Yukiko awoke laying on the ground to sea of blue tiles and endless fog, her entire body ached "where am I?" She pushed her self from the ground and looked at her surroundings. There was nothing around her, just endless fog..she struggled to remember how she had gotten here...the last thing she could remember was she was running towards Yu as he was being..."no..." She said quietly she felt her emotions rising up "no this can't be happening!.. Where is he!?" Her legs moved regardless of the pain "YU!" She yelled panic taking over. She didn't know where she was going, her thoughts were running wild Please no...her running quickened as her fears began to consume her WHERE IS-
She froze in horror as she saw the shape of a young man laying on the ground. "it can't be..." she whimpered quietly as she ran over to the figure his body looked beaten. His silver hair was covering his face from her view with his weapon still clasped in hand.
"NO!" She let out a cry running to him "no... no... no" her body gave out under her falling to her knees "this can't happen..." her voice came out quiet and desperate. There was a sick feeling in her stomach that made its way to her emotions. She felt tears began to fill her eyes "no... You can't! You can't leave me! After everything we have been through!" She lost control as her sobs became harder her vision was blurring from the tears as she grabbed the back of his shirt gripping harder with each sob "p-please..." She wept "stay with me...don't leave me now...please stay...you promised..."
Chapter 1 If home is where heart is, then why does my heart feel uneasy wherever I go?
In a small modest home located within Kyoto a young silver haired teen lay on his futon, a troubled look on his face. This teen-Yu Narukami-sighed as he lay staring at his ceiling. Realizing that his time he had spent in Kyoto was ending just as quickly as it seemingly had begun. He closed his eyes, replaying the conversation he had just had with his parents in his head, annoyance bristled within him.
"When will you be leaving..." Yu quietly asked his parent after being asked to come out to their room, something that only happened when they didn't feel he was meeting their expectations or something was changing.
"In about a month" his father answered in a way that said "don't argue" as usual, yet neither of his parents had even stopped packing their things to talk to him face to face. Of course it's the latter, considering I'm top class right now-just as they expect.
"Where exactly are you going?" He responded standing casually with his arms folded leaning against the wall, though he noticed his father give a look letting him know he had spoke out of place. Even now, I still can't even speak my mind.
"Your father will be going to America, while I will be going to Tokyo" His mother replied unsympathetically, though he was used to her lack of emotions it still hurt a little. However he brushed off quickly restraining the sigh that wanted to creep out, knowing it would turn into an argument. As he let the words sink in, he tried to control the disappointment and bitterness that was leaking into him
"I see... And where am I going in all this?" Nothing about this was surprising, in fact he had prepared for and expected this very thing. He just hadn't known when..still it didn't make it any less frustrating.
"We have already spoken with your uncle, who has agreed to allow you in his home while we are gone" His mother replied almost distantly as she packed some clothes for a weekend business trip, as if she didn't want anyone to say the words "you should be with your son" It's not like he would, he'd given up on that...it's not like they really ever had any way.
"We will be gone at least a year, so you can expect to spend the school year there." His father added as he packed his suit case across the room.
Shaking his head he turned over in his bed. "Inaba huh?" He said quietly. He had spent some time there as a child, however the memories were cloudy and vague. Not too surprising how young he had been, he knew he'd met his Uncle there but he was sure he had changed by now. His thoughts turned towards his school year at his current school, he had been able to make multiple friends in his time here yet he didn't have any close friends, a product really of his own doing. He had expected to leave sooner then later. His parents constant talk of their business endeavors made him all the more weary to settle in. Once again he had been correct in his assumptions, so it had proven beneficial and would be easier to leave since he hadn't really opened up with anyone. Still... He was going to miss the people he had met, as a small part of him just wished he could stay somewhere for once and be a normal guy with his family. He shook his head tried to shove the thoughts out. "No use complaining now, I just have to move on..." he said softly shook his head to get the thoughts out once more. Attempting to sleep he closed his eyes, preparing for the day of telling everyone he would be leaving.
But in the very place he was going, was someone who yearned for the opposite. After a busy day of cleaning and taking care of guests, Yukiko Amagi, a young second year flopped down on her futon her long black hair cascading around her. She placed her arm over her eyes, trying to drown out the busy day and day ahead. Her seemingly only sanctuary from the work that existed the second she would leave her room.
"I really wish I could just leave..." she mumbled bitterly clenching her hands. Her parents owned and ran the well known Amagi-Inn. With that however everyone expected her one day take over the said inn. But she was tired of all the pressure, she just wanted to be a normal girl without the overhead of an entire inn and a family name that she carried. She had often silently wished some one would come and save her from this life ... But as those thoughts would come she would quickly shoved them down as she always had "Regardless I have a duty" She would tell her self, hoping to ease her own frustration. It proved fruitless and only made her feelings fester more inside, she didn't know how much she could take of giving up her life for the inn. The recent events with the reporter had caused their inn the be even more busy and hectic. The stress was getting to her and she wished she could just go to school and hang out with friends. At times she had to skip school to help at home, which caused her to be aloof in a sense from the social aspects of school leaving her with essentially one close friend a very few acquaintance. Nothing changed because her parents weren't worried about her academics since she was basically the top of her class. To her however, she didn't like that her academic ability made them comfortable with her missing school. It was always at the back of her mind-after school she'd have to go home to work instead of just home, unfortunately it never felt like the latter.
Forcing her self to focus on the tasks of tomorrow and the day of school that approached she closed her eyes ignoring her true feelings that wanted to boil over. She told her self not to make a big deal about it.
Maybe from the outside it didn't seem like a big deal, but their feelings were real and never spoken to any one else. For both of them, their feelings were deep and well rooted. Indeed, alone they would never overcome them.
Neither of them knew, of the great challenges that Lay in store for both of them in the coming months.
Time passed quickly for them both. Going about their respective lives, one tired of change while the other tired of being the same. To some it would see they both did little in their lives to change their problems, that they were a little too afraid, and let a sense of "duty" cloud the very thing that was just in front of them.
Then again, some times it takes the right person and timing for you to really heal but sometimes .
Whilst their feelings were legitimate neither expected that in the coming months..and year they would be broken and shattered apart to be replaced by something wonderful. However fate has an interesting way of making change happen, sometimes in the most painful way.
In Inaba, Yukiko sat in her class and glanced out the window as the bell began to ring. She overheard two students talking "did you hear? There is a new student transferring here from Kyoto!"
"Oh man! Poor soul, coming to this small town.. Wait how did you hear this already?"
"Oh! I overheard the principle talking to Mr. Morooka."
"A transfer student huh..." Yukiko mused to her self how lucky ... she was envious, the prospect to go some where new was all too enticing to her, or maybe just to leave was what really called her.
"Yukiko? Hello! You in there?" A familiar voice snapped her back to reality, she looked over at the her short haired friend clad in green.
"O-oh! Hi Chie." She quickly responded pulled from her daze.
"You okay there? You looked pretty spaced out..." Chie observed cocking her head slightly.
"Mmmm Hmmm" she nodded her head "I'm Okay. Just a little tired I guess."
"You wanna walk home together?" Chie asked with slight concern. "Maybe get something to eat?" She knew when her friend was down which helped Yukiko feel a little better.
"Ah...I'd love to, but I actually have to update the notice board today..." She said apologetically.
"Ah" Chie frowned "well I guess ill see you tomorrow OK?"
She smiled at Chie "yes, I'll see you tomorrow."
Chie grabbed her things to head home."bye!" She gave a quick wave before leaving the classroom.
Yukiko took a breath as the classroom was much quieter now, with most of the class having left at the sound of the bell. She had to admit she was a little curious though about the transfer student. She wanted to hear what it was like some where other than here. She sighed and stood up grabbing her things knowing she couldn't stay here all day. She felt a little bad that she hadn't really talked to Chie very much, she wasn't sure why the work at the inn was bothering her so much. She had always had Chie around to help her out, but she was tired of feeling restricted to a certain lifestyle. She loved Chie and she was grateful to have her as a friend but..she needed something different.
She walked slowly out of the class room and made her way down the stairs. She had met Chie when Yukiko tried to run away from home as a little girl because her parents wouldn't let her keep a puppy she had found that day.. And since then they had been best friends. Chie never seemed to leave her side, and she was thankful for her. But it just wasn't the same anymore though she couldn't quite place what it was that was missing.
She noticed that there was no need to update anything on the board. Satisfied she left the school and made her way to the bus stop. She enjoyed sometimes these quiet moments alone, it gave her chance to just think. Yet she sometimes resented how lonely felt. When it came down to it... maybe she didn't really know what she wanted.
The next few days were filled with packing, preparation and goodbyes for Yu. Then soon after he found himself on a train to Inaba. He sat down alone next to a window, oddly he was kind of excited to go somewhere knowing at least how long he could be there. Though he wished he could have at least spent a little more time in Kyoto. He'd miss the people he had studied with and helped each other with their homework. Yet when it came down to it, he didn't feel he was leaving any one close behind. It was a normal feeling he experienced now. The first time he had experienced it as a child-it had almost crushed him. Now he felt almost nothing, though he couldn't deny the feeling of loss that would tug at him.
He seemed to attract people but he never allowed himself to become too attached for that reason. That and he never really knew how to open up to people. He hadn't really ever had some one he could open up to. He didn't mind, it's just how he knew how to live at this point , but part of him wished he could just get a little closer and more permanent feeling somewhere. Yet at the same time, now that he was so used to keeping himself separate from those around him, he almost feared opening up. He'd watched from a distance how cruel and terrible people were. He knew he could always take care of him self and how he would treat others...but you could never guarantee how'd they treat you.
Maybe this was his chance.. He leaned his head back smiling thinking how ridiculous it was that he was thinking so seriously about this. He closed his eyes Things are fine..he reassured himself Same old same old, I'll do my best here. Keep my parents happy and eventually I'll be able to settle down. But I doubt this is the place, a year isn't long enough to get close to people. with that he cleared his mind to try and get a little rest on the long ride. This was the beginning of a life changing year for the two. This forced option of moving to a new town would prove to be detrimental for not only the world but for themselves. This was their beginning to finding their meaning of home.
Prologue and first chapter cleaned up! Woot woot!