Authors Note: Hello my dear Oncers and Captainqueen shippers. Here is but a beautiful AU story of our regal Queen and our scurvy Captain. Set after The Queen of Hearts episode in Season 2. What if Hook offered to take our dear Queen with him on his journey to Neverland? She chose to give up her plot for the curse and revenge and went with him. But why would she do that?

I hope you will enjoy this. The idea actually came from the image (cover image) I found. Please review and let me know whether or not continuing is a good idea.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters of OUAT, though I would like to. ;)

He watched her as she approached the bow of the ship. Her long indigo dress made of smooth velvet and black diamonds shimmered in the light of the moon. Her ebony hair blew to her right in the light breeze of the night air, exposing the low cut of her dress and leaving the skin of her back bare. He watched her shiver from the cold chill of the air.

Approaching her slowly as she gazed onto the horizon at the new and mystical world, he wondered what she was thinking. "You alright, love?" He asked as he placed a woolen blanket over her shoulders.

Though in her mind she appreciated the gesture, she pushed the blanket off of her and stepped away from the man. She replied, "Don't put that old rag on me. I'm perfectly fine, Captain."

He saw that she was stubborn. She wanted to accept it; he could still see her still shivering. Picking it up from the wooden floor of the deck, he tried approaching her once more. He placed the blanket around her slowly, but this time held her shoulder with his hand so as to keep it upon her. He whispered, "There is no need to keep up such a façade, your Majesty. No one is here." His hand slid up and down her arm to warm her. "Just keep it on."

She stared at him as he walked back to the stern of the ship to steer. She was hesitant to follow him, so she decided to remain there for the moment and return to looking out onto the horizon. It was strange to think that she even agreed to do this with him. Just run off and leave her land, leave her life and her plans behind. But what was there truly to leave? She was miserable even though she was the Queen. The power wasn't everything she expected it to be. She killed the King and yet felt no satisfaction; she ran her stepdaughter out of the kingdom yet it still wasn't enough; she made a plan to enact this curse and bring them to a land without magic but at a price of her own soul; she even hired that man as an assassin to kill her own mother because she learned that love was weakness but all she felt was emptiness. When he offered her salvation, to journey with him to this land where she could live for eternity, never grow old and maybe start anew, she wasn't sure why, but she said yes.

Now, as she stared upon this new world, she wondered why she ever agreed. It wasn't like her to just give up on something; years of planning and working to gain power was now lost yet she felt no regret for it. Maybe it was just him. He was rather handsome and witty. She would say charming, but it reminded her far too much of that damn prince Snow White had married. Something about him though was intriguing, almost alluring to her. A pirate, yet a gentleman; it didn't seem like what she had heard about the stereotypical pirates in the land. Were they not supposed to be conniving and rude, drink far too much and have absolutely no hygiene? This Captain didn't seem to have that problem. There was something that was different about him and she couldn't help but want to dig to find out what that was.

She gracefully joined him by the stern. As she walked up the stairs, he noticed her. "I would have thought you journeyed to bed by now, love."

With a smirk and still holding the old blanket around her, she replied, "Afraid I'm still not used to all of this."

He laughed, "Not to worry, my dear. Your sea legs will come to you eventually. You just get used to it after a while." He glanced over to her as she leaned back upon the railing of the stern and simply watched him at the wheel. "Have you warmed up, love?"

She noticed that he had gestured to the blanket still wrapped around her. "I have, thank you." She stood up and approached the Captain. With a rather seductive voice, she said, "You are quite the gentleman."

"And that comes to you as a surprise?" He asked focusing on the waves ahead.

She shook her head. "Well I mean… for a pirate."

He snuffed at her comment, "There is much you don't know about me, love."

"Why not tell me then? Needless to say, I am not going to sleep any time soon." She smiled as he looked to her surprised.

No one had ever asked him about that before, not even his past love. This woman made the pirate rather curious. The way she didn't hesitate when he asked her to join him on his journey forced him to wonder. Why did he ask her along? It had been centuries since the incident with Milah and the boy. He had never asked other women to come with him; they had been just mere flings on his stops on land to satisfy his needs for some sort of feeling. But he had never even felt for this woman. Yes, there was clear attraction to her; she was beautiful, clever and devious beyond compare, but they had never done anything. He had simply joined her for a drink, and now there she was standing beside him and asking him to tell her about himself.

"What would you care to know?" He found himself asking.

She looked him up and down; his short yet mangled hair, his stubble-covered chin, his dark leather vest and pants, the tough boot that make a clomping sound whenever he approached. Then she noticed the hook; it was probably the most intriguing part of him. She knew the basics of the story: Rumpelstiltskin was the one to cut off the hand and now the Captain was on a mission to enact his vengeance upon the evil imp, or crocodile as he called him. That hunger for revenge just made her more attracted to this man. She wanted to know more.

Slowly walking to his other side, she trailed her finger down the Captain's arm seductively; curious of how he might react. He didn't flinch, however. She continued to trail down until she reached the silver hook wrapped around one of the notches of the wheel. She couldn't help feel chills as her fingers traced the cold metal. She stared down at it and asked him, "How did you even become a pirate, Captain?"

"My father." He answered bluntly.

Raising her brow, expecting more from him, she asked, "Care to elaborate?"

"Not particularly, no." He said straight forward as he turned the wheel two notches to port forcing her to take her hand off of his hook. He seemed just as stubborn as she.

Sighing with impatience, she walked back to the railing of the ship and leaned back on it. "Come along, Hook. Intrigue me a bit, won't you?"

Glaring over to her, he noticed that she was no longer wrapped in the woolen blanket. He could see the diamonds upon her slim dress shining in the moonlight once more. The velvet hugged her curves tightly around her waist and along her arms. It flowed narrowly down her legs with a deep slit along the right side. When she crossed her legs, he could see the bare skin of her thigh, though he tried best not to stare like a hungry animal. He stayed focused on her dark, soulless eyes. This was just a game to her. Her seduction won her everything every time, but he would try so hard not to let it get to him. If she could play dirty, so could he. "What makes you think that it is my place to amuse you, your Majesty?" He raised his brow.

With a little smirk of her blood-red lips, she replied, "As you said before, no else is here. And I am Queen after all."

He watched as she tapped her fingers on the railing. He was getting to her. Her seduction might have won once-and-a-while, but it was her impatience that would make her lose now. "You are no longer a Queen. And might I add, you were never my Queen to begin with, love." He laughed at his minor triumph.

Raising her voice with an aggravated tone, she came back at him. "You asked me what I wished to know about you, did you not? Now why won't you tell me?"

The unscrupulous man laughed at the now frustrated woman. "Because it is oh so amusing to watch you so flustered, love."

She stood up and approached him. He could hear the anger through the clomping sounds of her heeled shoes. She sarcastically replied, "Well I'm so glad that I could amuse you, Captain."

The man laughed and looked at the young woman. She didn't seem as amused as he. Hands on her hips and tapping her foot incessantly, she waited for a response. However, he wanted to see how long she could really hold it. The two stared at one another, neither speaking. There was only the sound of her tapping foot accompanied by the wind and the crashing waves upon the boat. She suddenly turned and moaned angrily, "You are an impossible man!"

He laughed again. She did hold it longer than he expected, but nevertheless, he won the game. With an accomplished expression, he replied, "And you are a rather impatient lass, my lady."

"Idiot." She snuffed as she grabbed the woolen blanket and left the deck to go below.

The Captain continued to laugh to himself as the sound of her loud heels faded down below. This should be an interesting journey, he thought to himself. With the quiet sounds around him, the pirate finally felt at one with the sea. In the twilight of the night the Captain began to whistle as he saw the coast of where they were headed, Neverland.


"Might I ask what you are doing in my chambers, love?" He asked as he shut the door behind him with a kick of his boot. He noticed the woolen blanket sprawled on the bed along with the seductive indigo dress she had been wearing an hour ago.

She pulled back the sheets of the bed and said in a high-pitched voice, "You didn't expect me to sleep in one of those messily bunks with the rest of your men, did you?"

He stared at her expression; innocent yet not so innocent at the same time. He crossed his arms over his chest, raised his brow and replied, "And so you expect me, the captain of this ship, to do so?"

"Why not?" She smiled. "Wouldn't a proper gentleman allow the lady to rest in his bed comfortably?"

"Only if he could sleep beside her." He smirked. "Why, might I ask, are you wearing that?" He gestured to the long, white colonial looking shirt she had over her. It was most likely from his own drawers.

She looked down and inspected it. Hands on her hips, she responded deeply, "What else was I supposed to wear? You expect me to stalk around your ship in the nude?" With a sarcastic dip in her voice, she continued, "I'm sure you and your crew would love to see that."

"I'm sure."

"Keep dreaming." She snuffed.

"You brought it up, love. Not I." He smirked with a raised brow. He couldn't help but watch as the woman leaned over the bed allowing the shirt to ride up and expose her thighs. The shirt, though long for a shirt, was not as long as a nightgown that a lady would normally wear. As she reached over to the other side of the bed and pulled the sheet down, the Captain stared at her bare skin trailing his eyes from her dainty feet to her luscious thighs.

"So much for gentleman." He heard her say.

Suddenly focusing his gaze back to her face, he noticed that she was giving him a pretty stern look. How long had she known that he was staring? With a smirk on his face and some slight embarrassment, which he refused to actually show or admit, the pirate commented, "Well it wasn't like you were being discreet about it, love."

The woman climbed into the bed and covered her bare legs with the sheets and woolen blanket. She stared at the man who was still looking towards her with a blank expression. She raised her brow and with attitude said, "You may go now."

"Excuse me?" He said feeling insulted.

"Do I have to spell it out for you, Captain? Leave." She flicked her wrists towards the door in a stuck up manner.

Frustration and rage built up within the pirate. It would have been so easy to just strike her down or throw her out; it was his ship after all. But something made him stop. With an understandable nod of his head, he turned to the open the door. He listened to the creaking sounds of the floorboards as he walked and the squeak of the door as he opened it just enough for him to slide out. He turned back to her and said sincerely, "Then goodnight, my lady. We should be reaching land by morning." With that, he left the room.

She stared at the door for a moment, surprised that he hadn't argued more. She didn't exactly understand why she enjoyed this so much. Perhaps it was just a way for her to cope with her decision or to bond with… someone. The relationship was quite strange, but it wasn't unbearable yet.

She tucked herself further underneath the covers and blew out the single candle that had been brightening the room. Darkness overcame the entire room and all she saw was black. She rested her head upon the pillow and pulled the woolen blanket he had wrapped around her earlier. Taking a deep inhale, she could smell him through the scent of the pillow and the blanket. Though she was alone, she somehow felt like someone was with her. Maybe that was why she chose to leave it all behind. What good would her new life have been if she had no one to share it with?

She closed her eyes slowly and drifted to sleep with the smell and warmth of a man, that man, the pirate. She might never show it to him, but she was more than happy to be there on that ship and with him, though he was a rather irritating man. But it was better to be with him than to be alone.

Please review to tell me what you think and whether or not I should continue. Thank you for reading.