^^ Today...Today is a happy day. Lol Finally the new chapter is uploaded~~~ So yeah. This is 'It's Not Just A School... It's A Spy School', I just changed the name to 'New Life'. xD It made sense with the story, instead of that big ass title.
I hope you like the re-write ~
WARNING: I might write in some spoilers in my story along the way. IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE BOOKS, BE WARNED!
Disclaimer: I do not own any Ally Carter's books.
-Special thanks to my Beta: Jommie Obsessed Zammie Lover
-Please enjoy,
Mayonaka Kurohyo-Chan
Emerald eyes watched as people talked, cried, and laughed. Those emerald eyes belonged to a young girl. She had dark blond hair and purple highlights; she wore casual clothing. The most casual that you could get, which just happened to be a blue button-up shirt and dark jeans.
She blended in nicely with the rest of the people. If you just happened to glance around the café, you wouldn't notice her. But if you looked intently, you would only see a young girl in her late teens. would see her every day, at the same hour. Just sitting in that small window, watching people go by. She went by the name of Cameron Becker.
She wore a small smile on her lips as if she was having fun. In reality? She was. It was her hobby… she liked to figure puzzles out.
Right now, she watched a young girl. The young girl looked to be around 16 years old, but she acted as if she was older.
She wore a suit. One of those that you used in an office, of course. As if you didn't know. She wore her hair up in a donut, like a secretary. She wore heels so high up, you'd be mistaken about her height.
Cameron chuckled lightly to herself as he watched the girl strut her way across the mall. But then, she frowned. Cameron was puzzled for once in her life. She recognized this girl.
"This girl was wearing jeans, just now." Cameron mumbled to herself. Her spine was slightly hunched over as she leaned her chin unto her hand. Her eyes were wide with curiosity.
She watched the girl look over her shoulder, in what seemed paranoia.
"Is she… A fugitive?" Cameron watched, alert. The girl was, now, looking into her phone. Obviously looking over her shoulders. Cameron noted how her eyes were focused. So focused that if a fly flew by, the girl will be able to catch it. Those eyes were cold…but also afraid.
Cameron watched with such intent, that the girl must have felt it. The girl's head snapped towards her direction as if by magnet. Cameron found herself lowering her head and just watching the girl's expression through her half-lidded eyes.
"That's definitely the same girl." She mumbled to herself, and then widened her eyes as the girl walked her direction. "This… cannot be happening."
If there's something that you should know about Cameron… It was how introverted she was. It wasn't like she didn't know how to talk... that she didn't like having attention here and there. It's just that she…mostly didn't want it. She didn't like talking to people... Especially strangers. She didn't like getting out of her comfort zone. But now…this girl was walking towards her direction. A stranger.
Cameron panicked. She picked up her things, and shoved them into her bag. She left a tip, and made her way out of the café. She told herself that the girl would be slow on her way over. She was, after all, wearing pretty high heels.
She walked swiftly into the crowd, where everyone hurried their way out. She looked at her right side and watched the people from the mirror of a store. She scanned the crowd around her, and saw the girl heading directly towards her. Not towards the café. Towards her.
Cameron winced. So it wasn't a coincidence.
"How annoying." She mumbled to herself, it was obvious she didn't want to talk to anyone. "Though... Maybe I should stop and apologize for outright staring at her. It was pretty rude…" Cameron glanced at the mirror again but shook her head. "No… Not today." She took a better hold of her messenger bag and kept her walk steady and smooth.
If it was one thing that Cameron knew, it was how to hide. She knew how to disappear just at the blink of an eye. In a second. Or a split of one. She knew how to act normal, even if inside she felt horrible. Like right now.
She moved behind a group of teenage guys, who didn't seem to notice her or just didn't care. She nodded to herself. 'Maybe now, I'll lose her.'
"Hey." One of the guys seemed to finally notice her, but she paid him no heed. Her focus was on the girl just a few feet away.
She sighed deeply. The girl seemed like she was lost. Cameron did a little victory dance in her head and then finally noticed the boy in front of her.
She flushed. "Come again?"
The boy gave a smile that made her swoon. Mentally, of course.
"I said 'Hey'." He held out his hand. "I'm Zack. With a 'CK'." He chuckled to himself, while Cameron furrowed her eyebrows.
"You're lying." She pointed out, as she glanced over his shoulder. The girl was gone. Heading the opposite way of where Cameron was.
The boy hummed. "How did you know?" He turned to look over his shoulder. "It didn't seem to me that you were paying much attention."
Cameron gave a small smile. "It's not that hard to tell." Now that she looked at him, he was pretty cute. Tall too. But then she shook her head. Inwardly, of course. 'Now's not the time for that.'
"My name's Zachary." He took her hand and shook it softly. "With a CH."
This time, she wasn't paying any attention to his face, but rather his hands. 'So warm.' She stared at the curve of his hands. Matching perfectly with hers.
"Hey... Is someone there?" She heard him say, though it sounded far away. Perhaps she was dreaming?
Glancing at him from beneath her bangs, she blushed.
"Yeah, sorry." She took her hands out of his; already missing the heat. "You can call me Cammie."
"As in, Cameron?" Zach asked her, he seemed amused by her reaction.
"Yeah." Cameron gripped her messenger bag, slightly harder than intended. Her heart pulsing so fast, she swore he probably heard it. "I have to go now… Um… Zachary." She turned slightly away from him. "It was nice to meet you."
He smirked. "I have a feeling we'll meet again, you know." He leaned forward. Her eyes went wide.
He stopped a few inches from her lips, and then moved past towards her ear. "It was nice to meet you, Cameron." He kissed her cheek and moved back.
The world stopped for Cameron Becker. She asked herself. 'Has the world gone mad?'
Cameron unfroze herself and hurried her way down towards the exit of the mall; Her hands over her heart.
"W-w-what just happened?"
What happened… Was just the beginning of a new adventure.
Zachary watched as Cameron hurried her way down to the exit, like any other normal person. Like a civilian. Like someone who didn't belong in his world.
He narrowed his eyes and looked down at his hands. 'There's something about her…' Then he shook his head. "On with the mission…"
He looked up and his eyes instantly locked on his target. The girl, the one who was following Cameron, stood on her toes as she looked over the crowd.
He chuckled. "For someone who is supposed to be trying to hide away… She's making a spectacle of herself." The girl seemed to notice this, because she bit her lip and turned to walk away.
Zach followed her in his own way. Like a spy would. Which, of course, is what he is.
Zachary Goode belongs to a school called Blackthorne. People say it's for Exceptionally Talented Young Men. Some say it's for spies… Others ask themselves if they were assassins even.
Zach bit the side of his cheek and shook his head slightly. Now was not the time to think of such things. He was on a mission to tail a girl. This girl belonged to the Gallagher School. The opposite of them. The school for Exceptionally Talented Young Women. For spies, of course.
He had to smile at that. He swiftly walked across the mall and into a store. As he looked through the shirts, he always kept his target on the corner of his eye. He couldn't afford to lose her. It was, after all, a grade.
Once the girl entered the elevator, he moved away from the store and walked towards the elevator. He put his hand in the middle, just to keep the elevator door from closing. Giving the girl a sly smile, he made his way into a corner and made himself comfortable.
'This is too easy.' He thought as he watched her squirm under his stare.
It was silent for a while. Silent, all except for the elevator music and her uneven breathing.
"Are you claustrophobic?" He watched, amused, as her head snapped towards him. Her eyes flashed with anger, but then she muted her emotion and faked embarrassment.
"Oh my God! Yes... I can't stand these small places." The girl faked a shiver. "But I also couldn't just go walking up the stairs in these heels." She took a big breath, and extended her hand towards him.
He was curious to what she was about to do. To what her cover was. To what act she will put. She was… After all, a spy.
"My name is Liz Morgan." She hesitated as she smiled at him.
He shook her hand in response. "I am Maxwell Hammington." He shook it as firmly as any person could. "It is very nice to meet you." He stressed out the 'very', just to see her reaction.
She scrunched up her nose. "I suppose you're going to the same floor as I?" She looked at the buttons.
Zach nodded with a smirk barely there, but just enough to get on her nerves. 'Liz' shook slightly, but then calmed herself. The bell rang, telling them that the door was about to open.
He breathed. "Success."
The door opened to show Solomon. Their CoverOps Teacher.
"It seems you lost, Amulette." Solomon announced, in a slight monotone voice but then turned to me. His eyes sparkled with pride.
"And it seems you did an exceptional work, Zach."
Zach nodded as Solomon continued. "But it seems, both of you, were intent on meeting a girl."
Solomon looked over to Amulette as she frowned.
"She looked like Mom, Mr. Solomon. I had to go over to her. She looked…No…Watched… Observed me like I was an experiment. A puzzle."
Solomon looked thoughtful… slightly pale. "And you, Zach?"
Zach shrugged. "She looked like one of us, really. I watched how she lost Amulette. How she seemed so comfortable under the shades of the crowd. And I just thought that I'd like to meet her. I thought she was part of the mission or something."
"Did she say what her name was?" Solomon breathed in. His hands clenched themselves by his sides.
"She said her name was Cameron." Zach watched as Solomon's eyes widened and his jaw clenched.
"Who is she?" Amulette asked, curious.
"I can't say." Solomon shook his head. "Not yet, at least." He mumbled to himself, but it was loud enough for the two of them to hear.
"But you do have a suspicion?" Zach prodded further. He knew Mr. Solomon; and Mr. Solomon knew everything. Literally.
"She may… Or just may not be… Someone who was dear… To Headmaster Morgan and to me… Someone who we thought was dead long ago." Solomon looked up. "She may be Headmaster's REAL daughter."
Amulette looked stunned. "M-Mother had a daughter?"
Solomon nodded. "She is the real reason why she adopted you, Amulette. Because you looked…no, acted like her own daughter."
"What happened?" Amulette's voice was now quiet.
"When Cameron was 8 years old, she went on a mission with her parents." Solomon cleared his throat. "During the mission, they were ambushed. Rachel was knocked unconscious and when she woke up, she was at a hospital." Solomon looked down. As if he had something to do with the disappearing.
"What happened to the other two?" Zach, he had to admit, was interested in the story. He was interested in the details of the story. Like how long ago was this? Why had he only heard of it now? Who was this Cameron? Why was she able to go on a mission when she was only 8 years old?
"They disappeared." Solomon turned their backs on them. It was an obvious dismissal. "Now it's time for you guys to go back to the school."
Zach and Amulette headed towards their helicopter, but then Zach stopped.
"What are you going to do now?"
Solomon gave a small smile, with determination glistening in his eyes.
"I have something important to do."
Did you like it? Love it? Waiting anxiously for the next chapter? ^^ Let me find out. Review and fav~
- Kurohyo-Chan