Timey wimey alternate universe.

Summary- The doctor (David Tennant) has a new companion, Erin. Erin was 5'1 with blonde hair. Suddenly they crashed in a place, scratch that school that was full of something Erin had only seen and heard of by her parents or the movies. Yes you guessed it, vampires. But they're not the ones that sparkle in the sun; they're evil blood sucking vampires who hate hu- I mean breathers. Well all of them except maybe one, he's the chosen one, also known as Vladdy, Vladimir or just Vlad. But boy Erin is in for a shock when she finds out she's in love with not just the doctor but Vlad as well. Almost like a forbidden love story.

Chapter 1- Allons-y

The doctor and his new companion, Erin were in the TARDIS, travelling. Erin was trying to control the TARDIS. The thing with was even though she was small (5'1 to be exact) and she had blonde hair, she always reminded the doctor of two people, Donna for her feistiness and Rose for her blonde hair and she was very pretty.

Suddenly they crashed in a place, scratch that school that was full of something Erin had only seen and heard of by her parents or the movies. Yes you guessed it, vampires. But they're not the ones that sparkle in the sun; they're evil blood sucking vampires who hate hu- I mean breathers. Well all of them except maybe one, he's the chosen one, also known as Vladdy, Vladimir or just Vlad. But boy Erin is in for a shock when she finds out she's in love with not just the doctor but Vlad as well. Almost like a forbidden love story.

"Allons-y," The doctor said as they landed.

Anyway back with the story, they had landed, in a school, with a bunch of vampires, 'such fun' yes? Actually not really especially when they thought they all wanted to suck your blood and drain you dry, but there was one boy who was 17 and wanted vampires and humans or 'breathers' to live in peace. His name was Vlad or Vladimir or even (as his dad liked to call him) Vladdy! To other vampires (not including his sister or their servant though he did call everyone 'master' or 'mistress) he was known as the 'chosen one' something that would remind Erin of Harry Potter.

Ingrid on the other hand was minding her own business (filing her nails to be exact) when she suddenly heard a crash, she screamed.

Vlad suddenly saw a blue box in his room and was confused, before all of a sudden two people came out of the box, a tall brown haired man with a jacket (that went to his legs) and small blonde girl with normal clothes and a bob for hair. She's beautiful Vlad thought, as the two were arguing.

"How did we get here doctor?" Erin asked, the doctor looked around,

"The TARDIS landed us here it must have been important otherwise she wouldn't have landed here." The doctor replied stroking the TARDIS. What is this TARDIS and how can they both fit in there when it's small. Suddenly Erin's attention turned to the black haired boy in front of her, she smiled a bit and he smiled back.

"Sorry about landing here, his navigating is terrible." Erin was all of a sudden in a trance like she was hypnotised (but obviously she wasn't). The doctor looked at her shocked that she would say that.

"Eri…" he trailed off as he saw both of them look at each other like they were in love and they didn't even know each other. "I'm going to go into the TARDIS and go if you don't come with me." He said, Erin wasn't listening she was just staring at Vlad.

"Erin, my name is Erin." Erin said, holding out her hand for him to shake. Vlad smiled and took it.

"Vlad," He said, they gazed at each other.

"Oh come on Erin, what is up with you, it's like you're hypnotised." Erin and Vlad suddenly snapped out of it as they both shouted.

"WHAT?!" The doctor put his hands up in surrender.

"Sorry, I was just saying." He said, before Ingrid suddenly appeared,

"What the bats is going on here?" she asked. Erin jumped. "Who are you?" she asked Erin, and then looked at the doctor in disgust. "And who are you?"

"This is Erin and I'm the doctor."

"The doctor what kind of name is that?" Ingrid asked.

"He could say his name is John Smith but it's not so stick with the doctor alright?" Erin asked rolling her eyes, "let me guess, that's your sister?" Vlad nodded.

"How did you-" he got cut off by her.

"I have a brother who's really annoying." Erin shrugged.

"So how did you get here and what is that?" Ingrid asked, pointing to the TARDIS.

"It's called a TARDIS." Erin said. Ingrid looked confused.

"And what does that stand for?"

"Time And Relative Dimension In Space." Erin said, the doctor rolled his eyes.

"We crashed landed if you want to know how we got here." The doctor said. Ingrid nodded. "Honestly what is it with humans and asking questions?" The doctor asked himself as he knew what they were going to ask. "Go inside, it will fit you, you just may get a shock at first." Both Vlad and Ingrid looked at each other but didn't argue and went inside the TARDIS…

A/n: hope you enjoyed! I wanted to do something with YD and DW and thanks to Lupinelover I got the idea, anyway please R&R, follow and favourite and the next of friends with benefits should come out soon. Also quick question, do you want me to continue this, or should I not, I've sort of made it as if I was going to continue because I was but I could always just leave it on hold, anyway I'll see you later!