Summary: It has been two years after Jonathan and Mavis found each other and set off on their travels, it is also the number of years since humans and monsters called a truce and became friends at last. Now Dracula is prepping the Hotel for a celebration. Wilbur, Wanda and Wanye's eldest son is almost an adult but doesn't act like one. Soon Jonathan's little sister, Jenna makes an appearance. But Jenna's arrival is not just for her brother and soon-to-be her sister-in-law but also for Wilbur who learns that Jenna is his 'zing'. However their 'zing' is tested on many levels.

Disclaimer: I don't own Hotel Transylvania (I wish!), the good people at Sony Pictures and Genndy Tartakovsky. I own Jenna and Wilbur. Any OCs are welcome.

Now on to the story.

In Transylvania, there is a castle that is surrounded by a deep forest. But this is no ordinary castle; It is Hotel Transylvania! The only hotel that was created specifically for all the monsters in the world. The Hotel is run by Count Dracula, the Vampire King himself. Recently his only daughter, Mavis has gone to travel the world with her soul-mate, Jonathan. It has been two years since then, also that's how long humans and monsters have now been the best of friends. Tonight the hotel is getting ready. For a surprise this week.

"Oh, if only Martha was still alive, she would have loved to see all this" a female voice sighed as she looked around the beautifully decorated hotel lobby which made her dark eyes glow with warmth. She was a werewolf, it could be told from the refined wolf features she – muzzle, ears, the lot – and her hair was in a light brown bob. Her dress was coloured a warm summer yellow, covering her swollen stomach which held her new cubs, who knows how many - she already had over 30 kids!

Her husband's features were rougher. His muzzle was large and his dark eyes were rimmed with shadows of tiredness. He wore a blue shirt, a black tie and jeans. He just grunted and patted her shoulder.

"Mom, will you put a lid on it already? I've already got a big enough migraine as it is" a teenage werewolf complained. He was taller than his parents. He wore a leather jacket and ripped jeans. He had darker fur than his parents, tuffs of black hair bordered his head. His eyes were a moon silver with a tint of gold. He was the eldest werewolf cub – technically he was almost an adult. He sure didn't act his age. He then felt a thud on his leg. He glared down at the male werewolf cub who was responsible, one of his young brothers. "Do that again and you're a dead werewolf, Wally!" he growled.

Behind Wally was one of the female cubs. Her blue moon eyes blinked up at Wilbur innocently. She wore a pink shirt with a skull and crossbones design, the same design was on her pink pacifier. Her hair was in pink bunches. She wore a black choker, her tag had an A inside a circle – it looked exactly like the design on Wally's black shirt. She suckled her pacifier innocently.

"Knock it off, Winnie! That's so annoying! I don't need my migraine to be worse!" her oldest brother snarled at her.

"Wilbur!" both his parents scolded.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever!" Wilbur yelled.

"Wanye! Wanda! Good to see you and the family!" a Romanian man's voice greeted. The werewolves turned to see Dracula standing calmly before the werewolf family. He wore his usual black cape and suit, it was as black as his sleek hair. His ice blue eyes then rested on Wilbur. "Wilbur! You've grown to be quite the werewolf! In no time you'll be exactly like your father!" Dracula remarked.

That's what I'm afraid of. Wilbur thought glumly. He then went to help get Frank and Eunice Frankenstein out of their package boxes and started reconstructing them. Let me tell you, he did a much better than the zombie bellboys could.

"Thanks, Wilbur" Frank remarked when he and his wife were completely put back together.

"Any time" Wilbur replied. He leaned on the wall.

"Hi, Dracula. It's good to be back here" Wanye replied, his mouth formed a wolf-like grin at his friend.

"Well, we're getting ready to celebrate it" Dracula chuckled.

"We just had to bring Wilbur to see it" Wanda chimed.

"Yeah, I'm starting to think that he'll never find his zing" Wanye remarked in a melancholic manner.

"Oh, not this again. Wanye, I keep telling you, Wilbur will zing soon. He is a werewolf, we werewolves find our zing very easily" Wanda sighed, remembering that she and Wanye zinged when they were Wilbur's age.

"I wouldn't give up yet, Wanye. Wilbur has grown into a handsome young werewolf. There is no female alive who wouldn't zing with him. I say 'female' deliberately because we cannot choose who Wilbur's zing is or what she looks like" Dracula assured his friend.

"I hope you're right, Drac" Wanye remarked.

Meanwhile, at the airport, a plane was finished with it's landing sequnce. A teenage girl with scruffy red hair to her shoulders looked out of the window. She put away her book; It was about a girl who fell for a wolf but ended in both of them dying an unnatural death (A/N: It's not the book you think it is, it's just a random story so use your imaginations). Her hazel eyes lit up when she saw the terminal in sight. "I'm actually here. I can't believe I actually convinced Mom and Dad to let me go meet Mavis on my own. Oh boy, Johnny's so getting the 'I told you so' when I see him and meet Mavis" she said to herself, smiling as she got her large bag down and out from the over head locker then exited the plane.

After registering with the border control, the girl rescued her suitcase from the baggage claim belt. I mean, I tell him time and time again about soul-mates being real. He always says I'm deluded but, baa dah bing, he finds his soul-mate on one of his travels! In the capital of horror, nonetheless! It's definitely an 'I told you so' moment. Man, my brother never learns. She thought as she left the airport and went over to a pumpkin coachman who held a plague that said 'Hearse to Hotel Transylvania' That is just too cool! The redhead thought to herself

The girl paid the coachman 40 Euros. "Can you take me to Hotel Transylvania?" she asked. The pumpkin grinned and opened the hearse to let the girl inside. He loaded her suitcase, got into the drivers seat and drove. The girl watched the scenery pass by as the hearse made it's journey to the hotel. "Jonathan, I can't wait to rub it in your face and meet Mavis. Something tells me I'll get on with her just fine" she muttered before getting out her book and carrying on with her reading.

"Wait, so you're saying that your sister is going to be at the Hotel?" Mavis asked as she used her vampire speed to pack the suitcases into a hearse.

Honestly, she didn't think she would get to meet any of her human in-laws. But now she had learnt that she was going to meet her future sister-in-law. Tucking a strand of black hair behind her snow white ear, she took Jonathan's hand. (A/N: the reference to Snow White is conicidental)

"Yeah, you'll love Jenna, you two will get along just fine. She's loved monster stories all her life" the red-haired male remarked with a grin, his brownish gold eyes looking into the endless blue eyes he always seemed to get lost in.

"You're right, we probably will get along. I'm so glad I get to meet her tonight, Johnny" she agreed.

"Me too. I gotta warn you though, my little sister can be very impressible" Jonathan said as he and Mavis got into the hearse. The pumpkin coachman started driving.

"Little? So she's younger than you?" Mavis asked. Jonathan nodded. "I can't wait to meet her" she giggled, causing Jonathan to grin and quickly peck her lips.

Not bad for an introduction, eh? Well, the hotel is under some pretty intense preparations for a HUGE party! Jonathan and Mavis are on their way back to the hotel. Jonathan's little sister, Jenna also arrives. And Wilbur's pretty ticked off about, well, everything. Next time the future sister-in-laws meet and Wilbur finds his zing. Thank you and don't forget to review!