Hello everyone! I hope ya like this fanfic! I don't own any of the Peter Pan characters, but I don't want anyone taking any of the events featured in this story, or any of the characters I created. Thanks! READ AND REVIEW

***Check out the new poll on my profile, created on December 4! If you'd like a sequel to this story, vote now if you want/ don't want it, and what you want it to be about!

Someone New

Forever 16-year-old Peter Pan flew through the epic, green, and beautiful valleys of the magical island of Neverland, the sun shining down on his shorter brownish hair, revealing its bright, amazing reddish brown auburn color in the sunlight. (He does not look like any version of him in any book or movie, but he does look epic.) He then flew fast through the Neverwood forest, now getting rained on, because it started to get really cloudy, and then he flew to his Lost Boys' tree house hideout. The shirt made of green leaves he wore was now soaking wet from the rain. It stuck to his skin, and so did his greenish brown colored skinny shorts that went down to his knees. He tried to fly faster, but since it started to rain so hard, he realized it was going to be a little difficult. He needed to get to his Lost Boys fast, because he needed to warn them that Hook, his enemy, was trying to find them all and try to kill them.

Peter finally got to his Lost Boys hideout, and thank goodness he arrived before Hook did. "Lost Boys!" He called out, while sliding to the inside of their secret tree house. "What Peter?" Cried out six dirty younger boys wearing clothes made of animal skins and wore war paint on their faces (they all are the same versions of the Lost Boys and Peter featured in my 1st Fan Fic). "Hook and his crew are comin'. Grab all the weapons in here you can find boys, and get ready to shoot or attack. "Yes sir!" They all shouted, and ran to every part of their tree house, finding all kinds of daggers, slingshots; practically anything they could use as weapons for fighting evil and real pirates. Some of the Lost Boys ran outside, behind their secret slide entrance. They ran behind their giant tree. The rest stayed inside, ready to throw things at Hook and his pirate crew.

They all heard angry voices coming towards them. "Get ready guys. I'll tell ya when to attack." Peter whispered as he knelt behind the tree. He had his dagger raised, ready to attack. He peered over, watching the surrounding areas very carefully. Then, Hook and all the other pirates were in view. Right when they came close enough for all 7 boys, (6 Lost Boys, 7th boy being Peter), to shoot at Hook, Peter shouted loudly: "Attack!" Rocks flew in the air, hitting Hook and his crew. The Lost Boys and Peter raised their swords and daggers, running and yelling at the evil pirates at their fastest running speed. They all fought pretty good, but the boy who was a very skilled swordsman was Peter. He always as the only one who could fight Captain Hook. Peter always won every battle.

"Looks like it's you and me again ya old codfish." Peter said, floating up in midair. "No it isn't, Pan." Said Hook in a low voice, fixing his pirate hat with his hook. Just then, a younger boy, who had short dark hair and slightly darker skin, came from behind Hook, Hook's sword in his hand. He looked a lot like Hook in the face. "Meet my long lost son, Wilson, Peter Pan. He is a very skilled swordsman, and he can easily fight and kill you and your idiot Lost Boys in a second. I recently discovered him after he came to the Neverland from America. He looks just like me. I was going to kill him until he told me who he and his mother were. His mother is me long dead wife. I couldn't believe it. And he knows how to fight. He shall get rid of you. And if me own son can't Pan, I'll be glad to do it myself." There is another Hook? And Hook once had a wife? That thought gave Peter a disturbed feeling inside.

There was also a moving bag beside Wilson. It sounded like someone was screaming inside it. "Who's in there?" Peter demanded to Hook. "Bring her over.", Hook said to one of his pirates. The bag opened, and a girl came tumbling out onto the ground. She looked a lot like Peter. She seemed to be the same age as him and Wilson: 16. Everyone was stunned. "Who's that?" Asked Peter out of confusion, anger, and curiosity. "Wilson says her name is Amber. Amber Pan, and he came here to Neverland with her from America. They were once best friends, but now they're enemies. And, well, Wilson here says Amber is your sister, Pan. And if my son here kills you and your Lost Boys, he'll kill 'yer sister, too."

***How do ya like this story so far? Please review this story, and check out the poll! I made some minor changes to this, but a lot of it was changed in the middle/ending of the last chapter (all in January 2015), and I also changed most of the character ages to 16 from previously being 14. Thanks!