Author's Note:

Thank you so much for the reviews to all of you, I'm glad that you guys like the story. I will do my best to not disappoint you guys.:) Sorry for taking so long in updating. bboop12 here is your update :) sorry I didn't answer the PM.

Genesis Chi: English is not my first language so I do have some trouble with my grammar, however I always try my best when I write not to have crappy grammar. I uploaded this through my ipod since my laptop wasn't working, so I really couldn't go back and edit, also I lost my glasses, and without them I have trouble seeing well, another reason why my grammar was bad. XD I'm sorry if my sentences drag on for too long, from now on I'll try not to do that. I will go back and edit the story tomorrow, seeing as I won't be busy and will have time.

He was so mad at her. How could she do this to him? He loved her with all his heart and soul. But ever since she had restored Dimitri back to himself, she seemed to have eyes only for him.
Didn't she know that she was hurting him?
Christian shook his head and kept walking down the side walk.
He understood that Dimitri may be having a hard time, but it was no excuse for her to act that way; not towards him or to Rose.
The sudden thought of her name made him stop.
He recalled that day at church, the words Dimitri had told her, and how defensive Lissa had been. After all Rose had done for him, Christian couldn't understand why he treated her the way he had done.
He run his hand through his hair in frustration.
Where was she? He hadn't seen her or heard from her since that day at church.
She must be really devastated since Lissa had removed her from her potential guardian candidate list.
How could Lissa do this to her?; They were like sisters. How wronged and betray Rose must be feeling?
He had been walking without paying attention to where he was going, until he saw her from afar standing in front of the doors that lead to the Guardians building.
Her expression was hard to read from where he was, but when she stagger back and screamed, he broke into a run.
When he reached her she was half crouched down her hands cover her ears and screaming; she was shaking in fear.
"Rose!" He graved her shoulders.
She shook her head "No" she whisper.
"It's okay" he whisper as he pulled her into her hands. "It will be right" he run his hand down her hair, trying to sooth her.
He didn't know what to, this was the first time he had seen Rose like this.
What had made her like this? He wonder?; And as he ponder about it, he mentally slap himself. Spirit was making her like this.
He had forgotten the effects that spirit had on her, not that he knew much about Spirit. Though Lissa had mentioned something about Rose keeping her sane.
And Lissa did seem to be sane, but Rose? How had he had forgotten about her? Most importantly how could Lissa let Rose face this alone.
Anger cursed through him and without thinking about it he picked her up and took her back to his apartment.
The walk to his apartment was a long one, and by the time he got to the building he was already breaking into a sweat. Not wanting to be seen, Christian opted to enter through the parking garage, hoping that he wouldn't have run into someone.
He went through the parking garage and up the elevator without encountering someone, something he was grateful for.
Rose in the other hand clutch to Christian and cried silently.
Once he got to his room, he lay her down on the bed, or well at least that's what he tried to do. But Rose wouldn't let go of his shirt, instead she pulled him closer to her.
"Don't leave me please" tears roll down her face and her voice sounded scare, really scare.
He didn't hesitate to wrap his around her, after all that's what friends are for. To take care of each other when they are in need.
"It will be okay" he muffled against her hair. "Sleep. Tomorrow will be a new day. Tomorrow will figure out, whatever is happening. We'll fix it. I promise"
Those words made her heart tighten in pain. Why couldn't it be him who was saying those words?
Even though new fat tears roll down her eyes, she nodded. For right now she wanted to forget what had happen outside. She wanted forget everything. She was too tired to think, and emotionally broken.
For now she would let the comfort of his friend hold her and protect her.
She would let his heat a peace the coldness that she had wrapped around herself like a blanket, to forget everything about him. She would let him a peace the darkness that threaten to brake her.
After all she was a broken friend that needed help and he was the only friend that hadn't abandoned her.

I know this is a short update. I'll update tomorrow again seeing as I will have time.

Also I have decided not to rush the story, I will take it a bit slowly, XD but not too slowly.

AND I hope that this update didn't disappoint you guys, but like I said before I don't want to rush this story.

I already have seven chapters written down, xD but I'm still deciding where in between I want to introduce the new characters.

Dream-with-your-heart you where like the only one that mention that. :) as for her going strigoi, well XD will see what happens, also it depends on the introduction of one of the new characters, and as well as her decision, though it will be influenced by what happen in one of her previous life's. XD I'm debating that whether to have her go fully strigoi, or...