I apologize that it took me so long to update. It was a busy two weeks for me.



Guest: There will be Fiolee in here as well, calm down.


DISCLAIMER: Flame Princess?
FP: Hai.
Ari: Hai. Would you mind doing a disclaimer for me?
FP: Yes. But I will do it anyways. Aripeace doesn't own Adventure Time, Pendelton Ward and Natasha Allegri own Adventure Time, and they have all the rights and whatnot.
Ari: Thank you.

Don't forget to review! They always touch my heartguts.

I love my brother Flame Prince. I really do. It is not that love that the married share, but a family love, as if he said something, I would do it for him. He has really been the only one there that cares for me. Even when my mother and father were still alive, I felt that Flame Prince took care of me better than they could.

And I worry for him. I did not and do not want Flame Prince to ever leave me. Even if we are immortal, that does not mean we are invincible. He could burn out if there is too much wind, or if he falls in a lake . . .

Do you mind if I get off topic? I would like to speak to you about immortality. It is a thing that Death offers you when you die. Only some take it. There are consequences to being immortal.

First of all, you are reborn as someone else.

Second, your death is three times as likely as before.

Third, you get to see how your future slowly becomes worse and worse.

Anyways, I am sorry that I felt I had to talk about that. i just needed to get that off of my chest.

For the couple days that Flame Prince left to go on his mission, I wished I could have gone with him. When he came home, I was so happy. There was a knock at the front doors and someone came inside.

Then I recognized his voice. "Flame Princess, sister, where are you? I have come home!" I immediately ran towards the entrance to the castle, wanting to see my brother again.

"Flame Prince! You are here!" I cried, jumping down 3 stories to the entrance.

We hugged. Most people know that little sisters and big brothers do not get along, but it is the opposite with the Flame royalty.

. . .

"Gumball, you're home!" Bonnibel grinned, hugging me. Our uncle, Peppermint was also there.

Peppermint was the secretive man. When he leaves, I don't know where he goes. He says that he is friends with death, but I think that's only because he has almost died a couple of times and fate has been in his favor.

My father told him to take care of us on his deathbed. Perhaps it was his final wish to have him keep us safe.

Uncle Peppermint may not be the most normal or trustworthy man, but I know that he can and will do all in his power to keep my sister and I safe.

"Did the shop overrun with kids on the weekend?" I asked.

Bonnie smiled and moved the crown on top of her head back to the center, as it had moved slightly sideways when she ran to hug me. "As it always does Gumball. Kids are crazy!"

"Oh yes," she added, "And I also created a new sweet serum in the lab! Now when we inject our candy with sweetness, it will be even sweeter than before!"

I am proud of my sister. She has worked so hard to make this candy shop the best in all the lands. Sometimes Bonnie is in the lab for weeks, searching for even more appetizing tastes for our sweets. I have to say that there are times that I worry about her well-being. Her biggest smiles happen when kids come running to our shop and they have their day brightened by our candy.

"Uh, hello?" someone looked into the shop. "Oh, hey Peppermint! Haven't seen you in a while! Where you been?" the voice continued.

Peppermint answered with his shaky voice, "Heheh, the usual, you know, just out and about, doing important business. And how has the father been Marceline?"

The dark mage laughed. "Uncaring, the usual. Uh, Gumball, you got some candy? The bag is running low." Marceline handed a white bag to me. "Just fill it up to the top with your best alright?"

I nodded and handed the bag to Bonnie, who immediately filled the bag with at least 2 pounds of lollipops, gumballs, chocolate and a couple bags of sugary powder.

She threw the bag to me, and I caught it, handing it back to the queen of the Nightosphere.

"Woo! Record time!" Bonnie clapped, and the two of us high-fived.

Marceline stared/squinted at us strangely, before backing/floating away slowly.

"Did we freak her out?" I turned back to my sister.

She shook her head. "Nah."

. . .

The young boy clung on to his mother's capes. "Mother, please let me stay and fight! I can't leave you!"

The mother of the child looked back, fear in her eyes as she clutched her sword. "No. You must go, now! The Time Portal will close in a matter of minutes! Go!" A masked man approached them with a broad axe in his hand. "Now!" she screamed, and she brought down her sword upon the man, defeating him.

Tears trailed down the boy's face as he looked at his mother. "Ma, I don't want to go."

The woman turned, and bent down, so both their faces were level. "I love you. But for once in your life, just listen to me. It's not safe here. You must go back to the past to prevent this from ever happening."

The battle still crashed around them, but it was as if their were in their own world. The mother smiled, taking out a small white hat from her pocket. "I made this for you," she placed the hat around his head and kissed his forehead.

Suddenly, the woman's face saddened, as she looked down and saw a sword plunged into her chest.

"Ma!" the boy cried.

"Go," she gasped, blood seeping down her body. "I love you Finn."

The boy ran away as he saw the murderer's eyes look upon him. I got to get to the Portal, he thought, running through the fighting, swords clashing, horses falling, dead bodies littering the ground.

The Time Portal loomed over him, 50 feet in the air. How am I going to get up there?

Something picked him up, and he looked down on the long rainicorn. "Thank you Lady." he whispered, before jumping off her back.

He sucked in a breath before going through the Portal, and landed in a clearing, 20 years before the battle that had killed his mother ever happened.

Vote for which dude you want Fionna to fall in love with on my profile! The couple that wins will, well, win I guess...