Chapter 6
It has been a month since Kane had killed his family. He expected it to affect him but it didn't. He felt no remorse, sadness or guilt. He sighed softly. Most killers would feel some form of guilt after killing someone, even the children felt guilty for killing their families. Did that mean there was something wrong with him?
Kane was snapped out of his thoughts when a pair of arms wrapped around his waist and he was pulled against a firm chest. He smiled and relaxed, knowing who it was. There was only one person who could sneak up on him like that. He felt a pair of lips touch the back of his neck gently.
He asked, "How was it? Did everything go as planned so far?"
He felt the chest vibrate softly. The person said, "Yea. At this rate we will have a new member added to the family. The child is a boy named Jake and he is 11 years old. He reminds me of you. He is the loner of his family and is often forgotten about by his brothers and sisters."
Kane turned around in the embrace to look at the person who was holding him. He saw a pale face with dark-almost-black eyes, almost full lips that were tinted light-blue, and slightly sharp features with black hair that fell like silk curtains slightly passed the shoulders. It was easy to see why he fell in love with this person. This person was none other than the deity Bughuul.
Kane replied, "That's good. I can't wait to meet him. I bet he will fit very well with us. I hope that he will come to love this family."
Bughuul nodded and gently pressed his lips to Kane's. He pulled back when he didn't feel Kane respond. That could only mean that something was bothering his mate.
He asked, "What's wrong love? Did I do something to upset you?"
Kane shook his head and said, "No you didn't. Its me Bughuul. There is something wrong with me."
Bughuul asked, "What do you think is wrong with you?"
Kane said, "I don't feel guilty love."
"What don't you feel guilty about my angel?"
Kane said, "I don't feel guilty of killing them. I killed my family yet I don't feel anything. I should feel sadness or guilt or even remorse but I don't. Why is that?"
Bughuul sighed. So that is what Kane thought was wrong with him? He shook his head at Kane and let go of him. He walked over to the dining room chairs and sat down in one of them. Kane began to think that he did something wrong and was about to cry.
Before he started, he heard Bughuul say, "Come here Kane."
Kane walked over to where the deity sat and stood in front of him, looking down at the ground. He let out a yelp when he felt himself being yanked down and onto the deity's lap. Arms were wrapped securely around his waist to make sure he didn't fall.
Bughuul turned Kane around so he was sitting sideways on his lap. He rested his head on top of Kane's head and breathed in his scent that still somehow remained the exact same when he first met him. He felt Kane relax in his arms and bury his face into his chest.
After a few minutes Bughuul spoke, "There is nothing wrong with you Kane. There is nothing wrong with not feeling anything when you kill someone. Believe it or not I never once felt guilty that I had a child kill their family. I didn't feel guilty because I knew that I was taking them away and giving them a better life without the feelings of abandonment and neglectance. I was giving them a chance to live with someone who cared about them and would love them. That is why I had them kill their families. For that very reason which is the same reason why I had you kill yours. I couldn't bare to see you suffer the way you did. I wanted to take you away and hide you from the rest of the world."
Kane was shocked. So it wasn't wrong not to feel anything. He smiled and pressed his lips to Bughuul's. He immediately let the deity take control of everything. He moaned when he felt cold hands touch the bare skin of his waist. Kane wrapped his arms around his mate's neck and clung to him. Soon the kiss became more aggressive. Bughuul bit down on Kane's bottom lip making it bleed the sweet blood that he was addicted to. He sucked on the wound hard, trying to get as much as he could.
Kane let out a whimper of pain as he felt the sting of the wound. That whimper of pain soon became a whimper of pleasure as Bughuul ran his hands up and down his spine, sending shivers at the cold touch. He arched his back into the touch, wanting more than he was getting. The deity didn't disappoint him. Bughuul began to rake his nails down his back, making him let out a groan.
Before long they pulled apart, gasping for air that was needed. A string of saliva was still connecting them. Bughuul didn't waste any time and latched on to the scar on Kane's neck. Kane let out a moan and tilted his head back, giving the deity more room to mark. He gasped when his sneaky mate bit down on the scar, sending a jolt of pleasure up and down his spine. He began to pant because it was so damn hard to catch your breath when a demon/deity was sucking on your neck like it was dessert.
Finally Bughuul pulled back completely. He saw that Kane's face was flushed red and he was panting really hard. He smirked at that, knowing that he was the only one who could make Kane feel this way. He gently nuzzled his mate's cheek before kissing it.
He then said, "Let's go outside. The kids are playing and I don't want to know what happens if I leave them alone for too long. Also no more talk about guilt. If I hear one more word about it you will be punished."
Kane nodded. Whenever Bughuul said he would punish him, he meant it big time. He shivered at the thought.
He was once more yanked out of his thoughts when he felt Bughuul pick him up bridal style and carried him outside in the backyard. There all the children were running around playing. Kane smiled gently. It felt like a lifetime ago he had a dream that showed this very picture and here it was happening right in front of him. He never once regretted opening that box of films. If he hadn't, he would not be here right now with a loving mate and children.
All in all, this was his new life, and he was going to enjoy it to the fullest.
The end