Well, here's the last chapter we've all been waiting for! Thank you all for reading this story and have fun when I publish the rest of the sequel.

Kuzoboshi kirameku yume no hoshi sa

(The sparkling specks of stardust are the stars in my dreams)

Maka and the others walked down from Baba Yaga castle as the others hailed them eagerly, Nightstalker grinning smugly.

I wanna be, ikou ze, ikou ze, ikou ze,

(I wanna be, let's go, let's go, let's go,)

Kage and Akuma hugged tightly, squeezing their partner and sibling frantically like this was their last chance to touch each other as the others looked on fondly. DK grumbled in annoyance, but shrugged philosophically and hugged back.

I wanna, I wanna be, 1, 2, 3, 4!

They let go, huge grins taking place on their faces as they turned to face the others.

Sekai wa, kuroku so matteru

(The world is stained black)

Kid screamed, running in circles and freaking as he beheld the ruined symmetry of his father's city as Kage rolled her eyes and took off after him, shadows curling in her hands.

Haku iki wa shiroi mama no ni

(Even though my breath is stained white)

Blackstar and Tsubaki hoisted their bags, entering a door with her family name on a wooden board beside it. "Nakatsukasa"

Ima wo bukkowashi ni ikou tte

(It shouldn't be too late yet)

Maka, Soul, and Crona sat in Maka and Soul's apartment as Blair suddenly pounced the unfortunate scythe.

Yakusoku shita ano hi kara kitto mada ma ni au hazudakara

(For us to demolish the present like we agreed to on that day)

Maka punched him away from Blair with a roar as Ragnarok wolf-whistled above Crona's head.

I wanna be, koko ni iru yo

(I wanna be, I'm right here)

Lord Death plopped Asura's soul into the ground, sticking another of the strange crosses atop it as, unseen in the shadows, Kage watched neutrally.

Kizuite kure koko ni iru kara

(Notice me, I'm right here)

He pressed his hands together for a moment, and she slipped away after bowing her head once to the Kishin's soul.

Nan no tame ni nanimono na no ka

(Why am I here and who am I?)

Mosquito and Giriko sat on opposite sides of a block of stone, and Medusa's snake coiled around a tree nearby as the five Mizune, Eruka, and Free gazed at the sky.

Oshiete kure koko ni iru kara

(Please tell me, I'm right here)

Mifune walked up the steps to DWMA, Angela perched on his shoulder. He gave it a once-over, then nodded and started walking again.

I wanna be, u taou ze ga na rou ze

(I wanna be, let's sing)

Kid proudly showed Kage her new, Reaper-funded house, grinning as she giggled and twirled in a circle as Akuma sighed resignedly, but looked on the house with an approving eye, DK watching the reaper dubiously.

Sho u net su no u ta we

(Let's shout out our song of passion)

Kid beamed, showing her a small, fuzzy kitten as her eyes went wide and she tackled him with a hug and kiss, making the tiny feline yowl as it was squashed between two bodies, Kid responding eagerly as DK turned green and Akuma made gagging sounds.

Gen jit su ni zet su bou shi nai

(We don't despair of this reality)

Joe Buttataki danced in ecstasy as Lock and her brothers watched bemusedly from the counter, holding his golden coffee cup worshipfully as he beamed.

Ore-ta chi no ki bou no uta wo

(So let's sing our song of hope)

Kage and the others showed the DWMA forces around Halloween, pointing out some building supplies they could take back to the DWMA.

I wanna be, yume no hoshi ni

(I wanna be, if I'm born as a star from my dream)

Blackstar shouted in glee, powering past Maka and the others as Kage and Akuma laughed, playing with Soul in a game of Shade-Wings tag.

U ma re ta na ra ma ni au zu sa

(Then there should still be time)

Lock, and Barrel chatted with Ox Ford and his Resonance Team as Pot of Thunder played with Shock, throwing mini lightning bolts at each other.

Ko nya fu ku ka ze ni not te

(Aboard tonight's blowing wind)

Stein shared a cigarette with Spirit, a Reaper skull of smoke floating up from the glowing ends.

So no tsu zu ki wo sa ga shi ni

(Let's set out in search of the rest of it)

The basketball thunked through the hoop, and DK made a proud stance, grinning.

Ikou ze, ikou ze, ikou ze, ikou ze,

(Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go)

Soul leaped, avoiding Liz and Tsubaki to dunk the ball. Kid bowled Blackstar over as Crona caught the orange missile and Kage went on defense. Patty roared, leaping up to try and pounce Crona as he yelped and chucked it to Maka, who along with Liz had been waving their hands. She jumped up to throw it, but Kage batted it out of the way with her hands and a happy grin.

Ikou ze, ikou ze, ikou ze, ikou ze,

(Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go)

Kage and the others started walking down the steps, waving to the meisters as they sat on the wall, watching them leave. Kid sighed, holding a note close to his chest and waving hard to his girlfriend. "We'll be back soon. The clan needs us for now. Cursed meet, cursed part, dead we meet again."

I wanna be, kikoeteru ka

(I wanna be, can you hear me?)

The cat Kid had presented leaped up on the kitchen counter, rubbing against a picture of the two Kishin and their friends.

Zu to koko ni iru yo…

(I'll be right here always…)

Kage's image moved slightly, winking at the cat, and the picture frame's shadow lifted up, taking humanoid form and putting a finger to its lips. "Whistle and wait. Respond and return. Cursed meet, cursed part, dead we meet again. I'll be back soon, don't worry." She whispered, and the shadow faded away again as faint music drifted through the air.

I am the shadow on the moon at night, filling your dreams to the brim with fright! This is Halloween this is…

3rd Person/Fourth Barrier breaking POV:

A line of all the Nightstalker stood with the others, DWMA and witches alike, watching as Kage and Akuma held a box between them. Another female stood in front of them, grinning. Her hair was a light brown, and she was wearing dark clothing. "By the power vested in me, by me, I pronounce this fanfic done and over with. You may now freak out." she said solemnly, placing a hand on the box and clicking the button. A loud sob interrupted them, and they all turned, seeing DK holding onto his grenade launcher, wailing as he muffled his tears in the cold metal. Queenie stood rigidly beside him, digging her elbow into his side to make him stop as he choked and looked up. Akuma sighed and pinched his nose as Kage giggled, and Lock snickered. "You always have to ruin the moment, don't ya?" she muttered, and DK shrugged with another sniffle, wiping the salty fluid away. "I CAN'T HELP IT! I LOVED THIS JOB!" he wailed, breaking out into fresh tears as he frantically hugged his beloved grenade launcher. Queenie sighed heavily, and Jack smacked the side of both demon's heads as the Pumpkin King gave them a healthy glare, folding his straw-like arms.

Kage shrugged philosophically, gesturing at her creator in exasperation as she held up her hands defensively. "Don't look at me, the fans love him." She said tartly, and Akuma snorted. "Sure they do." He growled, and she shrugged again. "Alright everyone, take five in limbo until I finish with the Black Butler, and I want you back here on the dot, do you hear me? Not one second later." the brunette said sharply, and DK yawned, daring her to comment with his eyes as he closed his mouth. "Why would we wanna come back here?" he grumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets as the teen took out a nail file and began rasping it against her nails.

"Don't you remember there's a sequel?"

Dead silence


There, all done and wrapped up in a nice little bow, just like the anime. Hehe, NOT. But yeah, this is all done, I shall be doing a sequel, UNLIKE SOUL EATER PEOPLE WHO SHOULD REALLY GET ON THAT OR BETTER YET A MOIVE. But the ending did kinda suck, didn't it? I mean, she punches the Kishinev and then everybody just kinda recaps on where the heck they are, MENTIONING that Medusa (you all saw the snake) and just ending. Bad SE people, bad! Anyway, Review, Request, Rcomment, Auf Wedersien for the last and final time!