Hey everyone, this is another tumblr prompt. I loved writing this, I hope you guys love reading it- M

"Ugh, I don't see why we have to devote a whole night to movies." Beca moaned as she flopped onto their couch.

"Because movies are awesome Beca, plus my choice tonight is technically a musical so there." Chloe said with a huff as she sat next to Beca.

"Don't pout Chloe she isn't dissing your all-time favorite, she's just be her stubborn self." Aubrey said as she put the DVD into the player.

"What the blonde said is true." Beca said nuzzling into the red head next to her.

"Okay, you're forgiven, for now."


The movie was about half over and Beca hadn't fallen asleep yet, which is a first. Beca was enjoying herself and she had no idea why. But she thinks it might have something to do with the blonde lead in the film.

Aubrey craned her neck looking at the other end of the couch "you awake Mitchell."

"Roger, Posen."

"Well this is an all-time first, Chloe get the camera."

Chloe laughed lightly at her girlfriends banter.

"Oh, shut it Blondie, this movie is actually not bad, so zip it so I can hear it."

Aubrey smirked but did as she was told and the three watched the rest of the movie in silence.


As the credits rolled Chloe turned to Beca.

"So what did you think?"



"Be gentle babe, it's her favorite movie." Aubrey said taking their mess to the kitchen.

Chloe was waiting on baited breath for Beca's response.

"I thought it was good. The music was very well done."

Chloe squealed. "I fixed the movie hater!"

Beca laughed as Chloe pulled her into a bone crushing hug.

"The musical is coming to town in a few weeks if you want to tag along with Chloe and I, Becs." Aubrey called from the other room.

"Yeah, that actually sounds really cool." Beca responded when Aubrey reappeared in the living room.

"I think I know why you really paid attention though." Aubrey said toward Beca.

"Why?" The brunette asked not knowing what Aubrey was referring to.

"c'mon, the character Amber Von Tussle, she looks freakishly similar to Chloe."

"Ugh not this again Bree." Chloe sighed

"Chloe, it's true, I don't know how you can't see it." Aubrey pleaded.

Beca, who had been listening to this exchange was trying to remember what the said character looked like.

"Aubrey, put the movie back in I got to see this."

Aubrey put it in and jumped to a scene and hit pause.

"See look! Exactly alike, I mean if Chloe was blonde."

Chloe shrugged. "She looks a little bit like me."

"No, I see it now. She definitely is like your twin or something."

"Exactly! Beca sees it Chlo, two against one, it's decided."

Chloe laughed lightly and got up and headed out of the room.

"Whatever, I'm going to bed, are you two dorks going to come with or are you going to continue to drool over Amber Von Tussle?"

"Baby, come back in here, we were just messing with you." Beca pleaded

Chloe came closer to the brunette. Beca leaned in and gave Chloe a kiss. "Mmm Amber."

Chloe pushed Beca away abruptly and the Blonde and Brunette broke out in a fit of laughter.

"Ugh, you two can sleep on that couch."

Beca looked over at Aubrey and gave her a high five.

"Totally worth it."