This fanfiction will incorporate most genres, hopefully- romance, comedy, drama. Plot can also go everywhere, so I really appreciate your ideas. This fanfiction can be controlled by the reader if I get enough reviews, go for it :) Just thought it would be fun!
I don't own Skyfall, but I wish I did. As always, please review, It makes my day to hear your responses :)

So, he'd recently come into contact with the man himself, 007. First impressions? The agent seemed like an arrogant toy-boy, and Q was certain the gun he'd spent countless hours developing would not be returned in one piece. See? 007 must of irritated him. He didn't even know what toy-boy meant! Yet, it fitted. He just assumed it wasn't exactly flattering. Huh. Now he thought about it, what did it mean...? Clickety clickety click...

A few clicks away he'd located a description on an 'Urban Dictionary': A male used specifically by females for pleasure and fun when their husband or boyfriend is not giving them enough.

Huh. Suited Bond Perfectly.

", Sir?"
An young intern holding a stack of paper was frowning confusedly, peering over his shoulder. Oh, Good Lord.

Eyes widening, Q slammed his laptop shut. He then realised he'd had a few exceedingly important documents open, and desperately hoped they would survive this unscathed. He adjusted his glasses, and fruitlessly tried to act casual.

"Yes? What is it? I'm a busy man!" He snapped. Hm, poor choice of words.

The poor intern set the files carefully on his desk, explaining their purpose shakily, then nervously bidding him goodbye. Wonderful, just wonderful! Now his interns would decide to spread an office rumour that their Quartermaster was interested in becoming a toy-boy for the sexually deprived. Wonderful.

After a few moments, he left his post when he heard a number of staff computers were broken beyond repair. People claimed they'd tried everything, that they were at their wits end. Q had been more empathetic with the poor laptops in their care. He'd then realised that they hadn't even pressed the button at the front which turned the damn thing on! And as he turned to leave, he caught sight of them googling 'Funny cat pictures'. Were these really trained members of MI6?

Could this day get any worse? Yes. He opened the laptop up again, grimacing when he saw that all of his work had indeed been deleted. He'd have to start from scratch, and he was running out of Earl Grey teabags in the staff room. Q pinched the bridge of his nose, adjusted his tie, then inhaled sharply. He mustn't lose his temper or M would complain about his lack of professionalism. Q took a large gulp of tea from his scrabble cup, shook his hands to loosen any cramps in his fingers, then set to work typing again.

The rest of the evening was spent this way. Most would consider it to be tedious and boring, but not Q. Oh no, he lived for challenges. There was no better feeling in the world than a task well completed. Slightly sad? Oh well. As he made his way through reception, a group of interns waved fakely. The instant he turned his back, they started to giggle like children. "Toy-boy...really...?"

Q rolled his eyes. These were the people responsible for protecting British security? With that thought in consideration, he wasn't sure he'd feel safe in his bed that night. "Why don't I just shoot myself now?" He mumbled lightly under his breath. Q had been prevented from receiving his 'full dosage' of Earl Grey tea that evening, restricted to five mugs. Five mugs! It was a crime. He hailed a taxi, stumbling inside with his laptop pressed protectively against his chest.