"So you're telling me he remembers absolutely nothing?" Tony said doubtfully to Ziva, looking towards the doors of the conference room. "Nothing. Not even his own name" Ziva confirmed. Tony sighed as he knew there was no chance getting home early today. He looked around checking no one could see them before pulling her close to him and kissing her gently. It was a short kiss but it was enough to make Ziva relax into his arms.

"I-I- I should get back in there and help ducky" she whispered without making a convincing effort to move away from Tony. She definitely was never going to get used to being held by him. Every time he kissed her felt as good as the first, especially the stolen kisses at work. Tony looked into her eyes and he could tell this case was bothering her.

"Okay, but tonight promise I will get to see you? No cooking, maybe takeout? My kitchen still looks like a bomb sight after this morning" He smiled revealing his white teeth.

"I Promise" She said quickly kissing him on the cheek. She slipped out of his arms and walked towards the conference room doors before doing a quick check back to see that he was still gazing after her. She smiled again before entering the room. Tony was still looking towards the now closed door when Gibbs approached.

"Any news?" He asked, making DiNozzo jump. Close call. If Gibbs had come seconds earlier he would have been caught with his co-worker.

"Not yet boss. Ducky's just doing some initial tests but there doesn't seem to be signs of injury…did you find anything?" Gibbs nodded unenthusiastically not wanting to reveal his findings.

"I went to his apartment.." he paused not wanting to continue "there was a body DiNozzo" Tony looked with raised eyebrows at his boss. "Oh…" Tony didn't know what to say.

"Shot in the head and neck" Gibbs added. Jack Leighton didn't look capable of committing a crime but then again this amnesia would be very convenient. He could tell his boss didn't want to break the news to Jack. Tony didn't know what to say, he knew Gibbs personally knew Jack but all the evidence at the moment pointed towards him. They stood in silence until Ducky exited the conference room.

"Jethro it's not good news" Ducky said quietly. "There was lots of blood on his t-shirt under his jumper, it doesn't seem to be his and he doesn't know where it came from. It looks like he has simply put a clean jumper over the top and…" Ducky trailed off not wanting to conclude what they were all thinking. They had a problem.

Ziva sat with the young marine. She had taken the duty to tell him that someone was found dead in his apartment. He looked at her with his large eyes and she could see the tears start to form. "I don't even know what I'm capable of" he said quietly. She could hear the doubt creeping into his voice.

"Hey. We do not know anything yet" she said lifting up his chin. "This could be some big misunderstanding" She said, but now she was the one that didn't sound convincing. A tear rolled down his face and Ziva brushed it off. "I believe you did nothing" she said comfortingly.

It was getting late when Gibbs walked through the door of the conference room. "Ziva, DiNozzo's going to take you home, you've been here all day" Gibbs was right, she had spent all day trying to comfort the lost marine but she didn't want to leave, not yet. She felt protective, like she was the only on that believed he was not capable of committing murder. Gibbs could see that she was not going to give up easily. "He's not going anywhere, I've organised for a specialist to come in and see him…and I'll be here" he added.

Slowly a tired Ziva walked out of the room, physically and emotionally drained. She collapsed into Tony's arms. Why was she so emotional about this one case?! Tony didn't say anything and just held her for a minute. "Sweet cheeks…he'll be alright. They truth always comes out in the end" He whispered in her ear then kissed her forehead. "What's wrong?" Tony knew there must be more on her mind than just a marine with amnesia.

"He…he's alone Tony. He has no mother or father. No-one to care about him. No-one has reported him missing…no one has noticed that he has gone" she trailed off leaving Tony to realise the problem: She saw herself in the marine. "and now he is being framed for murder.."

"Hey Ziva…" Tony put his arms around her and pulled her in, close enough to rest his forehead on hers. "No one is ever alone, not truly. Even in their darkest days when they may not realise it, there is always someone there. It's just a matter of time before it all comes together. Like us" he didn't know if that had made sense " Tomorrow will be different, I'm sure this mess will all be cleared up for Leighton. Someone will have reported him missing, you know how long the system takes. There is always someone that cares. Always"