Chapter 1

Hi Everyone! I'm back with another edition of Gabby and Optimus Prime. Well, you know that Gabby is pregnant, but what kind of toll is this taking on her? We shall see won't we?


As usual, I do not own Transformers.

9 weeks

Gabby sat down in front of her laptop. She turned on the video camera and hit record. Seeing her image in the computer screen made her scoff. The dark circles under her eyes continued to get worse. Her face was thinner, though she ate like a horse. Her hair was straw, and her skin paler. Ratchet was right. This baby is sucking her dry like a slow vampire torturing it's prey. The only question she would keep asking is what is to become of her and the baby?

"Hello, little one. It is now 9 weeks of you growing inside me. But, Ratchet says you are growing at a faster pace than a normal human child. You are more like 14 weeks, and my stomach is showing it. He he he. We were able to see your glowing eyes today. Sometimes late at night, I can see them through my stomach, and it is such a beautiful sight. Your spark is beating normally, and you are starting to take a human like shape."

Gabby looked down at her bloated belly, and rubbed it. She felt a kick at that moment, and smiled. She didn't care what the baby looked like, she was just happy to be a mother.

"We don't know what is going to happen with you yet. It is still too soon. Your daddy is worried sick over me, and the health problems I have been having, but you have no idea yet, how much you are loved by both of us."

Gabby looked around the room again, and continued, " I just want you to know my little angel that these videos I have been making will continue for as long as I can. You are strong, and I can feel it inside of me. If something happens, I want you to know that your mommy loves you more than anything in this universe, and your father will be the same way. We can both only hope that you are healthy and happy when you join us."

Gabby heard Optimus pull into the driveway, and she smiled.

"I had often wondered what Primus meant by my destiny when I paid a visit to him after I was shot, and now I know."

Gabby looked down at her growing belly again, and looked back up to the camera.

"I was meant to bring the next Prime into their new world. Hereā€¦.on Earth."

So? What do you all think? The next chapter will be from Optimus's POV, and will be a lot longer. This is just a teaser. ;)