I'm sorry
Sorry for all this
You trusted me
Yet here we are
Broken apart
It's my fault
It always is
You said you loved me
I said I loved you too
I was lying
I only wanted to make you happy
Really I did
You were my best friend
You meant the world to me
So I lied
It was okay at first
Just cuddling with you
The odd kiss here and there
But it got harder
Harder to cover up my lies
You started to notice
You asked me
You asked me what was wrong
I said it was nothing
Nothing to worry about
Another lie of course
It was eating me alive
I couldn't go on like this
I would try to fake a smile as you told me how much you loved me
But I never loved you
It was horrible
Having to pretend everyday
Trying to summon up feelings I had never had
Having to live my life as one huge lie
Then it happened
I told you how I felt
I knew it was a mistake
That I was only going to hurt you
But I did it anyway
The look on your face when I told you
That's what broke my heart
Your amazing smile faded
Tears gathered in your eyes beautiful blue eyes
You tried to stay strong
Tried to tell me it was okay
I thought it would be
I thought everything would be okay
But it wasn't
It broke my heart to see you like this
You started to lock yourself away in your room
All I could hear was your sobs of pain
I had done this
I had hurt you
It physically hurt
I really didn't mean to hurt you
I really didn't
I loved you
Of course
I loved you in a way you didn't love me
I cared about you
Id do anything to make you happy
I was the one that made you this unhappy
We grew apart
Never speaking
Always avoiding each other
It killed me
It killed me inside to not have my best friend to talk to
You weren't him anymore
Just an empty shell of a broken man
You started to starve yourself
Hurt yourself
Anything you could to punish yourself
You thought it was your fault
Your fault that I didn't love you
You had that permanently branded into your mind
I tried to tell you it wasn't your fault
Tried to tell you to stop
You didn't
You kept going
Then the day came
You finally lost it
Couldn't take life anymore
Did you think you were doing the best thing?
Leaving me all on my own
Letting my find your limp, motionless body on the bathroom floor
That day changed my life
I lost my best friend
The one person who ever meant something to me
You know
Maybe I did love you
Maybe I was just trying to tell myself I didn't
I guess I'll never know now
You're gone
I can't lie to you anymore
I can't hurt you with my lies