Delays are delays. But hey, I got this up! I don't technically have a summer vacation this year due to all the summer classes that I have to take 'cause I'm over loaded at school next year! Yay me!

This is the last chapter! I know it's sad. . .

Since I know it's been forever since I updated, I'll remind you what happened in the last chapter: Alfred's moving back to America 'cause he gotta recording contract. Arthur is very sad. =( and that pretty much sums up what happened last chapter XD

Enjoy~! And sorry again for the unexceptionally long wait! :D

~~~ Chapter 15 ~~~


It all happened so suddenly that it all seemed like a dream. A horrible dream that borderlines nightmare, if it weren't for the simple fact of sex. Arthur arose from bed at an ungodly hour. He sat up as the blankets pooled at his lap, but that wasn't the only thing clinging to his waist. Alfred was still asleep with his arms wrapped around me like I was his personal teddy bear. Honestly, I didn't mind that.

Last night started off normal enough, pleasant even, but it all turned into a sour mix with a dash of soul crushing sadness. Alfred was leaving him in just two days. That wasn't nearly enough time to do much of anything. Arthur looked down at the blond still fast asleep. He had bags under his eyes and the Brit didn't even notice due to the fact that the American's glasses were still somewhere down stairs.

Trying his best not to wake him, Arthur ran his fingers through his hair. It was soft and a bit knotted but beautiful. Arthur must've stayed like that for hours, stroking his love's hair, before Alfred woke up. He got up with his hands in the air stretching and yawning loudly. He wiped the sleep from his eyes and Arthur couldn't help but smile. He looked so cute, as a grown man with more muscle than himself could be. He just had this child like demeanor to him that was just so entertaining.

He smiled as the American became aware of his surroundings. "Morning," he greeted in a tired voice.

"Good morning," the Brit greeted back.

They smiled at each other for a moment. Neither of them moved, not even blinked. The smile faded from Alfred's face as he remembered why he came here last night. Closing his eyes he leaned down and rested his head on Arthur's bare shoulder. Arthur almost let tears spill from his eyes but held them back. He did enough crying for one week, or month, or year.

The two blonds sat there for a while with Alfred in Arthur's arms and the older blond holding onto his beloved for dear life. But like all good things, it had to come to an end. Arthur motioned for the other blond that it was time to go. They still had to pack for the other's trip to America.

Alfred moved from the Brit's shoulder reluctantly and got dressed. Once both were ready, Arthur drove them both to Alfred's apartment. It wasn't a long drive but it felt like eternity. The two didn't speak unless it was Alfred giving directions.

When the two finally arrive at the American's residence, their silence continues. Arthur indeed helps him in packing but Alfred is really the one doing all the work. It really doesn't take long for the two of them to put everything into boxes for the other blond had started packing prior to Arthur's arrival. It broke his heart to see the room was already filled with taped up cardboard boxes.

This might've been the worst day in Alfred's life. Alfred's had some pretty rough days, but this took the cake by far. The whole reason why he pursued this carrier was for the sole purpose of seeing Arthur again. A few weeks after their break up and when Arthur left for England, Alfred regretted his decision. He was happy for the Brit and wished he could take back everything he said. But it was too late. He studies in music and music theory just so he and Arthur could be on the same playing field and they would meet up again one day, and all Alfred's hard work finally paid off when he booked that flight to London.

He did all that, just to be sent on a plane back to the States.

The two stood near the entrance of the air port where Alfred would depart for America in less than three hours. That was too little time for the American. Alfred had already shipped most of his belongings to America and with him he only carried a small carry-on luggage that sat by his side. Arthur was standing with him, waiting. His brother offered to drive them to the airport which kind of scared Arthur considering his track record. Maybe Arthur's brother was just happy to get rid of him.

The two didn't say anything for a while. People passed by them in a rush to catch their flight. Alfred should be in a rush as well, but he couldn't bring himself to move or even speak. It felt like there were hooks in his heart. While one was reeling him toward America, the other was forcing him to stay here.

Arthur decided to break the silence that was put between them. "Well, what are you waiting for, git. You'll miss your flight just standing there."

Alfred turned his attention to the smaller blond. His emerald eyes were narrowed and his lips were pursed. The American knew he was just trying to put on a brave face, or at least he hope he was. Not caring either way, Alfred wrapped his arms around the Brit as tightly as he could. He nuzzled his nose into the crook of Arthur's neck trying to memorize the scent of the one he loved most. He didn't care if he got stares; he rather preferred it so that way the whole world could see he was with the world's greatest man. And –

"Alright you oaf, now get off me or you'll miss your flight," Arthur said with his usual bite.

Alfred pulled back to see that Arthur wasn't even looking at him. A light blush dusted his face, sure, but he didn't look all that upset. In fact, he looked rather annoyed like always. Wasn't he upset that they were going to be apart too? Maybe it was just because they already worked out a Skype plan for long distance dates and stuff. Maybe.

Alfred gave the other a smile, that wasn't returned, and grabbed his carry-on and walked into the airport. He looked back once he was inside only to see Arthur start to make his way back to his brother's car. He never glanced over his shoulder.

With a huff, Alfred sat down in his crammed stiff seat. Going through security took a bit less than forever, but he hardly paid any attention while going though the lines. He kept thinking about that farewell from Arthur. He didn't' seem all that upset, rather happy to get rid of him. It made Alfred's heart heavy just thinking about it again.

The American let out an exaggerated sigh as he relaxed into his seat. These next few hours being crammed into this flying iron cage was going to be hell, especially since he was going to get further and further away from the one he just wanted to be closer to.

A gentleman was sitting next to Alfred and he seemed to notice his distress. The man was wearing a thick tweed jacket and a hat that covered his blond hair. He seemed to be reading a book and was buried in it, but took the time out of his reading to say to Alfred, "Is something wrong, ma'boy?"

His thick English accent only reminded Alfred of Arthur, but yet again everyone's accent in this damn country reminded him of the smaller blond.

Alfred looked over to the man but couldn't even make out his face. He sighed, "Ah, it's nothing." He didn't feel like having small talk with the man. He wasn't trying to be rude he just didn't want to talk to some old guy for the next few hours when he could be catching up on his video games or some sleep.

The man chuckled, "It doesn't seem like nothing to me." He didn't even look away from his book. "If you need to talk, I'm a good listener."

Alfred looked over toward the man once more and sighed for the third time. "It's just . . . I'm leaving someone behind. Someone I really care about." The blond really had no idea why he was telling some random man any of this, but it felt nice to talk to someone about it even if he was being very vague.

"That person must be very important to you," the man said flipping a page in his book.

"The most important person in my life . . ." Alfred muttered.

There was a pause between the two as other passengers began to take their seats. Soon the whole plane was full of people headed toward America. The man didn't seem to be too keen on talking himself as he kept reading his book, and that was fine with Alfred. It was only until a few minutes after they took off is when he spoke again. "So, who is this special person that you left behind?"

Alfred looked over toward the man. It wasn't any of his business but it wasn't like they would ever meet again and there was no way the old guy would ever run into Arthur. And like he said before, it felt nice to relieve some of his sorrow to someone else. "It's just," Alfred started, "I lost this person once. I went all the way to England to get them back."

"Did you succeed?" the man asked, his face still hidden behind a book.

"I did," Alfred replied, "but I still lost them in the end." He clenched his fists. "I tried so hard to get them back. I really wanted to stay in England with them, but they told me to go pursuit my dreams." He paused and looked down at the carpeted floor. "But the sad truth is, where I'm going . . . isn't where my dreams lay. I don't even want to be in this field. I only went with it 'cause the one I love is in it. And in the end, I lost them."

Alfred blinked. He looked over toward the man, but he still seemed to be engrossed in his book. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to dump all my crap on you."

"Don't worry lad, I didn't mind at all," the stranger said. He then finally put his book down. He placed it on his lap and removed his cap as well. His blond hair fell from his hat in a shaggy mess. He finally looked up at Alfred for the first time since he sat down and Alfred finally got to see his face, for it only to be a face he knew and loved. Alfred could never forget those giant eyebrows.

"In fact, I rather enjoyed it," Arthur smirked at the other blond.

Alfred's eyes would've popped straight out of his head if he opened his eyes any wider. Here Alfred was talking about Arthur and how he was leaving him behind only to have said blond right there next to him. Wait, why was Arthur here? On this plane headed to America?!

"How–?! Wha –?! Y-you –! HU?!" Alfred yelled drawing the attention of many of the passengers around him.

"Shhhh! You git! Yelling on a plane is considered rude!" Arthur scolded. He did his best to apologize to the other passengers all the while Alfred kept staring at Arthur like he was some sort of alien.

"Well are you just going to gawk at me all day?" Arthur said crossing his arms across his chest.

Alfred couldn't believe it. He utterly refused to do so. This looked like his Arthur, talked like him too, but it just couldn't be him. His Arthur was a punk, kickass, rebellious, rock star. This guy, this imposter Arthur, seemed far too gentlemanly.

"Who are you?" Alfred stated.

"I beg your pardon?!" the blond nearly yelled, but minded the other passengers.

"I said who are you? You look just like my Arthur but you look different. . ."

"You twat! Iam Arthur!" And to prove his point he grabbed the book that was on his lap and wacked the American's arm with it.

The blond yelped in pain but was too distracted by the man sitting next to him. "You can't be my Arthur. I left my Arthur back in England! Plus, I doubt that he would be caught dead wearing tweed and a sweater vest."

"You ass!" the faker Arthur yelled giving the American's arm another good slap. "God! I don't know why I bothered to come with you all the way to America! I mean honestly, if you aren't even going to appreciate me being with you and make fun of my fashion sense, I should just take the next flight back to England!"

There was a lot about this guy that made him different than Alfred's Arthur, but one thing was sure: no one had a temper quite like him. He might've taken his piercings and nail polish out, but he was still the same ol' Arthur Kirkland.

"Arthur? Artie is that really you?" Alfred asked leaning closer to the other blond.

"Of course it's me you dolt. And don't call me 'Artie' I'm pretty sure we discussed this already," Arthur replied with a huff.

Alfred looked into those dazzling green eyes and there was really no denying it. It was his Arthur. The one he fell in love with, was sitting right next to him.

"Oh, ARTIE!" Alfred yelled as he did his best to wrap his arms around the smaller male like a teddy bear.

"Gah! Idiot, I told you not to yell so loudly!" Arthur said but his voice was muffled by his face being fully covered by the other's jacket. The two continued to attract attention, but Alfred didn't care in the slightest. Arthur, however, began to feel his face heat up in embarrassment; honestly the American can act like a real child sometimes.

Suddenly remembering that they were on a plane, Alfred pulled back and gripped Arthur's shoulders making the other look right at him. "Artie, what are you doing on this plane?!"

Arthur looked away from the taller blond and said in a significantly quieter voice, "Well . . ." he paused as if he were trying to find the right words, "I figured that you would muck everything up, so I decided to come along with you as a consultant to make sure you don't ruin your carrier! You're going places Jones!" Arthur ended his statement with a confident smirk. But it slowly faded away as Alfred continued to give him such an intense look. "That and . . . Look you got away from me once and I'm not letting that happen again alright?! I'm just making the decision you never made all those years ago!" the blond said in a rush. He kept his gaze on the ground. He was sure everyone on the plane heard him and his face never felt hotter. All those concerts he's ever preformed in would've never prepared him for how nervous he was feeling right now. He wasn't shy to be in the spotlight, but somehow with all these people staring at him, and he knew they were, made him have a bit of stage fright.

Say something you dolt, Arthur pleaded in his mind.

After a long, grueling moment of silence between the two, Arthur felt his chin being grabbed and pulled upward. His green eyes met intense blue ones in a stare off that Arthur knew he would lose. Right when Arthur was about to say something to break the silence, Alfred leaned forward and planted his lips on Arthur's. The kiss wasn't like their previous one where is was full of need and lust, but it was full of love and passion. It wasn't nearly as long as their other kisses as well, it was chaste and sweet and only lasted a few long seconds.

There was a ringing in Arthur's ear, it could've been the plane's engines, but he didn't care. He opened his eyes even though he was unaware he had closed them. He was welcomed by sweet sweet blue orbs that were hidden by those dorky glasses. He loved them, and he loved the person wearing them more.

Arthur knew their bickering had drawn in a crowd, but he wasn't aware that the whole plane had been watching them, even the flight attendances. He was prepared for them to give disgusted looks and throw harsh words their way, but he wasn't prepared for them to cheer and give smiles their way. Everyone on the plane was clapping at their display and smiled fondly. That had to have been the best applause Arthur has ever heard in his life. It wasn't loud, or lasted very long, but it was full of heart and that's all Arthur could ever ask for.

"So you're really comin' to America with me?" Alfred finally said as he rested his forehead against mine. His voice seemed so faint with the crowd still cheering. He had a dopy smile on his face, and Arthur was sure he had one on his face as well.

"What do you think?" Arthur said sweetly as he placed a hand over of his American's.

"Well this can only mean one thing. . ." the taller blond trailed off taking the other's hand and squeezing it fondly.

"What's that?" the smaller blond muttered squeezing Alfred's hand back.

"It means that I gotta show you all the wonders of the great United States of America, dude! It's gonna be a blast! We can go see Lady Liberty, go to Time Square, and Coney Island! Aw, dude you're gonna love it there! New York is the city that never sleeps after all, and it's in the world's greatest country!"

Arthur gave Alfred a look. To others, it might've looked like he was annoyed with him or he was resisting the urge to slap him. He might've looked like he was regretting his decision. But in all reality, he gave a look of fondness, with a dash of annoyance, and a large cup filled to the brim with love.

That was the cheesiest ending I have ever written in my life! Aaaaahhhhh! Sorry if it's too cheesy for you, but it's all I got. I had to wring this ending out of my very soul, so I'm sorry if it isn't too good, but there you have it. Rock Star done! :D Now I'm defiantly gonna be writing more, so if you wanna see more fluff or stuff then check out the rest of my writings =)

And I'm sorry again for the super long wait. Don't hurt meeeee~! Germannnyyyyyy! Save me from all the fangirls! XD

Please leave a review so that I know if I did good! I really wanna know what you people think! They mean the world to me!

Thanks for reading once again! That's all folks! =)