Bonus Chapter:

Warning: if you were happy with the last chapter and liked the ending (which I totally did by the way) I suggest not reading this, it's only like a paragraph and not even worth reading. It changes the entire mood of the story and I seriously don't know why this came up, my mind is a horrible place.

If you do decide to read this (against all warnings and better judgment), serious trigger warning here. It's mildly graphic, but sufficiently so.

Maddie woke up with a smile. The whole day seemed brighter, the light brighter, the morning clearer. Last night had been the worst of her life. Not only had she discovered her son had been lying to her for years, but also that he was violently depressed and was planing on taking his own life. However, as Maddie woke up the next morning she felt great. She jumped out if bed and slipped on her favorite blue jumpsuit. She kissed Jack's forehead where he was snoring next to her on the bed and skipped out of the room to the kitchen.

As Maddie worked around in the kitchen she thought about Danny, Maddie wasn't ignorant, not anymore at least, and she knew this was far from over. Danny had been like this for months from what she learned, and that wasn't going to change overnight, but it was a start. Maddie smiled as she flipped two pancakes onto a plate and grabbed the chocolate fudge syrup, Danny's favorite breakfast, and she hadn't made it in ages. It was part if her plan, she was going to make sure Danny, her baby, knew he was loved and cared for, that he belonged here, with family and friends, wether he was ghost, boy, or something in-between. They would get Danny the help he needed, and he wouldn't ever feel alone again. This was the first step.

Maddie loaded the plate and a glass of milk onto a tray and glided out of the kitchen and up the tiled steps of Fentonworks. She giggled as she slowly and stealthily crept up to the door of her son's room,

"Danny! Wake up!" She laughed as she swung open the door. "I made you pancak–" the tray fell to the floor with a clatter, plate shattering and milk seeping through the carpet. Maddie backed up in shock, and fell back against the wall, hands covering her mouth and eyes watering.

"No..." Her voice had no sound as she searched for breath that just wasn't there, "no." She fell to the ground with a scream of pain and terror, "no," she buried her head in her lap.

Three feet in front of her hung the body of her fifteen year old son, blue eyes open in pain and silent accusation, a steady drip of blood creeping out of the corner of his mouth onto the cold floor.

Plop, plop, plop


I know, actually no, I don't. I don't understand what kind of twisted messed up place my mind is to come up with something like this, especially since the last chapter ended so nicely, but here it is. You know, it's just, sometimes, real life doesn't have happy endings, and it takes a lot more than a hug, some tears, and a few to late words to do anything about it.

Now, feel free to pretend you never read this, and the last chapter was the ending, no judging here.