever felt alone? Or maybe misunderstood?

I was born different. While most girls had a vagina I was given a 7" inch penis. Its not that bad, I don't hate it but others seem to.

They will hate anything they can't understand.

My mother always told me that I was special and that I should be proud of who I am.

I always keep that in mind.

This is one of the main reasons I accepted this Scholarship. To get away from this retched place called Forks.

Not only does the weather suck but the people are a whole other breed on their own.

I think of them as monsters that are looking for something or someone to relieve their stress on.

I cant tell you how many times my mom had to pick me up from the school office because an 'accident' occurred involving someone's fist connecting with my face.

So I was forced to keep to myself at all times and try not to get in anyone's way.

I found comfort in art; I could express myself without reprimand from others.

I found something so intriguing about the female body, like it was the most beautiful and sensual thing on earth.

In Forks, no one understood this.

Most of the kid's would laugh and say I was the shemale who liked to draw porn.

Once this guy name Mike knocked my stuff over my desk on purpose sending my sketchbook crashing to the ground all of my papers flying everywhere. The teacher picked it up and took one look. Next thing you know I was in the principal's office.

My art Teacher Ms. Hughes always told me I had a gift. She was the only one who slightly understood me.

Call me a teacher's pet but she was my only friend.

She told me that there was a Scholarship offer to an Art University in France named 'Aix-Marseille University' I thought It was impossible for me to make it, I was sure there were others who were better than me.

One day I got the Mail and saw a letter under my name.

'Weird?' I thought.

I looked to see who it was from it clearly stated 'Aix-Marseille University'' I was sure this was a rejection letter but boy was I wrong.

It was an acceptance letter..I remember running inside to my mom and hugging her.

She was so lost until I handed her the letter she took a quick glimpse and smiled.

Then she started crying and congratulated me. It was one of the happiest moments of my life.

Now, I have only lived France for few months and so far I'm loving it.

The Scenery is beautiful and the people are a lot like myself…people who keep to themselves.

My university A.M.U was as nice as advertised in the brochure.

Nothing but Historical buildings and lots of country land its fucking great.

I've got no friends here and I barely speak French but understand it quite well, I guess some things never change.

My art classes are pretty interesting here, they make us learn about the history of art and then we are assigned to make a piece inspired by the lesson.

So, as we speak I'm on my way to an art museum for some inspiration it's just a short walk away from my dorm here in the University.

The building is quite old, It goes back hundreds of years the outside remains the same while the inside had been remodeled not too long after my arrival.

I walked across the marble flooring with my messenger bag slung over my left shoulder and my sketchpad in the other.

I made my way to the concentration room; I found a piece with a woman's torso turning into a violin.

It was absolutely stunning. I quickly jotted down some ideas.

I was disturbed by the sound of many footsteps echoing across the floor.

It was a group of people who seemed way older than myself and they were mostly men.

They had glasses of wine and were viewing one of the Historical pieces that the founder of the University made when he was still alive.

Out of all these old men was a beautiful woman.. She was about 5"2 and had very pale white skin. Her hair was black, short, and had spikes sticking out in all directions.

She stood out like a sore thumb amongst these old coots.

She wore a khaki tight pencil skirt and a loose black blouse with flowers all over them. She had lots of bracelets with all sorts of gems on them. This goddess wore black pumps and bright red lipstick.

She was absolutely beautiful.

I saw her smile towards her 'co-workers'; I think I forgot to breathe.

Holy shit, that smile is too perfect.

I felt like I was staring at her for hours before her glance found my ones.

It lasted a brief second before her eyes went back to some old guy who started talking to her.

She brought the wine glass up to her lips and sipped some of her wine.

I felt my jeans become tighter with lust.

Who is this lady?!

To be continued….