A/N ... September 20, 2016

**Hi there...Just wanna say that i'm editing this story because... -Oh God- i just noticed how badly written it was (grammatically) lols, forgive me, I was a deprived student when I wrote this...(in terms of my sleep, social life, add the fact that school life was a drag) hahahaha i mean, was it like 3 years already? /facepalm... time flies so fast...indeed...

A/N: This fic will contain a lot of drama, meany Akashi, dramatic OC, own opinion about Akashi's family and the like.
constructive criticisms are always welcome but please no flaming. Flames will be added to AKashi-sama's burning hotness! hehe
Enjoy and pls R&R. :)

When I arrived at our house, the first person who approached me was my father's personal secretary.

She informed me that my father wanted to discuss something with me.

I followed without any question.

First, I knocked his office door and when he responded, I entered inside.

He was standing near the tall glass window of his office while holding a glass of wine.

He came all the way from America to Japan just to meet me.
This "something" must be really important, I assumed.

But come to think of it, when was the last time I saw him?
I think I already forgot.

I was so happy to see him to the point where I would jump a hug to him if only I could.
Sadly, I must resist and act normal.

That's an improper manner for a girl.
I'm sure he would say that if I did.

So I just quietly stood near this door where I came from and watched his back and waited him to speak.

"Izumi, how old are you now?" was the first thing he said. Ok, 'How are you?' must be too overrated for him.

Upon hearing that question, my mind suddenly produced a thought, 'How come he doesn't know the age of his own daughter?'. I could only sigh in dismay, somehow that just felt so sad.

"16" I replied anyway.

"I see…" He was nodding as he slowly gestured his body to face me.

"You're still young…" Well, at least he was aware of that fact.
"…but this is important. I need you to go in Japan as soon as possible." He finished.

"I understand but may I know the reason?" I asked placidly.

Suddenly telling me to go in another country, that, indeed was abrupt and surprising but I tried my best to keep calm.

He placed his wine on the table before crossing his arms, "I have this business partner and is also my friend who owns a big company in Japan." He paused and gave me a look as if analyzing my level of understanding.

"We decided to form an alliance with our company here in America." He was delivering everything in a slow pace, checking my expression from time to time but really, I couldn't bother changing my poker face.

"I trust him but…" he walked forward and went to my direction.

His eyes were telling me that I should have understood by now what his next words would be or what he was pointing out from the start.

Yet, I didn't.
So I was just paying him the same gaze as he decreased his distance from me.

My mind was blank. I was not thinking anything, rather, I was just consuming the words that were coming out from his mouth while retaining them inside my head.

He stopped just a few steps before speaking again, "In the world of business, betrayal can't be avoided." My father placed his hand on my shoulder and looked me straight in the eyes. "Therefore, could you meet his son?"

Father squinted his eyes just slightly, "Do you understand what I'm saying Izumi?"

I blinked...
….meet….his friend's son just because…they are forming an alliance…
...and again.

That was when I started to understand what this conversation was for.

Two well-known companies from Japan and America are forming an alliance and to be sure that no betrayal will happen, I need to meet his son.

I got it, must be an arrange marriage.
I concluded.

If I'm married to that person's son, the relationship of both companies will always be stable.

That's it.

My eyes suddenly widened in shock upon realizing the depth of that plan.
It was like my somewhat dead feelings awakened.


I knew that marriage was a big deal. It was something done by two person who shared the same feelings.
It was not like a game where I could just say "I give up." when I got tired or lazy.

Yet, despite all of that, regardless of anything, I replied without any hint of hesitation to my father. "I understand."

I didn't need to ask any further questions or complain, much more to disagree.
All of that was unnecessary in front of my father.
My words didn't hold any power even.

For the sake of the company, I have to do it.
That was all I could say to myself.

I'll just have to do it properly.

"That's my daughter." he said immediately with a nod of agreement and satisfaction.

"I'll process everything including a hotel that you'll use while staying on Japan." My father told me with a smile.
I didn't smile back. I just wore the same expressionless face.

After that, he walked past my shoulder but stopped midway near the door to follow up the most important part of this job, "Don't disappoint me."
Yes. I can't disappoint him.

I sighed and thought things over again. Am I really sure of this?

It was a marriage.
Just how did I end up with this?

Still, I got no choice but to go on so I went back to my room to prepare everything.

Shortly, I heard a knock outside my room.

I opened my door and saw again the personal secretary of my father. "I'm here to inform that your flight will be tomorrow morning."

I nodded as I prepare myself for a whole 360 degree changes in my current peaceful slash boring life.


As soon as I arrived in Japan, I went directly to the place that my father instructed me to go to.

It was a small cafe that they reserved exclusively for us so we can introduce ourselves to each other.

But first of all, it felt so good to see the country where I grew up.
As much as I would love to wander around, I had to fulfill my task first.

Upon entering inside the cafe, I was greeted by a bow from the waitress.

Ah, that's right.
I suffered from a 2 seconds culture shock there before I remembered that bowing was a sign of respect here in Japan and it must be done when meeting people.

I told her that I was here for the reservation made by Mr. Yanagi-my father.

She smiled before escorting me to the table.

It was a small table for two.

There was a small vase of roses at the center.
Everything was just simple yet elegant.

I sat and waited for him.

Few minutes had passed when he arrived.

I stood up to greet him.
I stretched my arms to offer a handshake but he just stared on my hand.
I cleared my throat, "Uh, sorry." I said, dropping my arm to politely bow instead.

Maybe, he didn't prefer a handshake. "Nice to meet you. I'm Izumi Yanagi."

He also gestured a bow before sitting.

Phew. Did I start right? I believe so.

We were sitting face-to-face without speaking to each other. We stayed on this awkward situation for 5 minutes or probably more.

He was so quiet and it felt so uncomfortable. Although I wasn't really one to talk because I couldn't even say anything.

But we just met so it wasn't like I could start blabbering stuffs to him. He might find that annoying if ever.

I waited and waited until I finally couldn't stand this quietness.

But then again…What should we talk about? I didn't know him. I didn't know anything about him except his name.

"Seijuro Akashi, it is?" I spoke, grabbing the opportunity to start a conversation.

"Yes." He replied while reading the menu.
When the waitress approached us, we gave our order. He asked for an apple shake and mine was vanilla.

My eyes were fixated on him while wondering what kind of person he was.

His hair was red and his eyes were different in color.
A heterochromia, I believed.

And for some kind of reason, I could feel that he was not just a simple person.
There was this uneasy sensation going around me that all came from by looking at his overall figure especially on his eyes.

It was like expressing how confident he was to everything.
It gave me the feeling of being belittled.

My thoughts were interrupted when he suddenly spoke. "Are you done analyzing me?"

My eyes twitched, "You knew?" I uttered surprisingly. Am I that obvious?

"I know everything." he replied, his voice was deep and certain.

Honestly, I was a bit disagreeing with what he said.

It was true that I was analyzing him but why did he have to say 'He knows everything.'. How arrogant.

I scoffed, "You know everything? Are you god?"

And then, with that, his eyes changed. He widened it as he glared coldly to my black orbs. "You have no right to question me."

That moment, I was taken aback.

I cringed due to the sudden fear I felt from being looked at with those fierce eyes.

Quickly, I removed the thoughts away to recompose myself. "I'm sorry." I managed to say in a natural manner.

It was followed by a short silence again until he spoke, "Yanagi Izumi, 16 years old. Pure Japanese, born and lived in Japan for 11 years before moving to America. You have an interest in painting and you're the only daughter of Mr. Yanagi." No pause done, all correct and straightforward.

I see. He was already informed about me.

That was cheating.

"That's correct. What about you?" I asked since I wasn't given any details about him.
Instead of answering, he placed a folder on my front. "I thought so." he murmured.
"That's my profile. You can read it later." He said.

I slightly frowned. He thought? How am I supposed to research about him when this was only informed yesterday?

But putting that aside, I still replied with a "I'm sorry for the trouble. I'll read it when I got to my hotel.".

As much as possible, I would like to avoid any conflict so I just decided to ignore that.

Our orders finally arrived. I took a short sip and him as well.

"I presume you already know the reason why they want us to meet." He asked suddenly.

I blinked before slightly inching up one side of my lips, "Parents deciding to broaden the power of their companies but leaving the responsibility to their child, to put it simply, a marriage to seal the relationship of both parties, right?" I said looking him straight in the eyes. I wondered how he would react and what he would say about this.

I wanted to know where he stand on this.
Was he in favor? Against? Or maybe he was just like me who didn't really give much care to everything aside from the strong desire to fulfill an order entrusted to myself.

"That's right." was his simple answer.

I waited for more but it seemed like he was done speaking.

Wait, that's it?!

"Are you okay with this?" I asked.

"Whether I'm okay with this or not, the decision is not mine."

He was right. We can do nothing about this. "Then we should just do our job properly." I said.
Yes, it was a job in form of a marriage. Simply say, Our job.

He stood up before bowing, "Then I guess we're finish here. I have to leave now." He said.

"Thank you." I replied and glanced at his drink.

He didn't even finish it. What a waste.