Disclaimer: I don't own Rosario+Vampire, nor its characters. The lyrics [Can't Escape My Love] used are property of Enrique Iglesias. You want to listen to it, go to Youtube.

Summary: Issa's little hunt after our favorite harem-cursed human bunny. Tsukune is a hard nut to crack - err, convince, but he can't escape Issa's love.

Shout Out: You know, I didn't think I would ever write any kind of sequel to Apologize, but you can thank your lucky stars in the shape of Noodles, farronewp, CashyHoray1.00, CJ.1013, Jehwgksjbeis and gojyo-lover20, who poked and prodded (meaning you, farronewp,) for a sequel. Along with my wondrous beta MHB, who kindly kicked me to rewrite lemon section (the original one was scrapped, and new one is way longer.). Thank you and enjoy!

Warnings: SLASH - meaning boy/boy pairing, so Shuzen Issa/Tsukune Aono. Issa is hunting after Tsukune, and there is LEMON, so… you were warned. Onward brave souls!

You can run, you can hide, but you can't escape my love

You can run, you can hide, but you can't escape my love

Tsukune twitched. Since his sudden - and now, when he thought back - unreasonable decision to accept Issa-san's - 'just Issa, Tsukune '- offer to live with him, his awareness was at an all-time high, thanks to that stupid vampire and his kiss.

He had accepted Issa's offer because he really wanted to get away from Moka and her whining and really, was it too much to ask to actually have some sort of peace to get over heartbreak?

The brown-haired young man huffed as he plopped on his bed, running a shaky hand through his tresses.

That man was just unreasonable!

And it all began so very innocently, too.

Tsukune had thought that nothing would change - well, except his lodgings and maybe company (that was a given,) but everything was turned a hundred eighty degrees around. Luckily, he had requested some leave to get his personal affairs in order, his boss being uncommonly accommodating to him, while he had been a complete hardass on his case before. That should have warned him, Tsukune mused sourly, but no. And then, living with Issa. To Tsukune's surprise, it was kind of easy to get into a morning routine that included having breakfast with the vampire, having free time, and occasionally, meeting each other in the garden and striking up a chat or two.

However, Tsukune was getting restless and he wanted to go back to work. Somehow, he found himself enlisted in evening classes to study for college entrance exams, and his workload was mysteriously reduced. Not that he was ungrateful but this was just...

And when he was chatting with Arisa-chan - she was a fellow student, and they were assigned to do a project together, but even when they finished the project, they remained thick as thieves, oftentimes going to nearby cafe to drink a cuppa and chat about whatever struck their fancy. She knew his woes, that he was divorced and that he wished for a family - not that vampires were a bad family, but still it wasn't too much to wish for his own little family, wasn't it? – and he knew about her troubles of finding a job, taking care of her little brother and so on. Normal, friendly subjects He had been excited to finally have a friend - his ex-high school friends didn't count, because more than half of them wanted to get in his pants, and that damned werewolf definitely wasn't friend material - not after what he had pulled with Moka.

And so, he talked about Arisa-chan excitedly, describing her - honey-colored shoulder length hair with deep gray eyes, slender, with a sweet smile along with huge penchant on eating anything spicy. She was a lady, and Tsukune often wondered just why she chose to associate herself with him, when there were many other males that would be more than happy to keep her company. Arisa just laughed, and said it was a secret, and the subject was dropped. Slowly, but surely, Arisa-chan was dragging him out of his misery, making him feel whole - still with many cracks, but she was gluing these shards together in her own quiet, awkward way.

"I'm grateful I met Arisa-chan." He mentioned to Issa-san one day, smiling fondly at the memory of her playing with a Labrador puppy. They had visited the animal shelter – Arisa had once worked here part time, and she still visited it from time to time. "She is a beautiful person."

Reveling in his newfound friendship, he didn't notice the air around his vampire associate practically freeze with distaste. They were walking through the garden, talking about their day - it was evening already, and it became the standard practice for them to meet each other in the garden and talk. "Really?" Issa said, his voice disinterested, but Tsukune didn't care. "Yeah." He nodded happily. "We are going to the cinema tomorrow."

Garnet-colored eyes glanced at him, before Issa looked back at the road. "So, some kind of a date?"

"Yeah, you could say that." Tsukune nodded happily, not noticing the vampire's mood plummet even further.

It was autumn now, the leaves painted in rich shades of golden, red and brown with orange thrown in. The evening was a little bit chilly, but not too much - just enough for the wind to make Tsukune's cheeks faintly redden with the cold.

"You are spending too much time with her." Issa said slowly, making Tsukune snap out of his daydream. "Wha – " Tsukune yelped. "But Issa-san!" brown eyes looked into red ones, wide with hurt and defiance.

The vampire was clothed in dark grey suit with burgundy shirt and black tie, the dark colors strengthening the contrast between his pale skin, red eyes and silver hair. "You do." He said flatly, his smooth voice making Tsukune's spine chill with the tone it was spoken in. "Lately, all I hear it's Arisa this or Arisa that. Have you forgotten to whom you belong already?"

Tsukune bristled. The nerve of that guy!

"I belong to myself, Issa-san." He bit out, glaring at the man. "And it's of no concern of yours what I do!" Huffing, he turned back, only for his chin to be caught between the two cool fingers and his eyes were involuntarily dragged up to look in the annoyed red orbs.

"On the contrary, it's my concern, Tsu-ku-ne." The man purred out, his scent making the ex-human slightly dazed with the exotic fragrance he couldn't quite place. "Because you agreed to be mine."

Tsukune swallowed, as he heard his heart quicken. He felt like a tiny mouse trapped under cobra's gaze, having nowhere to go. "I didn't say anything like that." He protested his voice shaky.

Pale eyebrow quirked up. "Oh? You deny agreeing to be my companion? How very bold of you." the pressure on his chin strengthened, making Tsukune grit his teeth with pain.

"I am not obliged to be with you 24/7!" Tsukune growled back as he jerked his chin out of the mans' grip.

Or tried to. Stupid vampire strength. He glared at the man, the pupils in his brown eyes windblown, almost darkening out the iris.

Stupid bastard of a vampire.

Involuntarily, he breathed in the vampire's breath and he had to suppress a shiver – of disgust or anxiety, he wasn't sure.

"Tsk." The vampire clicked mock-disappointedly. "Such forgetfulness…" Tsukune glared. He was not forgetful, thank you oh so very much!

"Whether you like it or not, Aono Tsukune, you are mine." The man's red eyes looked into his own widened orbs calmly, a steel undertone making the young man shift uncomfortably.

And then, those pale, stern lips were on his ones, shocking Tsukune with their soft coolness into stupor.

This just wasn't happening. He wasn't supposed to kiss a guy, Issa-san's first kiss notwithstanding, but that one was for sealing a contract, wasn't it?

"Hn!" He whined as he placed his hands on the man's chest, trying to push him away, but the vampire was about as movable as a one-ton heavy slab of granite.

Here's how it goes
You and me, up and down
But maybe, this time, we'll get it right
Worth the fight

Issa felt his prey trying to struggle away from him.

Cute. But he didn't intend to let the boy get away from him.

Not now.

Not ever.

Since the day Tsukune had accepted his invitation to live with him as his companion, Issa Shuzen used any and almost all means to have the boy beside him. Since then, they established a routine of having meals together, long evening walks while they talked, and he also underhandedly caused the boy's job load to lighten - after all, what was his influence for if not using it? Usually, such a task would be below him doing it – he had minions for that kind of work, but this was for Tsukune, so he took that particular chore upon himself… besides, despite of his minions being faithful to him, he couldn't expect them to keep their mouth shut, especially in such regard- Tsukune was already more than infamous enough in the world of the supernatural - if not for his alliances, however strange they may have been, then for his blood and last, but not least, his dissolution of the blood bond between him and Moka.

He barely stopped himself from smirking with triumph as he witnessed the dissolution of that particular bond - stupid girl, she had a veritable diamond in her hand, having Tsukune's love, and yet, she exchanged it for the coal that was that damned werewolf. Last he had heard of her was that she was living in Tsukune's old apartment, trying to make ends meet. Because Tsukune had been the breadwinner of the two when they were married, Moka didn't have any clue how to deal with finances and so on, so she was pressed to live below the standard she had lived when she had been bonded to Tsukune. Of course, Akasha was giving her a small monthly stipend, but still…

But enough about his foolish daughter. He was here, and now, with Tsukune, who was still stubbornly trying to stop his advances. When Issa had heard about that Arisa-chan it took all of his self-restraint not to search for the bint and tear her pretty little throat out.

She didn't have any right to Tsukune, damn it! And the little girl was just too snuggly and cozy with Tsukune for him to believe that she intended anything more than friendship with him. But today – today took the proverbial cake.

He heard - and felt - Tsukune gasp as his tongue stopped swiping his lips and instead invaded his mouth, quckly stealing in as Tsukune involuntarily opened his mouth - that taste of almonds and jasmine tea prickling at his taste buds along with something uniquely Tsukune. He lifted his other hand cupping the back of Tsukune's head with it, marveling at the warm silkiness of that brown hair - Tsukune was like a small sun – a sunspot that was always warm and welcoming –

-and then, the boy's teeth snapped down on his tongue, making him growl in shock as he retreated, glaring at the panting brat.

Tsukune was flushed, his dark brown eyes glaring at him and Issa could smell the nervousness and determination coming off of him, and the boy was trembling as he jerked out of his grasp –

Only Issa didn't want to let him go, prompting the young man to growl and stomp on his foot, but without success, as Issa already moved his foot away.

"You bit me, you brat." He growled at the youth, blood red eyes narrowing with displeasure.

"I said no!" Tsukune hissed back. "And correct me if I am wrong, but being a companion means only being a companion and not having your tongue practically rape my throat!" His accusation would be much more effective if he weren't panting and his cheeks weren't flushed with exertion.

Issa had to smirk at the boy's ire. "Then you really didn't read the fine print in your classes, did you?" He asked whimsically, before he sobered. As much as that deer-in-headlights look Tsukune was currently sporting entertained him, they didn't have need for misconceptions – heavens only knew Tsukune didn't.

"Tsukune. I want you as my companion. More than a companion." Those brown eyes blinked, confused, making him sigh with irritation. Did he really have to spell it out to him? He began to wonder if that day in the rose garden when he first kissed Tsukune was just a spur of moment for the kid to actually use his brain. Because right now, Tsukune didn't seem to.

"But – "Tsukune tried to refute his words turning his head aside, and exposing to Issa that tempting expanse of his neck. The vampire had to swallow down his impulse not to bend down and then scrape his fangs - just a little - against that smooth skin and then lap up the red liquid that was pulsing under its surface.

"No buts. You are mine." Issa growled out, finally releasing the youth's chin, but his other hand still cradled the back of the boy's head.

"But why? I am nothing special! And I don't like guys like that! I don't like you like – " Tsukune's words stopped in his throat as he tried to choke them past his lips, but he couldn't.

"You are lying, Tsukune." The man said to him gently. Tsukune's eyes shuttered shut with grief as he nodded miserably.

Because he had done short of everything to get his mind off the vampire and his kiss. Because he was ashamed that his heartbreak wasn't really as severe as it should have been, thanks to that one kiss. Because he wanted to, but was afraid - once burned, twice shy, after all, and it was hard to look at Issa at first, what with his silver hair and red eyes and pale skin, so like, and yet unlike Inner Moka. Because he knew that Issa would be different from her, and yet, in a tiny place of his heart, he still doubted that his luck would held this time.

"Tsukune." A gentle tug on his hair made the boy shudder, an unvoiced question. 'Why are you doing that? To us?'

Was there even 'them' anyway?

"You doubt me." Tsukune heard the man sigh, and he wanted to curl up in shame. He stiffened as he felt an arm around his lower back, gently pressing his body forward and into the vampire's, and he involuntarily inhaled the scent of sandalwood and clover.

'Cause love is something you can shake
When it breaks
All it takes is some trying

Both of them stood in the distant corner of the garden far away and well-hidden from the prying eyes, with Tsukune being embraced by his ex-father-in-law. And that only made the situation even weirder than it had been at the beginning.

"I'm sorry. I just – "'Can't. Won't.' The unspoken words were acknowledged between the two of them as sure as if they had given them life.

"You can. Just try." The man murmured into Tsukune's ear, his voice low and earnest, making Tsunkune involuntarily cling to him even more. He knew he would be feeling mortified afterwards, and his conscience would be rebuking him, but –

He just had to try.

Only try.

Hesitantly, he lifted his head, and timidly pressed his lips against the others.

It was just a kiss. A small peck on the lips, really. Those serious burgundy-colored eyes looked at him with understanding.

And then, the vampire bent down.

A peck back.

It was scary, and for a moment, Tsukune stiffened, expecting the man to boldly kiss his mouth like he had before, but he only brushed his lips against his own in a fleeting caress. Soft. Gentle. Fleeting.

And then, Tsukune stretched back up and pecked him again.

It was like some kind of a game between them – like a volleyball, giving and receiving, neither of them daring to take more than what they were given.

But then, when Issa kissed him, Tsukune didn't let him go, lifting his hands and entangling them in vampire's silver mane of hair to keep the head where it was, making him gasp softly at the gesture.

Next stage. A tongue timidly poked out from his mouth and licked at the partly opened mouth, their breath intermingling, the soft puffs finally melding together.

"Tsukune." The silver-haired vampire breathed out, and brown eyes looked into burgundy-colored ones and widened with the expression of warmth within them.

Slowly, the vampire bent his head, nuzzling the expanse of his throat, making his breath hitch and his hands clutch at those silky silver tresses a bit more as the man kissed the fragile skin, as if it was something infinitely precious and irreplaceable.

Those strong hands slid down, from the back of his head – Tsukune missed their warmth, but shuddered as they brushed against his neck, against his upper back, and then slid lower, to his lower back and then to the edges of his pullover, toying with the hem of the soft fabric here.

"Try." The word was breathed against his lips, and Tsukune nodded hesitantly, giving an assent to those warm hands to liberate him of the warm garment, making him shiver as he felt the cool air on his skin. He blushed as he felt that ruby-colored gaze on his form, ducking his head with embarrassment, only for his hand to be caught in another and led to the man's black tie, his finger touching the smooth fabric, making his shiver with the knowledge that this was real and happening right now.

Only, he felt as if he was still dreaming.

Issa watched as Tsukune clumsily untied the cravat, the young man's habit of unconsciously biting his lips awkwardly endearing in comparison to the lifetime and more of the more experienced lovers he had in the past. And yet, his heart was now thundering just by witnessing such an innocent action. Smiling a small, almost unseen smile, he kissed the boy's forehead as he shrugged down the jacket, leaving him only in his shirt, trousers and shoes. His fingers crept toward the youth's belt, unclasping it sneakily, and succeeding in doing the same with the trousers button.

Tsukune's hands uncertainly lifted to unclasp the buttons of his shirt, making Issa's small smile widen a little bit more.

"Try, Tsukune." He whispered to the youth gently. There was no rush. Nobody would dare disturb them, else they would experience Issa's wrath. And honestly, Issa didn't felt the need to rush anything. Tsukune was someone precious, someone who deserved everything Issa could give to him.

How ironic that he would have found such a gem of a person among the worthless humans.

How shallow, that he was angered at Tsukune's want of Moka's Rosario because the boy wanted the Outer more than Inner. (He slyly toed off Tsukune's shoes, leaving him in socks and trousers.)

How amusing, that this tiny rabbit person unknowingly ensnared him, the great Issa Shunzen, in his trap.

How endearing, that the young man was tripping over the simple buttons as he tried to undress him.

How uncharacteristic of him to be so very patient with anyone. Well, Tsukune was always an exception.

He shrugged his shirt off, reveling in Tsukune's gasp of surprise, and for once, absurdly proud of his good looks.

Smirking softly, he took in Tsukune's wide-eyed innocence, and unzipped the boy's trousers, making him yelp with surprise.

"I - Issa-san!" The young man blurted out, his cheeks reddening with shame, as he tried to shy away, but Issa didn't allow him.

"I am here. I will be here." 'I won't leave you.' The unspoken words between them made Tsukune blush even deeper.

Another kiss, gentle at first, and then steadily deepening, until Issa felt himself drunk on the young man's scent, skin, taste and warmth.

Truly, Moka was all kinds of stupid to disregard Tsukune.

Oh well, her loss, his gain.

His fingers wedged themselves in the elastic of the boy's boxers, tugging them down, making Tsukune yelp with horrified surprise, but he didn't let go of him or the kiss.

Tsukune didn't know what to think. Or do, for that matter. He knew how such things were done - at least with a girl, but here he was, undressed first, standing in the garden, clad only in his dark gray wifebeater and black socks, making him feel about to explode with mortification.

His heart was racing, clenching and unclenching with furious, painful rhythm – like it did with Moka, but unlike with Moka, his heart pounded more and faster as if it was about to jump out of his chest cavity and either go to Issa or flee from him. He felt as if he couldn't stand up anymore, his legs trembling and he felt strangely lightheaded, about to pass out and yet, he was right here, right now, under that garnet gaze looking at him hungrily, and having no delusion that something wouldn't change after this.

He looked at Issa-san - Issa-san obviously didn't believe in needing an undershirt, so his eyes slid over the pale expanse of his chest, and stomach muscles - slender and strong and just about perfect, making him ashamed of his own form for a moment - Issa was perfection incarnate, what was he even doing with a kid like him in the first place?

"You are perfect." As if he heard his unspoken doubt, he heard Issa's voice murmur to him. "Don't ever doubt it, Tsukune."

They were only a foot apart, looking at each other, Tsukune blushing at his half-nakedness, and trying to tug down the fabric of his wifebeater to cover himself, and Issa looking at him hungrily, standing proud with his chest bared and his silver hair mussed slightly from his usually orderly appearance.

And then, Issa was there and kissing him – not the usual, gentle, exploratory kisses, but hungry ones, as if he was about to devour him whole, making Tsukune whimper at the man's forceful advancement.

And then, with an odd shuffle and wiggle, the man's trousers were low on his hips and Tsukune felt those hands slide possessively from his waist down to his ass, each one grabbing an ass cheek possessively, making him squeak with shock as he wiggled to try and dislodge those hands.

"Get your - ah, hands, off of my ass!" He managed to gasp out, but he only got a wicked chuckle in return.

"Won't do, Tsukune." The vampire purred back as he kneaded the twin flesh globes, parting them and to his mortification, Tsukune felt himself become heated at the man's action.

It was forbidden.


And totally arousing.

Those clever fingers inched on, gently feeling the crack, making him jerk in surprise.

"W - What -!?" He tried to speak out, but he was muffled by a tongue being shoved past his lips, forcing him to participate in the game of tongue-tag. He couldn't speak, only whimper, which he did, not that it detracted his assaulter any less.

Issa was in heaven. Having Tsukune right where he wanted him, it was a gift beyond any he had received in his long life. Gently, softly, he teased the man, enjoying his whimpers, finally ending the kiss and placing his fingers to the young man's mouth. "Lick them." He ordered with a husky growl.

Meekly, Tsukune complied - Issa would have thought he would have resisted more, but it seemed that pleasure had done its share of dazing the youth, and Issa knew that Tsukune wasn't the one to lead. No, he was one to be taken care of, to be sheltered, and pampered.

And Issa intended to deliver.

When he felt his fingers were sufficiently wet, he removed them from Tsukune's mouth trailing them back to that tempting crack and then rubbing them in, searching for that elusive opening.

He looked how Tsukune's eyed flew open from his date, those pink – darkened mouth opened in a yelp of protest, because there was something invading him –

- how he squirmed, trying to get away, but Issa grabbed him by the back of his neck, pressing a kiss on his lips to distract him, growling in frustrated arousal when the young man involuntarily wiggled against him.

"Tsu-ku-ne." He snarled out, making the youth still for a moment, those dazed eyes looking in his own garnet ones with confusion and arousal swirling in the passion-darkened orbs.

"Issa – I'm feeling weird. Why – "Tsukune tried to ask as he shimmied forward, only to blush as he felt a very distinctive bulge under the vampire's belt.

A moment later, he was slammed against the tree, lifted up and his eyes widened when something bigger prodded against his entrance.

"You little minx," The vampires hissed against his throat, nibbling sharply, just shy of piercing the skin. "You don't know what are you doing to me, do you?" Pale smooth chest rose and fell with panting breaths, and then, the pressure strengthened when this thick something pressed on, sliding in slowly and making him stiffen with the dull pain.

"That's - !" He yelped.

"Tsukune, if you say 'impossible', I will bite you." The silveret purred at him, his stomach taut with an effort of holding back.

Red eyes watched as those gentle brown eyes widened, and the already flushed skin blushed even further. "R-Really?" Tsukune squeaked out, making Issa pause in his exploration.

"Would you wish me to?" He asked, a tilting his head, red looking into brown intensely, as if Issa was trying to read the young man's mind by the sheer look alone.

"Would you?" Tsukune whispered back, his fingers intertwining in the silver strands at the back of Issa's head nervously. Silver eyebrows hiked up. "Is that a yes, Tsu-ku-ne?" The vampire's voice dropped lower, his tone both teasing and serious at the same time.

"U - Um… M – Maybe?" Tsukune winced at his squeak. He cursed inwardly - he sounded like some of those indecisive chicks, and he definitely wasn't a chick, thank you very much!

"If you don't want to, it's alright." Issa reassured him, nuzzling their noses together in a small Eskimo kiss. Tsukune's eyebrows furrowed. "But Moka always – "He tried to explain, only to feel the man's finger touching his babbling lips gently.

"I am not Moka, Tsukune. "He said sternly. "If you don't want to, it's alright. Even if you never want to, it's okay. I don't like you because of your blood. I like you because of you."

Tsukune's hitched breath felt like a dagger between his ribs. Issa sighed. "Tsukune, I am not Moka. She may have used you like that, but I don't need to. I am older and can reign in –"

He was interrupted by a heated kiss. "Thank you." Those two heartfelt words carried so much. 'Thank you for understanding. Thank you for accepting me. Thank you for being patient with me.'

"Another time, then?" The stern lips curved in a small, smile, which Tsukune dared to label as mischievous, and those garnet eyed gleamed with affection.

"Yeah." With that, Tsukune once again took possession of those smiling lips, wanting to get some more of those drugging kisses. "Now, where were we?" He panted as he wiggled against the vampire.

"Something about something being impossible?" Issa teased back, smirking, making Tsukune groan with dread. He felt a small bite on his right shoulder - just enough to prick, but not enough to puncture.

"It is possible, Tsu-ku-ne. Now, be a good little rabbit and be still for me." Issa nuzzled the place between Tsukune's neck and shoulder gently.

"I object to being labeled a rabbit." Tsukune huffed, but he stilled nonetheless, acutely feeling those smooth, strong hands caressing his behind.

He shuddered at feeling chuckle against the tender skin of his neck. "Wrap your legs around my waist." The huskily growled-out order made him comply hesitantly, as he clumsily tried to do the deed, pressing them impossibly closer, and he nearly squeaked when he felt something pressing against his opening - a strange, weird kind of pressure, like reverse of - he blushed when he thought what this opening was used for and he opened his mouth to protest, only to be muffled by a heated kiss, the vampire's tongue coaxing his own in a heated dance of slickness and sensuality.

It was slow, and weird and at the moment unpleasant – the pressure was stretching both his skin and his inner walls and Tsukune was beginning to wonder what was all the hype about, whimpering with confused annoyance. But then, those hands moved, and Issa retreated slightly, making him feel both bereft and relived at once, and Tsukune didn't know what to feel.

"Don't –! " He gasped out as he managed to tear his lips away from vampire's ones, instinctively clutching his legs around that slender waist tighter, as if to making Issa stay.

It was terribly intimate and a whole lot awkward, feeling someone else than Moka between his legs - scratch that, Moka was never between his legs, and Tsukune had to suppress a hysterical chuckle at his imagination, but then, Issa moved on and In, and that weird feeling of fullness was back –

Issa huffed as he moved, the tightness was maddening, and he wondered just how long he could hold on his iron self-control until it would shatter completely. Tsukune's legs were clutching him against the boy's body, an odd whimper or two occasionally making it past his lips and Issa was filled with both amazement and respect at that wonderful being he was cradling against him – it had to be hard for Tsukune, who had known touch of only a female lover - and for him, to trust Issa, to open for Issa so –

- it was the strongest aphrodisiac imaginable, and Issa knew, with the certainty he didn't ever felt before, not even when he was with Akasha - that he would never, ever let Tsukune go.

Then, two-or three thrust after this, Tsukune gasped, his eyes widening, and his lips slackened in an 'o' of surprise, and that whimper electrified Issa like nothing else –

Tsukune jerked as he felt something deep within his bowels zinging up his spine - it was faint, but pleasurable spark that made him slack his jaw momentarily with surprise - he wanted more, and at the same time, he wanted less of it, but there was need for moremoremore, and when he looked in Issa's eyes, he saw the same heat that grappled in his stomach and crotch - he whimpered he felt the additional little shocks from his member, sensitive and erect and he just wanted –

His hips jerked back up without his conscious thought and he mewled at the friction between them and within him and he wanted more.

"I – Isssa!" Tsukune's desperate hiss made the silver-haired vampire almost lose the reigns of his self-control, the young man's voice should have been prohibited, because surely, nothing had right to sound so erotic. "M – More!"

"You are mine, Tsukune!" Issa growled at the youth, his stomach churning with heat and he voraciously kissed those pinked lips, thrusting his tongue in the warm, moist cavern daringly, tasting both Tsukune's taste and feeling the whimpers vibrating from within, Tsukune's skin against his stomach heated and soft and smelling of them, so vulnerable and exposed and yet so very indecent- "Say it!"

"Y – hah - Yours!" Tsukune agreed, his voice pitched and pleading and raw both with emotions and sensations that ravaged his body.

And this was the last straw.

Issa's control snapped. Snarling, he took possession of those slender hips - belatedly, he knew that Tsukune would have some hand-shaped bruises later on, but he couldn't be arsed - those would be marks of possession, that Tsukune was Issa's and nobody's else, only Issa's -

-Tsukune threw his head back against the tree's trunk, his body tensing, stomach muscles contracting and Issa felt those fingers digging in the skin of his back, the nails biting in harshly, thighs clutching to his waist even harder, and then Tsukune exhaled the sound Issa would remember forever - half of a choke, and half a strangled exclamation, like being imprisoned and simultaneously freed - those beautiful brown orbs snapping open with surprise and then being half-slitted as his body was wracked by the shudders of release, those innocent brown eyes so dark they seemed to be almost black and full of sin –

Issa felt his body become taut and he was overwhelmed with his own pleasure, and for once, he had given into it, allowing himself to be one with the person that unknowingly held his heart.

If you feel like leaving
I'm not gonna beg you to stay
Soon, you'll be finding
You can run, you can hide
But you can't escape my love
You can run, you can hide
But you can't escape my love

The silence between them after what they had done was awkward.

Tsukune didn't know what to think.

What to do.

He certainly didn't subscribe for a round of hot, sweaty, mind-blowing sex when he came to the garden yesterday – in fact, he wasn't even gay, for heaven's sake, and even if he did admit to himself that he definitely felt something for Issa - it was impossible not to be attracted to the bastard, he was way too charismatic for his own good, but he was unsure on what was between them right now.

Passion, sure. Understanding… well, probably. There were some points they would never see each other eye to eye, most prominently Issa's disdain of humans and Tsukune's stubborn maintenance of the fact he once belonged to that particular species - in fact, Tsukune still thought himself as a human, no matter the strange cocktail of liquids in his blood – but that still didn't constitute good blocks for building their relationship.

In fact, what was their relationship right now? Tsukune feared to look closer at the situation, because that would mean some deep soul-searching he definitely wasn't prepared to do… yet. Or never.

So they had an affair - so what? It was normal, and Issa's reputation as a womanizer was widely known in the supernatural community - but where did that leave him, Tsukune?

Sure, Issa could be rather sweet, but that still didn't mean Tsukune had to like him any more after that romp in the garden.

The gentle-natured man blushed at the memories as he forcefully zipped his duffle bag shut.

He had managed to tiptoe away from the man - how he managed that he was still stunned about, because usually, Issa wasn't one to be caught unaware, but he seemed to sleep so very peacefully Tsukune didn't had the heart, nor guts, his brain mockingly reminded him - to wake him up, because that would mean opening a whole new can of worms.

He looked around the room, checking if he had everything. He would miss it, but for now, he deserved some peace and he definitely wouldn't get it if he stayed with Issa.

So, Arisa-chan, it was.

If you go
You should know
It's hard to just forget the past
So fast
It was good, it was bad
But it was real
And that's all you have
In the end, our love mattered

Issa was no fool He knew that his lover would try to ditch him as soon as he, Issa, fell asleep. Tsukune had enough shocks for a day – from their argument, to Issa outright mauling his mouth with his tongue, to Issa trying to persuade him to accept the fact that he was definitely something more than a companion to the Shuzen clan head. And that invitation to seduction and following romp didn't ease the things between them any less.

Though….The romp in question was exquisite. The silver-haired vampire smirked. Who knew that Tsukune could be such a wildcat in bed? Well, not in bed, if he was technical, but still...

He smirked as he looked at the stars on the darkened sky. For now, he would let Tsukune go…

… but the hunt would go on.

If you feel like leaving
I'm not gonna beg you to stay
Soon, you'll be finding
You can run, you can hide
But you can't escape my love
You can run, you can hide
But you can't escape my love

Slender brown eyebrows twitched.

That damned bastard.

Indeed, Issa Shuzen was one very persistent bastard who didn't take no for an answer when he wanted something.

Somehow - not that Tsukune doubted he wouldn't - the man had found out the address of Tsukune's temporary lodgings and since then, Tsukune found himself in enviable – not! - position of being a recipient of many courting gifts.

Was the man daft or something?

And his friend or not, Tsukune was definitely fed up with Asuka's cooing and squealing over the gifts - he even had to prevent her from keeping any because that would be a straight-out suicide.

Vampires were ridiculously possessive like that - the gifts were only meant for their courters and heavens help anyone who would with to 'help' themselves with the gifts of their intended.

Another day, another bouquet of fragrant Osiris roses (-just where did Issa find them – they were ridiculously expensive,) and a small card enclosed, the words written in a beautiful cursive.

'You can't escape my love'.

"I can try, bastard," Tsukune murmured peevishly as he crumbled the card and threw it to the wastebasket.

He would deny to his dying day that his heart was just a little bit warmer and his stomach flipped just a little bit more.

He was not happy, dammit!

You can run, you can hide
But you can't escape my love

No matter how he tried, Tsukune couldn't make more intimate bonds with his admirers. After he had recovered from his heartbreak and away from one silver-haired vampire chasing his ass - he took a sabbatical from his studies before he tackled the university entrance exams – he was deemed prime dating material and what was even better, nobody knew about his first disaster of a marriage. So he could pretend that he was searching for romance or a fling like any of his year mates were, and yet, there was some sort of a mysterious quality to him that made him seem to be more mature than his peers and causing women to flock to him in droves, much to his dismay and Asuka's pouting.

He had gone on a few dates, but he couldn't bring himself to go any further than to kiss a girl on her cheek and inform her that thanks, she was pretty and kind, but no thanks, he would rather they remain friends. And for some reason, they accepted it, even if they didn't like it.

His dreams were filled with silver hair and garnet red eyes with velveteen voice whispering in his ears.

And like it or not, he actually missed the bastard.

He was pathetic, wasn't he?

Tsukune smiled at the card. He resigned himself to collecting them and putting them in a special map.

Someone was always here for him… even if he didn't want him to be.

Here's how it goes
All it takes is some trying


"Coming!" Arisa hollered as she clumsily raised herself up from sitting on the couch. She had been playing Icha Icha Girls Edition, and she wasn't happy that her favorite pastime was interrupted just when it was at the critical point. She had slaved for five days over getting that ending, dammit!

Pouting, she headed to the door. "If there's another of those 'Tsu-kun' bimbos, I swear…" She growled to herself, before she yanked the door open. "What do you want?"

She snapped, glaring at the visitor viciously.

"Is Tsukune here?"

Arisa tilted her head. "Yeah, he is. And who are you?" She asked, gray eyes narrowing grumpily. She was deprived of her Icha Icha, dammit!

"Shuzen Issa." The visitor replied, red eyes glaring at her stonily.

He was surprised when the girls' lips stretched into a malicious grin. "Oh, so you're the famous Issa Tsukune is groaning over when he has private time!" She greeted him cheerfully. "Normally, I wouldn't let you in, because he requested me not to, but he's honestly pathetic with him refusing any and all dates - do you know how irritating it is, him attracting all the babes and there are none for me?" She demanded, turning around, leaving a bemused Issa in her wake. "Cosmic injustice, I say!" She bemoaned, throwing her hands up with exasperation, showing off her midriff in the same movement. "So c'mon, get in and retrieve that lovesick puppy of yours already!"

Red eyes blinked. And then, Issa chuckled.

"We will go along just fine." He said with a smirk.


Groaning, Tsukune dropped the pen on the desk and rubbed his eyes tiredly. He was at it for four hours straight, and it was taking a toll on him - but anything was better than seeing Issa everywhere.

He spotted something silver from the edge of his eye.

"Oh, great now." He moaned, covering his eyes. "Now I am imaging him doing his damned swirly thing to his lock in my room." He said, thoroughly exasperated with himself.

Issa had a habit of curling a lock on his forehead - a habit that Tsukune had hesitantly termed as a cute, even if he didn't know what Issa was doing it for. The man was already perfect, and him playing with that stray lock was just…. cute. Tsukune always imagined a kid Issa doing the same thing, and he couldn't help but smile at the mental picture.

He leaned his head back, exhaling slowly. "I must be going mad." He mumbled. "There's no way he would be in my room."

A chuckle. "Yes, way."

"I am hearing things now, aren't I?" Tsukune said miserably, his shoulder slumping.

A pair of hands was placed on his shoulders.

"And you are feeling his hands," 'Issa's' voice said agreeably, and Tsukune closed his eyes, trying to imagine Issa with him, how would his hands feel like.

"And I am feeling his ha – YAH!" Tsukune shrieked as he jumped up as he tried to turn around, only to stumble and he would have fallen if the ghost in question hadn't caught him in his embrace.

"I knew you missed me, Tsukune, but mistaking me for a ghost? Tsk, tsk." The subject of his obsession clicked mockingly, garnet eyes glinting with good humor.

Tsukune felt himself gape, and his cheeks burned with mortification. "Wha - You!" He yelled, pointing - or trying to - point at the amused vampire. That was embracing him too tightly to fully extend his arm, after all.

"I love how you call me by my name." Issa said, smiling.

"You weren't supposed to hear it!" Tsukune protested, his cheeks still heated with mortification.

Tsukune's next complaint was stopped by a small peck on his lips.

"Missed you." Two simple words took all irritation out of the young man's proverbial sails.

And like it or not, but he missed the damn bastard too. With hat thought in mind, he burrowed further in vampire's embrace, inhaling the scent of sandalwood and clovers. Even if the said bastard scared the crap out of him what with his silent appearing act.

Smiling, he reached up and tugged at the silver forelock.

"Missed you too."

Issa tilted his head, a small smile on his lips. He was looking just too darn enticing in his suit, Tsukune decided, torn between pouting and admiration.

"Will you try?"

Brown eyes locked on garnet ones, both of them knowing what they were talking about.


Really, what other answer could be given?

If you feel like leaving
I'm not gonna beg you to stay
Soon, you'll be finding
You can run, you can hide
But you can't escape my love
You can run, you can hide
But you can't escape my love

The room was dark, with only a small lamp throwing a feeble light in its surroundings. Dark-wooden floor, off-white walls with a poster or two plastered on, and clothes strewn around the futon, mixed together - from effortless, expensive elegance to the casual and low-priced ones.

The futon in question was in use - two bulges were hiding under the covers, melding into one seamlessly, the only recognizable part of the mysterious occupants being their heads.

Brown hair was even darker in the half-light, while the silver one was bleached into an off-platinum shade. A shift later, the covers slid down to reveal skin against skin as an older male embraced the younger – and smaller one - against his body, his hand twining itself around the youth's midriff. Slowly, the eyelids of the smaller male opened blearily as the youth blinked slowly, as if befuddled about just where he was. An uncomfortable squirm and a groan later, the smaller male got out of the possessive embrace of his older companion, grimacing slightly at the feeling of discomfort zinging through his bladder. He was completely naked, not that it bothered him any - not after the activities he had participated in with the still sleeping silver-haired man. Looking affectionately at the slumbering person, he attempted to rise, only to squeak in shock as the arm snaked out faster than lightning and pinned him back on the covers.

"I - Issa!" The young man's scratchy voice berated his companion, only to see those dark garnet eyes looking at him impishly.

"Going somewhere, Tsu-ku-ne?" The older man purred out sensuously as he stretched like some kind of a giant jungle cat, making the younger male blush.

"Gotta go piss." The brown-haired male mumbled, shifting uncomfortably as his cheeks heated with embarrassment.

A chuckle made him twitch, before the offending hand affectionately squeezed him. "Go." A nuzzle.

Brown eyes rolled up in exasperation. "Gee, thanks, Issa-san. However would I make do without you?" The younger male snarked as he was finally released from the hold.

"Probably still having hallucinations." The silver-haired man replied, amused, when his companion scowled.

"I really can't escape your love, can I?" The brown-haired youth, now known as Tsukune sighed, mock-defeated.

"Do you even want to?" The inquiry was muffled by covers as the silver-haired man cocooned himself within their shared warmth.

Tsukune sighed at Issa's antics before he rose and headed to the toilet, snatching his bathrobe on the way. There was no need to flash his junk around, after all.

Taking care of his need and then returning, he quietly kneeled beside the man-sized cocoon on the floor. No sooner than he kneeled, the cocoon unraveled, only to show disheveled silver-haired vampire that looked at him with sleepy garnet eyes. Wordlessly, the man made a place for him, making Tsukune sigh with relief at feeling their shared warmth again. He was snuggled against the slender chest and strong arms wrapped him into a tight, yet gentle embrace.

And Tsukune smiled.

That was a hold he would never, ever want to escape.

And he had a feeling he would never have to.

Smiling, he nuzzled into Issa's chest and inhaled the scent of sandalwood and clovers.

It was enough.

/The End/OWARI/