"Uh… Oh, God…"
Dean liked to think that, when it came to sex, he knew how to show a girl a good time.
"Urm… oh, yeah…. Oh, God…"
It was quickly becoming apparent that Anna also knew what she wanted, and knew how to dish it out too.
"Ohhhh. Oh God…. Yeah…"
It was not the first time Dean had had sex in the back of the Impala.
It was the first time he'd ever had sex with an angel – well, a woman who had once been an angel. At least, he was pretty sure it was the first time he'd ever had sex with a woman who'd once be an angel.
Of course, he wasn't thinking about that at the time. Beneath the cocky, smug, devil-may-care exterior, Dean was, at heart, a gentleman. When he was engaged in informed consenting beautiful natural acts with a willing woman, his only concerns were to enjoy himself, and make sure that his partner enjoyed herself too.
Dean had never been reticent about enjoying himself, or expressing his enjoyment.
"Oh God… Yeah…"
With a lustful smile, she bent down and breathed across his tattoo. "Dean," she purred.
"Oh…. Oh, God….. ugh…. Yeah?"
"OH JOHN WINCHESTER!" yelled Anna. "OH, OH, YES, JOHN WINCHESTER, YES!" She smiled beautifully. "Just tell me if I'm putting you off your game," she breathed, "I wouldn't want to do anything distracting."
To his credit, he didn't use the G-word again.