Thanks for the well wishes. I'm finally better and ready to finish this story. Sorry for the delay.

This is a short chapter, I just wanted to write something before I went to bed.

Chapter 7-

Do you know fear?

The kind of fear that makes your blood turn cold and paralyze your body?

Taysia was well acquainted with that fear especially since Loki had barged into her life and taken over control. Once again it overwhelmed her and she sat there motionless, unable to move or speak. She dared herself to look into his eyes, his burning green eyes, and stared into them for what seemed like an eternity before two strong hands gripped her arm and threw her into her room before slamming the door shut.

Time seemed to pass so slowly for it felt like another eternity before she became conscious of her surroundings and could breathe. She could no longer hear Loki or what was going on in her living room. She could only hear the faint sounds of the world outside her apartment. She knew there were people out there living their lives free of being held captive by a megalomaniac, but not for long. If only they knew of what would lie ahead for them if Loki were to succeed in his dream of taking over. If only they knew the fear.

What's worse is that she was starting to pity Loki and even allowed herself to become enraptured in a fantasy with the person who caused her so much torment.

"What's wrong with me?" she thought as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Am I so lonely that I would begin to feel something for Loki after all he's done to me?"

and with that thought she realized that she had been lonely, painfully lonely. She didn't have close friends and she didn't talk to her family anymore. She went through life completely numb, simply existing. She hadn't realized it until before now just how pathetic her life really seemed…or maybe she had and just pushed it to the back of her mind while she remained hopeful of better days. There wasn't going to be better days. There was no more hope. Loki would never let her go with all that she knew now, he would kill her first he made that clear several times. Well, maybe she wouldn't give him that satisfaction as she quietly stood to her feet and walked to her nightstand…