I'm Your Daughter

Chapter 4:

"So? What is it? What's wrong?" asked Rose as the TARDIS started making weird noises… well, weirder than usual.

"Don't know," said the Doctor. "Some kind of signal drawing the TARDIS off course."

"Where are we?" asked Jenny. It was obvious that they had landed – unless her dad miraculously learned how to fly the TARDIS without it going wibbly wobbly all over the place. They stepped outside of the TARDIS, only to be greeted with darkness.

"Earth, Utah. North America. About a half a mile underground."

"And when are we?" asked Rose.

"Two thousand and twelve."

The year didn't mean anything to Jenny, but it meant something to Rose apparently. "God that's so close. So I should be twenty-six."

"You're nineteen, yeah?" Jenny asked Rose, who nodded. "That means I'm probably older than you," said Jenny with a grin, then paused. "Well, technically I'm only four… but…"

"How old were you when you came out of the machine?" asked Rose, then hastily added: "Sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out like that."

Jenny shrugged, "I wasn't assigned an age. I wasn't assigned a name either. I guess I'm in my twenties in appearance though, what do you think?"

"I think you're four and you're an idiot," the Doctor decided to add his input, but Jenny ignored him.

"Maybe around my age, dunno. Blimey, you know so much but you're only four… how?"

"I wasn't born with a child's mind, I was born with the mind of a soldier. A full-bred soldier, that's what they needed on Messaline. No time to take care of kids, it was all about popping your hand into a machine and creating new generations. I guess that's why Dad didn't like me much at first, every instinct in me made me want to fight and kill. It's hard to explain, it's like when you're having a craving, and you're filled in a room full of the food you want, but you're not allowed to have any of it. That's what it was like when I was with my dad on Messaline. He wouldn't let me do anything that involved using a gun. I guess he thought I was a child in mind," said Jenny thoughtfully.

"Yeah, or I thought you were an idiot."

"I'm not an idiot!" Jenny exclaimed, turning to her father. "I can be just as smart as you, old man."

The Doctor fake winced, "Ow, that really hurt my feelings. Come on, you two. Let's see… ah!" the Doctor had found a light switch that lit up a large room filled with display cases.

"What's this?" asked Jenny, looking around.

"Blimey!" Rose exclaimed. "It's a great, big museum!"

"Mu-what?" asked Jenny, but she was ignored.

"An alien museum," the Doctor corrected. "Someone's got a hobby. They must have spent a fortune on this. Chunks of meteorite, moon dust –"

"Oh! They're collectors! They collect things," cut in Jenny. "So that's what a museum is…."

"That's the milometer from the Roswell spaceship!" the Doctor exclaimed, looking at one of the cases.

"That's a bit of Slitheen!" Jenny said in disgust. "That's a Slitheen arm."

"It's been stuffed," said Rose, grimacing.

"Oh, look at you," the Doctor murmured, studying something else and ignoring the two of them. Rose walked over along with Jenny. The Doctor was looking at a great big, metal head.

"An old friend of mine," murmured the Doctor.

"By friend he means enemy," Jenny put in helpfully.

"Oi, no sass from you," said the Doctor, "but yeah, Jenny's right. The stuff of nightmares reduced to an exhibit. I'm getting old."

"Is that where the signal's coming from?" asked Rose curiously.

"No, it's stone dead. The signal's alive. Something's reaching out, calling for help."

The Doctor reached out a hand gently and touched the display case. Almost at once a loud alarm sounded. Armed guards appeared out of nowhere, rushing from all sides and cutting them off from the TARDIS.

"Wish I had my gun," Jenny murmured. She could easily have taken half of them out.

"If someone's collecting aliens," Rose said cautiously, "that makes you two Exhibits A and B."

Jenny, Rose and the Doctor were "escorted" into a large room with lots of people milling about.

"What does it do?" one man asked.

"Well you see the tubes on the side? It must be to channel something. I think maybe fuel," said another man thoughtfully. They were looking down at a metal thing. Jenny had no idea what it was.

"I really wouldn't hold it like that," said her father, also watching.

"Shut it," snapped the man escorting them.

"Really though," said the Doctor, "that's wrong."

"Is it dangerous?" the man holding it asked.

"No, it just looks silly," said the Doctor. He reached out for the item in the man's hand, and firing bolts clicked all around him. The man handed him the metal…whatever. Alien thing.

"You just need to be," the Doctor stroked the metal thing delicately, and it let out a single trill. A pleasant trill. "Delicate."

Jenny listened with a smile as he played more notes. It was a beautiful sound, nothing like she'd heard on Messaline at any rate.

"It's a musical instrument," said the man who had been holding it.

"And it's a long way from home," the Doctor said, nodding.

"Here, let me," the man said, reaching for it. Jenny winced at the sound the device made when he tried playing it. It was obnoxious and annoying, not at all like the pleasant music the Doctor had been producing.

"I did say delicate," said the Doctor dryly. "It reacts to the smallest fingerprint. It needs precision."

The man looked at him for a moment, before stroking it again. Jenny relaxed as the sound came out normal again, just as nice as when the Doctor had played it.

"Very good," the Doctor complimented, "quite the expert."

"As are you," said the man, then promptly tossed it on the floor. "Who exactly are you?" he asked her father.

"I'm the Doctor, and who are you?"

"Like you don't know. We've hidden away with the most valuable collection of non-terrestrial artifacts in the world, and you just stumbled in by mistake?"

"Pretty much sums me up, yeah," said the Doctor with a nod.

"The question is, how did you get in? Fifty three floors down, with your little cat burglars. You're quite a collector yourself, they're rather pretty."

"And they're going to slap you if you don't knock it off," said the Doctor. "I've seen it before."

"I'd like to do a lot more then slap them," Jenny muttered, while Rose said: "that's cause you deserved it."

"They're English too!" said the man to one of his comrades. "Hey, little Lord Fauntleroy. Got you some girlfriends."

"This is Mister Henry Van Statten," said the man who had been called out as "little Lord Fauntleroy" to the Doctor.

"And who's he when he's at home?" asked Rose, eyeing the man in distaste.

"Mister Van Statten owns the internet."

"Don't be stupid," Rose argued. "No one owns the internet."

"And let's just keep the whole world thinking that way, right kids?" said Van Statten obnoxiously.

"So you're just about an expert in everything except the things in your museum. Anything you don't understand, you lock up," said the Doctor.

"And you claim greater knowledge?" asked Van Statten, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't need to make claims, I know how good I am," said the Doctor, and even in this situation Jenny had to resist an eyeroll.

"And yet, I captured you. Right next to the Cage. What were you doing down there?"

"You tell me," said the Doctor, and Jenny knew straight away what he was doing. He was going to get answers out of Van Statten without the bloke even realizing it.

"The cage contains my one living specimen," said Van Statten rather proudly.

"And what's that?"

"Like you don't know."

Jenny almost growled at the response – it was getting very annoying very quickly.

"Show me," demanded the Doctor.

"You want to see it?" asked Van Statten.

"Blimey," said Rose to Jenny. "You can smell the testosterone."

"Goddard," Van Statten called out, "inform the Cage we're headed down. You, English, look after the girls. Go and canoodle or spoon or whatever it is you British do. And you, Doctor with no name, come and see my pet."

"Sorry about the mess," the younger man who had introduced himself to Jenny and Rose as Adam apologized. "Mister Van Statten sort of lets me do my own thing, as long as I deliver the goods. What do you think that is?"

Adam handed Jenny an inch thick piece of metal. Rose leaned over to examine it with her.

"A hunk of metal?" asked Jenny eventually, even though she knew exactly what it was. She wanted to test this boy, see what he knew.

"Yeah, yeah. But I think, well, I'm almost certain, it's from the hull of a spacecraft. The thing is, it's all true. Everything the United Nations tries to keep quiet, spacecraft, aliens, visitors to Earth. They really do exist," he said enthusiastically.

"That's amazing," said Rose, looking like she was trying to fight off a smile.

"I know it sounds incredible, but I honestly believe the whole universe is just teeming with life. "

"We're gobsmacked," said Jenny, nodding. Rose joined in, "Yeah, real gobsmacked. And what do you do, sit around and catalog it?"

"Best job in the world," said Adam sincerely.

"Imagine if you could get out there," Rose said.

"Travel amongst the stars and see it for real," said Jenny, catching on. Adam wouldn't be half-bad on board the TARDIS. He'd have to have some time to drink everything in, but he'd turn out alright if he gave it a shot. Or rather, if her father gave it a shot.

"Yeah I'd give anything," said Adam with a sigh, "I don't think it's every going to happen. Not in our lifetimes."

"Oh you never know," said Rose with a smile. "What about all of those people who say they've been inside of spaceships and things and talked to aliens."

"I think they're nutters," Adam said, returning to grin.

"Yeah, me too," Rose laughed.

"So, how'd you end up here?" Jenny asked curiously, still holding the hunk of metal from the spacecraft.

"Van Statten has agents all over the world looking for geniuses to recruit."

"Oh, right," said Jenny, unimpressed. "You're a genius."

"Sorry, but yeah, couldn't help it. I was born clever -" and didn't that sound like something her father would say? "—When I was eight, I logged onto the US Defense System. Nearly caused World War Three."

"What, and that's funny is it?" asked Jenny, appalled.

"Well you should've been there just to see them running around. Fantastic!"

"You sound like the Doctor," murmured Rose.

"Are you and him…?"

"No, we're just friends," said Rose quickly.

"Good," answered Adam, and Jenny snorted. This was getting pretty funny.

"Why is it good?" Rose asked suspiciously, shooting a glare at Jenny, who was in silent giggles.

"It just is," was Adam's elaborate response.

"So, wouldn't you rather be downstairs?" asked Jenny, regaining her composure. "I mean, you've got all these metal bits, but Mister Van Statten's got a living creature down there! Don't you want to see it?"

"Yeah. Yeah well I did ask," said Adam, frowning. "but he keeps it to himself. Although, if you're a genius, it doesn't take long to patch through on the comm. system."

"Let's have a look then!" said Jenny enthusiastically.

"It doesn't do much, the alien," said Adam, sounding forlorn. "It's weird. It's kind of useless. It's just like this great big pepper pot."

Adam was right, whatever it was, it looked like a big pepper pot. There was something dreadfully wrong though, something that shouldn't happen to any living creature. It was screaming horribly as Van Statten took a big drill to its casing.

"It's being tortured!" she exclaimed angrily.

"Where's the Doctor?" Rose demanded.

"I don't know," said Adam with a shrug.

"Take us down there," Rose ordered Adam. "Now."

They were just outside the Cage when a guard appeared. "Hold it right there!"

"Level three access," said Adam smoothly, "Special clearance from Mister Van Statten."

The guard let them through immediately, and they slowly walked towards the Cage.

"Don't get too close," Adam said in alarm as the door closed behind the trio.

"Hello. Are you in pain?" asked Jenny, moving closer along with Rose. Adam hung back slightly.

"My name's Rose Tyler and that's Jenny. I've got a friend, he can help, he's called the Doctor. What's your name?"

"Yes," said what Jenny was officially calling a big pepper pot until she found out its real name.

"What?" asked Rose in confusion.

"I am in pain. They torture me, but they still fear me. Do you fear me?" asked the big pepper pot. Jenny wasn't sure if it wanted to hear 'yes' or 'no'.

"No," said Rose, moving a little closer.

"I am dying," said the big pepper pot.

"No, we can help!" said Jenny.

"My race is dead, and I shall die alone," as the big pepper pot said this, Rose reached out a hand to touch it. Perhaps stroke it soothingly to help ease its pain, but it triggered an alarm in Jenny's head.

"No, Rose, don't -!" yelled Jenny.

"Rose, no!" Adam shouted at the same time.

She had only touched it for a brief period of time, but it left a glowing golden handprint that quickly faded away. Rose stumbled back as the big pepper pot became more animated, starting to move and not looking anywhere near as feeble as it had before.

"Genetic material extrapolated!" yelled the big pepper pot. "Initiate cellular reconstruction!"

The big pepper pot broke its chains just as a man entered. "What the hell have you done!?" the man exploded, staring in shock. He grabbed the drill and raced over to the big pepper pot, and it raised what looked like a plunger.

"What are you going to do?" taunted the man. "Sucker me to death?"

As if in answer, the big pepper pot – okay, the big deadly pepper pot – grabbed his face with the plunger part. Soon his whole head was being wrapped in the plunger.

"It's killing him!" Rose exclaimed.

"Do something! Do something!" Jenny yelled to the outside of the cage, where the guard was.

"Condition red!" he yelled into a speaker. "Condition red! This is not a drill! I repeat, this is NOT a drill!"

The three looked around when they spotted a screen, with the Doctor inside, looking shaken.

"You've got to keep it in that cell!" he said to them.

"Doctor, it's all my fault!" Rose exclaimed, looking guilty and horrified.

"I've sealed the compartment!" yelled the guard. "It can't get out, and that lock's got a billion combinations!"

"A Dalek's a genius!" the Doctor yelled back. So that's what its name was. Dalek. Jenny preferred big pepper pot better, but she had already promised herself to use its proper name. A shame, she had started to grow fond of her made-up name for it. Well technically Adam's made-up name for it.

"It can calculate a thousand billion combinations in one second flat!"

Well, that was very bad news. Even her father couldn't think that fast, no matter what he pretended to believe.

"Open fire!" screamed the guard as the Dalek did… well… exactly what her father said he'd do.

"Don't shoot it!" Jenny heard Van Statten yelling. "I want it unharmed!"

"Rose, Jenny, get out of there!" the Doctor yelled.

"De Maggio," shouted one of the guards, and a woman came running towards them. "Take the civilians and get them out alive! That is your job, got that?"

The woman – De Maggio – nodded, and the trio followed after her.

It was a race against time. Jenny was still in a slight stage of shock – after all, a giant pepper pot had just tried killing them all, and was trying to take over a military base now? Stupid humans, thinking they can tame an alien creature by torturing it.

"Civilians!" De Maggio yelled when they all reached a phalanx of guards. "Let them through!"

"Cover the North wall!" the guard from the Cage yelled, "Red division, maintain suppressing fire along the parameter. Blue division – argh!"

Jenny gasped as the man was killed by the Dalek. It was horrible. His skeleton had become exposed, like whatever laser the Dalek shot at him was hitting every atom in his body, before he slumped to the ground, dead. As though this were a signal, the guards opened fire, but the Dalek simply absorbed the bullets. Another guard came running, but it killed him in the exact way it killed the first guard. More guards came up behind it, and the Dalek's eye swiveled around to face them, then it opened its middle section and opened fire on them.

"Come on," said De Maggio, pulling them out of the way and running them up a flight of stairs, the Dalek following closely behind them.

"Stairs!" yelled Rose in relief. "That's more like it! It hasn't got legs! It's stuck!"

"It's coming," De Maggio shouted, pulling the three of them along, "Get up, get up!"

They raced up another flight and looked down at the Dalek. Jenny could feel her hearts beating rapidly at both the adrenaline, fear, and the exhilaration.

"Great big alien death machine, defeated by a flight of stairs?" Adam laughed, and Jenny let out a weak chuckle.

"Now listen to me," De Maggio called down to the Dalek. "I demand you return to your cage. If you want to negotiate then I can guarantee that Mister Van Statten will be willing to talk. I accept that we imprisoned you and maybe that was wrong, but people have died, and that stops now. The killing stops. Have you got that? I demand that you surrender. Is that clear?"

There was silence from the Dalek, and then: "Elevate."

Jenny felt her eyes widen as the Dalek lifted itself up to hover and started to glide up the stairs.

"Oh my God," said Rose breathlessly.

"Adam, get them out of here," De Maggio said.

"Come with us," said Jenny quickly, "you can't stop it. Please, come with us!"

De Maggio shook her head. "Someone's got to try and stop this thing. Now get out! Don't look back, just run!"

Jenny hesitated, wondering if she should stay or not and help fight, but Adam had grabbed her by the arm and pulled her away. Jenny could easily have shoved his hand away, or threw him down a flight of stairs, but she did neither of those. Instead she allowed herself to be pulled along, because she realized that she didn't want to fight. Not this battle.

The now-familiar sound of the Dalek gun pierced behind them, and Jenny knew that brave De Maggio was dead back there. Trying to ignore this thought process, soldiers weren't supposed to think about things like that, she took her arm back from Adam and ran next to Rose.

Not sure where they were going exactly, Jenny decided to follow Adam's lead, as he was the one who'd been here the longest and most likely knew the routes they should take. They walked straight into the middle of a battle field.

"Hold your fire!" yelled the commander as he caught sight of them, which was very lucky.

"You three, get the hell out of here!"

Jenny, Rose and Adam wasted no time in running past a guard at the entrance. Jenny almost crashed into Rose as she stopped suddenly, staring. Jenny turned her head to see what she was looking at, and almost yelled out when she spotted the Dalek. "Move!" she yelled at Rose, shoving her forward so that her legs would work again.

It was only when they were outside the loading bay did the trio stop to get their breath back. "It was lookin' at me," said Rose, wide-eyed.

"Yeah, it wants to slaughter us!" said Adam, panting.

"I know, but it was lookin' right at me."

"Was that why you stopped?" Jenny asked her, "I thought you'd frozen in fear or something, that's why I pushed you. Why do you think the Dalek was looking at you?"

"I don't know, it's like there's something inside. Lookin' at me, like…like it knows me."

Jenny and Adam exchanged concerned glances, only to jump as Rose's phone rang. Closing her eyes in frustration, Rose picked up the phone.

"This isn't the best time," she said as a way of greeting.

"Where are you guys?" Jenny heard her father demand.

"Level forty nine," replied Rose instantly.

"You've got to keep moving. The vault's being sealed off up at level forty six."

"Can't you stop them closing?" asked Rose, and Jenny knew why she was asking. They didn't want to run anymore, not just then. Couldn't they catch a break?

"I'm the one who's closing them," the Doctor snapped. "I can't wait and I can't help you. Now for God's sake –RUN!"

Hating it, but knowing they had no other choice, the three of them ran again. Jenny felt like she'd left her lungs far behind her, and sweat was beading her forehead, but she kept herself moving. If she fell behind now, she'd die, and if they came back after her, then her friends would die to. She could soldier this out – she was a soldier! She could do this!

"We're nearly there!" Rose cried into the phone. "Give us two seconds!"

There was a loud noise as the vault door began to lower. Adam launched himself underneath of it, "Come on!" he screamed at the two of them, but it was too late. Jenny couldn't even fit a leg in, and at the speed it was closing, she'd likely be chopped in half if she tried.

"Rose?" Jenny heard the Doctor's worried voice. "Where are you? Did you guys make it? Are you and Jenny safe?"

Rose didn't answer for a moment, her and Jenny exchanged sad looks.

"I'm sorry Doctor…" said Rose slowly. "We were a bit slow…"

Jenny whipped around as the Dalek turned the corner. Rose took a deep breath before continuing. "See you then, Doctor. It wasn' your fault. Remember that, okay? It wasn' your fault."

"And do you know what?" said Jenny, loud enough so that the Doctor could hear her. "We wouldn't have missed it for the world."

Rose hung up before the Doctor could reply, and stepped in front of Jenny as the Dalek approached.

"What are you -?" protested Jenny, but Rose shook her head. "Shut up, Jenny."

She turned to the Dalek, "Go on then, kill us. Kill me. Why're you doin' this?"

"I am armed," the Dalek replied. "I will kill. It is my purpose."

"They're all dead because of you," said Rose in a hysterical voice.

"They are dead because of us," the Dalek corrected.

"And now what?" asked Rose. "What are you waitin' for?"

"I feel your fear," the Dalek said after a moment.

"What do you expect?"

"Daleks do not fear. Must not fear."

Jenny crouched slightly as the Dalek shot both sides of the bulkhead door. "You gave me life," the Dalek said, "What else have you given me? I am contaminated."

"Open the bulkhead or Rose Tyler and the genetic anomaly die."

"You two are alive!" yelled the Doctor's voice. They couldn't see him, but Jenny knew that he could see them. Well, obviously. She was a little ticked at the 'genetic anomaly' title though. It's not like the giant pepper pot didn't know her name!

"Can't get rid of us," said Rose, faking a laugh.

"I thought you two were dead!"

"Open the bulkhead!" demanded the Dalek.

"Don't do it!" said Rose and Jenny at the same time.

"What use are emotions if you will not save your daughter and the woman you love?" questioned the Dalek, and Jenny vaguely wondered how it knew that she was his daughter. Nevermind the love part, she couldn't really deny it herself after seeing the two of them together.

"I killed them once," said the Doctor. "I can't do it again."

Jenny, Rose and the Dalek walked forward (or rolled in the Dalek's case) through the bulkhead when it lifted, every inch of Jenny wanting to just tear the head off of the Dalek. There was another part of her though, that felt bad for it, and she knew that was horrible. Her initial programming as a soldier was to leave behind the dead, spare no pity. They learned how to fight, and how to die.

Then she met the Doctor and his companions, Donna, Martha, now Rose… and she wanted to have a choice. Like they did. She had that choice now, and she wished for the first time in a long time that she didn't have the choice. She wanted the soldier side to take over, but if that happened she'd feel guilty for the rest of her life, and who knew how long she'd live? Her sympathy for the Dalek was clouding her judgment as a soldier, but not as a person.

"I'm begging you," said Rose as they walked forward, "don't kill them. You didn't kill me or Jenny."

"But why not? Why are you alive? My function is to kill. What am I? What am I?"

"Don't move!" shouted Rose once they approached everyone. "Don't do anything. It's beginning to question itself."

"Van Statten. You tortured me. Why?"

"I wanted to help you," said Van Statten, and Jenny shot him a scorching glare. Torturing was not helping. "I just, I don't know, I was trying to help. I thought if we could get through to you, if we could mend you. I wanted you better," the only reason Jenny didn't call out on his bluff was because…well…she didn't exactly want the guy to die. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I swear, I just wanted you to talk!"

The Dalek backed him up against the wall, and Jenny moved closer to Rose, eyes wide. "Then hear me talk now! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!"

"Don't do it!" yelled Rose, "Don't kill him! You don't have to do this anymore. There must be somethin' else, not just killing. What else is there? What do you want?"

"I want freedom!" shouted the Dalek, lifting up, and blasting a hole through the roof. Jenny blinked as a shaft of sunlight streamed down on them, straight onto the Dalek's eyepiece.

Jenny whipped around at the sound of footsteps. Her jaw dropped open when she spotted the weapon her father was carrying – a weapon that Jenny would kill to get her hands on.

"You're out," Rose was saying to the Dalek, not having seen the Doctor yet. "You made it. I never thought I'd feel the sunlight again."

"How does it feel?" asked the Dalek, and opened its middle dome section. Jenny would have liked to scrunch her nose up in disgust at the one-eyed mutated thing that lay inside it, but there was too much pity in her heart as she remembered its screams when Van Statten tortured it. It held out a tendril, testing the light, maybe for the first time.

The gun cocked behind them, and Jenny shook her head. "Dad, don't do this. This isn't you… this isn't you…"

"Get out of the way Jenny. Rose, get out of the way now!"

Jenny and Rose stayed put. "No, we're not lettin' you do this," said Rose firmly.

"That thing killed hundreds of people!" the Doctor yelled, as though they didn't know this already.

"It's not the one pointing a gun at us, though, is it?" asked Rose, glaring.

"I've got to do this. I've got to end it. The Daleks destroyed my home, my people! I've got nothing left."

"That's genocide," Jenny said, looking at him sadly. "You told me yourself, you would never do something like that. You would kill yourself before you commit genocide. Now look at you. I thought that soldier in you was a good thing, but this is… this has gone too far."

"Look at it!" Rose said, the glare still on her face.

The Doctor was starting to look uncertain now. "What's it doing?"

"It's the sunlight," said Rose, "that's all it wants."

"But it can't!" said the Doctor in confusion and anger.

"It couldn't kill Van Statten, it couldn't kill me, it couldn't kill Jenny. It's changin'. What about you, Doctor? What the hell are you changin' into?"

"I couldn't…" the Doctor fumbled over his words. "I wasn't…" he stared at them in desperation. "Oh Rose, Jenny, they're all dead!"

"Why do we survive?" asked the Dalek suddenly.

"I don't know," admitted the Doctor.

"I am the last of the Daleks."

"You are not even that," said the Doctor, looking at it with an odd expression that Jenny couldn't make out. "Rose did more than regenerate you. You've absorbed her DNA. You're mutating."

"Into what?" Jenny wasn't sure, but it sounded like the Dalek was… scared.

"Something new. I'm sorry," the Doctor added, and Jenny gave him a sidelong look. That seemed more like the Doctor she knew, her Doctor… the compassionate Doctor.

"Isn't that better?" asked Rose in confusion.

"Not for a Dalek," explained the Doctor.

"I can feel so many ideas. So much darkness. Rose, give me orders. Order me to die."

"I can't do that," said Rose, shaking her head and looking absolutely sure.

"This is not life," said the Dalek. "This is sickness. I shall not be like you! Order my destruction! Obey! Obey! Obey!"

"Do it," said Rose quietly.

"Are you frightened, Rose Tyler?" asked the Dalek.


"So am I," there was a heartbeat where they all took that in, and then the Dalek closed its one single eye. "Exterminate."

Rose took a few steps back along with Jenny as the Dalek closed its armor up again and started rising into the air. Jenny watched in fascination as the balls on the lower part of its armor spread out to create a force field, before it imploded, safely inside of it.

"A little piece of home," said the Doctor as they wandered back through the museum. "Better than nothing."

"Is that the end of it?" Rose asked. "The Time War?"

"I'm the only one who fought in the Time War left," he said with a glance at Jenny. "How about that? I win."

"The Dalek survived," Rose pointed out. "Maybe some of your people did too."

"I'd know," said the Doctor straight away. "In here," he pointed to his head.

"You didn't hear Jenny," Rose said, trying in vain to give him some hope.

"Jenny's a different case," said the Doctor. "She's… one in a million. A time lord, but not at the same tempo as the others. It's like being the only one in a dance class not knowing how to dance, and following blindly along. I'm not saying that you're following blindly in the footsteps of a time lord," said the Doctor to Jenny, "but you have to know that it will never be the same, as you were created by a machine and a time lord, not made by two of them naturally. I'll teach you everything I know, but even that won't be enough… I'm sorry."

Jenny stared at the ground for a moment, not sure if there was anything she could say to that, before straightening and putting a false smile on her face. "Guess I'll just have to try my hardest then, yeah?"

The Doctor nodded, "Yeah. Guess we're some misfits, eh?"

"I reckon I'm one too," said Rose suddenly, and the Doctor and Jenny turned to look at her.

"What, a time lord?" asked the Doctor in mock-surprise.

"Shut up," said Rose, laughing slightly, "A misfit. We're all just misfits in the end I s'pose. That Dalek was a misfit, even before I touched it. So, here we are, a bunch of misfits… in a big blue box…"

"I'd say the big blue box is a misfit too," laughed Jenny, and Rose joined in when the Doctor put up a defensive: "Oi! That's my time ship you're talking about there."

There was a shout and they all turned around to see Adam racing towards them. "We'd better get out," he said when he reached them. "Van Statten's disappeared. They're closing down the base. Goddard says they're going to fill it full of cement, like it never existed."

"About time," said Rose.

"I'll have to go back home," said Adam, looking a bit put-out.

"Better hurry up then," said the Doctor just as a thought came to Jenny, "Next flight to Heathrow leaves in fifteen hundred hours."

"Adam was saying all his life he wanted to see the stars," Jenny said quickly.

"Tell him to go and stand outside then," said the Doctor, not looking very impressed.

"He's all on his own, Doctor," said Rose, "and he did help."

"He left you both down there," okay, that was a valid argument.

"So did you," said Rose. Another valid argument.

"What are you talking about?" asked Adam. "We've got to leave."

"Plus he's a bit pretty," said Jenny's father.

"I hadn't noticed," Rose said with a shrug.

"On your own head," sighed the Doctor as he unlocked the TARDIS doors.

"What are you doing?" Adam asked, looking at them all. "She said cement. She wasn't joking, we're going to get sealed in."

The Doctor and Rose both went inside the TARDIS.

"Doctor?" called Adam, "What're you doing standing in a box? Rose? Jenny," he turned to Jenny, who hadn't moved from her spot and was grinning at him, "What are they doing?"

"Come on, and you'll see," said Jenny, leading him inside the TARDIS.

Alrighty then, chapter 4… now with 4 people on board the TARDIS! Huzzah!

So any questions or comments, leave them in a review. I have to say this is the shortest chapter so far. Only sixteen pages. Don't forget to favorite/follow it if you haven't already.

Oh did any of you recognize the "planet" that Jenny was on in the first chapter? Hint: Doctor's Wife.

Hope you enjoyed it!