(Third person POV)

"Where is it, where is it, where is it?" Aria mumbled as she ran around the room frantically. "Where is it what?" Said Lexi as she stepped out of the dressing room in a flowing white dress with tiny diamonds sewed on in a hypnotic pattern. Aria paled even paler then she already was before stuttering, "I can't find the rings."

Lexi covered her mouth and her shoulders started shaking, "Oh don't worry I'm sure we'll find them," said Anna as she placed a comforting arm around Lexi's shoulders. "I'm not crying," giggled Lexi as she tries to stop laughing, "Its ok Aria, you gave me the rings this morning when you were freaking out about losing them!" Said Lexi as she dissolved into another fit of giggles.

Aria stared at Lexi as she fell backwards and sat on the ground and looked around the room before she started laughing. Pretty soon all three girls were laughing like crazy people as Anna tried to hold up Lexi so she wouldn't mess up her dress.

"Girls what is going on here," said Kiara as she took in the rooms chaotic appearance. "Anna was looking for the rings but she forgot she had already given them to Lexi this morning when she was going crazy saying she was going to lose them." Gasped Anna between giggles. Kiara looked at the girls laughing together and smiled, "Aren't you a bit young to be forgetful?" She winked at Anna before turning around and walking out the door. As the door closed she could hear Aria protesting.


"Relax lil bro, it's just a ceremony," snickered snickered Seth as he clapped a nervous Terry on the back. Terry turned and glared at Seth, "First, stop calling me lil bro, and second it's not just a ceremony it's a ceremony and a CORONATION!" Seth's face sobered as he turned to look at Terry, "I know, and I can't thank you enough for volunteering to be king since I lost my leg. I don't want to hear any apologizes either since I never wanted to be king and, if losing my leg is the price I have to pay for a lifetime of happiness with Anna I am more then willing," said Seth as he grinned at his younger brother who would soon become a new husband and king within a few hours. "Well I'm not sure what's going on here but if we're but if we're thanking Terry then I have to say thank you for putting me in charge of the Western Province," said Kyle as he stood up from the chair he was sitting in. Terry looked at his brother and soon to be brother-in-law and grinned, "I'm sure I'll f**k up a lot of things in the future but as long as you guys are to help me, I think I'll survive."

"That's the spirit, bro king!" Cheered Seth as he picked up a glass of blood and raised it in a cheer. Terry and Kyle turned to look at Seth wearing matching WTF expressions, "Bro king? Seriously?" Chuckled Terry as he walked across the room and adjusted his new suit. Within a few hours he would officially be king and Lexi would be his queen.


(Lexi's POV)

Taking a deep breath I smoothed the front of my wedding dress slash coronation dress. Terry and I decided to have our wedding and coronation ceremony at the same time since we were still technically at war with the Elves. "You ready?" Whispered Kiara as

I placed my hand in the crook of her arm. Apparently it's tradition for the current queen to walk the new queen down the aisle at the coronation ceremony. Weird.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be," I whispered back as I glanced over my shoulder to see Aria standing directly behind us and Anna standing a little behind Aria.

Slowly the French doors in front of us opened, taking a deep breath I scan the crowd and was surprised to see my parents and Jamie sitting at the front. They looked a bit uncomfortable but they were still here! I continued looking around the room and saw Rowan and Rachel standing at the front of the room by the wall. Rachel is my new assistant like Rowan is to Terry.

"Ok, let's go walk the red carpet," smiles Kiara as we step out onto the literal red carpet and start walking towards the end of the aisle where Terry is standing.

It's feels like we've been walking down the aisle for hours when we finally reach the stairs where Terry takes my hand and Kiara goes and stands besides Dimitri while Aria and Anna stay behind me. I look up at Terry and smile as Dimitri gives the speech of how he's passing on the crown just as his father passed it on to him, and as his grandfather passed it on to his father.

"Prince Terrence, Princess Alexandra, do you accept the responsibilities these titles carry? To do everything in your power to protect this realm from foreign and domestic threats, and to produce an heir for this realm?" Dimitri's lip turned up at the corner as he told us the last 'responsibility'.

"I accept the responsibilities of king and swear to do the best I can," said Terry as he shoots me a wicked glance that makes my heart pound.

"I accept the responsibility and will do everything in my power to fulfill the role of queen." I send my own smirk back at Terry before looking back at Dimitri and Kiara.

"Prince Terrence will you please kneel," said Dimitri as he reaches up and removes the crown from his head. As Terry kneels down Dimitri places the crown on his head and pats Terry's shoulder before standing up straight.

"Princess Alexandra, will you please kneel," said Kiara as she too removes her crown and places it on my head.

"All rise and greet your new leaders, King Terrence and Queen Alexandra!" Dimitri and Kiara say in unison as we stand up and turn to face the crowd. "All hail the new king and queen," the crown chants over and over again as Terry raises our joined hands over our head. As the chanting dies down Dimitri begins to speak, "Today is not only te coronation of your new king and queen but it is also their wedding day and they have given me the honor of performing the ceremony."

Dimitri smiles at us before reading an altered version of the marriage bows, "Do you promise to love each other, care for each other and stay true to each other until death separates you?"

"I do!" Said Terry, as I echoed my own, "I do!"

"You may now kiss the bride!" Dimitri chuckled as Terry gave me a quick chaste kiss, "I now present to you King and Queen, Mr. and Mrs. Quinton!" Grinned Dimitri as we once again turned to face the crowd.

Standing on tip toes I reach up to whisper in Terry's ear, "Remember the part about producing an heir? Well that responsibility will be taken care of in about eight months!" I giggle as Terry stares at me in shock. "Are you serious?" He whispers back excitedly. Allowing my hand to go to my still flat belly I nod, "I'm serious!" Terry grins at me before whispering back, "Lexi you are the strangest but most perfect girl for me!"

I just smile up at him as we walk down the aisle. I don't know what will happen in the future but as long as Terry's there with me I can face the unexpected without fear.

Hi...it's the final chapter of this story! It took me long enough right? Sorry it took so long... Anyways thank you to whoever reads this story! Ya'll make me happy! :)