It has been 3 weeks since then and now the couple is officially engage. Yes. Ga Eul said yes to Yi Jung's proposal. Although, the two tried to make things slow, just spending the past 3 weeks in recovering and getting to know each other. The rest of the F4, Jan Di and Jae Kyung finally got to know her more. Yi Jung's mom finally accepted her and asks for forgiveness. In fact now, she seems looking forward to her son's marriage. Yi Jung's grandfather have also acknowledge their relationship and he approves that Ga Eul would be a wonderful partner for Yi Jung.

Unknown to Ga Eul, for the past three weeks, Yi Jung has been planning on doing something for her. Something she would really love.

"Hey… where are we going?"

"Just trust me."

It was around 8 pm when Yi Jung parked his Orange lotus in the parking area. Ga Eul emerged and as she scanned the area, she recognized where she is.

"Why are we… in a school?"

"This…" He pointed out "…Is Shinwha University… My school…"

"And?!" She is still puzzled why he brought her here.

"Come… I want to show you something"

He grabbed her hand and led her to a room. When they reached the door, he covered her eyes with his hands and led her up. He released his hands and she opened her eyes. They are inside the school theater, on the stage to be exact.

"I know you like performing." Ga Eul turned towards him. "So… I suppose your first performance on stage should be for your lover." She chuckled. Slowly she headed towards where the piano stands. She sat down and started to play.

There's a song that's inside of my soul.

It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again

I will wake in the infinite cold

But you sing to me over and over and over again

Memories started to fill Ga Eul. Until now, she still can't believe that everything is fine. She had been so happy and that is frightening. Gaining something great also brought it with a great price to pay. And that was what she feared most.

So I lay my head back down

And I lift my hands and pray

To be only yours I pray

To be only yours I know now

You're my only hope

Yi Jung walked towards where he was standing and opened the door to let someone, or rather let them enter. With Yi Jung's signal, Gerald and Lyla entered the auditorium. Upon hearing her voice, a spark flashed in their bodies. Lyla and Gerald were drawn to the woman singing.

Sing to me the song of the stars

Of your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again

When it feels like my dreams are so far

Sing to me of the plans that you had for me over again

Lyla and Gerald slowly walked towards the stage. Their eyes still focused on her. Lyla's eyes became watery. Call it a woman's intuition but the moment she heard her voice, she knew she found her.

So I lay my head back down

And I lift my hands and pray

To be only yours I pray

To be only yours I know now

You're my only hope...

Gerald was star struck. No wonder she remind her of someone the moment she saw her. He smiled. Her hair, her complexion and even her passion on musical instruments came from him, except her eyes and her voice. Her eyes and her voice came from her mother.

I give you my destiny

I'm giving you all your need

I want your symphony

Singing in all that I am

At the top of my lives

I'm giving it back

Yi Jung watches the scene. He recalled how he told them of their daughter's whereabouts. A week ago, he told them he knew where their daughter is and to come on this day to meet her. Ga Eul has no knowledge as to what he was planning. Yes, he may have told her the truth regarding her birth: that she was in fact an orphan, that she was given to a nurse there and that became her grandmother and that her parents are still alive. But he left the details that he knew who her parents are.

So I lay my head back down

And I lift my hands and pray

To be only yours I pray

To be only yours I know now

You're my only hope...

As she finished her song, Ga Eul turned around to found Yi Jung but instead, found them. She froze. She feels as though she is staring to herself. Lyla and Gerald smiled at her and embraced her. Still in awe, she was at loss for words.

"I finally found you…." Ga Eul heard Lyla whispered. Tears burst forth to her eyes and now she found herself hugging them back.


The family is now reunited. She gazes to where Yi Jung was standing and found him smiling at her.

She whispered at him, "Thank you…."

Yi Jung replied back, "Your welcome…."

/ / /

"So… What did happen next Omma?"

"Well… the princess married the prince and now they happily live happily ever after."

"woooowww….Ne Omma… Appa is just like the prince in the story right!"

"He sure is…" Just then, the door burst opened and Yi jung walked in.

"Owww… Why is my little princess still awake?"

"Because Omma gave me a bed-time story."

"Now now… it's time for my little princess to sleep, okay? Goodnight!"

"Goodnight appa, omma…"

/ /

In their own bedroom,

"Hey..." Yi jung wrapped his arms around her hips. "so…omeonim is taking Baek Hee tomorrow to Italy…"


Yi Jung descends towards her ears and with a seducing tone, he whispers, "And that means… I will have you all by myself." Ga Eul blushed what he just said. Yi Jung is still proud that he can still make her do this effect. He fell in love with her when they were together, then fell deeper in love with her in the years they were married.

"You are insatiable So Yi Jung!"

"Only with you Ga Eul… Only with you…"

so that's it! So long for now! anyway.. i'm planning on making another story! (please support lol)