Chapter 15 – Entwined

The winter's wind was cold and chilly but the road is still bustling with noise even when the clock ticks near to 12. Breaths were heavy and postures were awkward. The only thing that made sense was that their hearts are entwined to one another. All the fuss awhile ago was replaced with unbreakable silence and no words are enough to describe what they feel. Hearts beats faster and louder, hands become sweaty. Akashi wants to be composed in front of her but everything just seems to fall apart.

It was her and only her, he knew.

He tightens his grip to her hand. The longingness in his heart was only filled by Kuroko. If only time would stop between them so he could always be beside her, because he was afraid. He was afraid that at one moment he's gone, she might be taken away. It might sound ridiculous but it was genuine. Love has made him fragile but he doesn't regret every moment of it, since it brought him true happiness.

He knew he have gotten weaker . . . because of these emotions.

Movements were steadied, the rhythm held to a halt, their footsteps leaving a mark to the snow-covered path walk. They finally arrived in front of Kuroko's apartment, but he couldn't take his hand away from hers.

If only he could hold her forever...


Kuroko suddenly breaks the silence by taking his hand off hers and waving him a goodbye, not even realizing the atmosphere.

"Do you want me to go so soon?" Akashi asked in a rather irritated voice.

"No" Kuroko disagreeing to the idea "It's because it's already this late" while pointing out the time at her cell phone.

Kuroko never had the intention of letting Akashi feel unwanted. She was just thinking about frivolous things and school which she doesn't want to miss again (because of things which she is too embarrassed to remember about) but that's not enough of an excuse she could go out with in arguing with Akashi.

"Hmmm. . .Okay, but I'll only go if you kiss me" he initiated.

Kuroko blushed and instinctively slapped Akashi's shoulder "Didn't you already kiss me today?"

Akashi gave a sigh and shook his head. "You really need to know Dating 101"

"Just what do you mean by that?" Kuroko already a little fixated about this Dating 101 thing.

"This is the so-called legendary goodnight kiss. It's always on romance dramas, don't you watch?

"No?" she doubtingly replied.

"What's with that reply?" Akashi sighed with Kuroko being so clueless with almost everything. "Then I don't have any choice but to spend the night with you."

Akashi pressed forward but Kuroko tried to push him back with both her arms on his chest, but it almost didn't have any effect. She's so weak but you could see that she's giving all her strength. Akashi stole a glance and chuckled but hided his fancy to the troubled maiden. He's not the macho type at all but he just couldn't imagine how lame Kuroko's strength can be. It's a pity but oh well. It's the guy's responsibility to protect the lady isn't it?

Akashi stopped for awhile and stared at Kuroko.

"Tetsu" he spoke in a low but lovely voice.

Kuroko flinched and blushed with Akashi speaking her given name. It was her idea to start calling their selves with their names but it was like all her energy was drained; but before she could regain her strength Akashi gave her a small peck on her lips.

"Goodnight" he smirked.

Kuroko could feel her face reddened, she touched her cheeks and looked at Akashi who's grinning at her. His face undoubtingly tells his amusement. He's teasing her again but he really hit her in the weak spot.

"That's mean" Kuroko faintly punches him in his chest "now you are restricted to one kiss per day".

Akashi was startled "O-oi! Tetsu you shouldn't taunt me"

Kuroko stung out her tongue teasing Akashi back on the only spot she knew is effective. Well if there's anything she knows about the Dating 101 thing, it is that men can't last without doing intimate and pervy stuff.


"Shh! You're going to wake the residence if you speak that loud" Kuroko shutting his mouth with her hands.

Akashi removed her hands which are all over his face which is supposed to be only in his mouth. "If you do that I won't be able to breathe".

"Seriously Sei-chan? I have snot in my hands" she laughed.

"Are you kidding me?" Akashi asked as he grabbed her hands to examine and wiped it with his handkerchief. Kuroko continuedly laugh as Akashi was flustered.

"It is winter okay?" he defended his self.

Kuroko stopped laughing and wiped her tears as she can see Akashi in silence. She couldn't push him further or press the wrong button since Akashi can be very different when he is in a bad mood – he's the yandere type she remembers.

She kissed him on the cheek and greeted him goodnight but Akashi only stared blankly at her.

"That's not the correct place you know?"

Kuroko raised an eyebrow and pinched one of his cheeks "You're very picky you know that?!"

"Ooww" Akashi shouted in pain.

"Now you know how it feels whenever you pinch me" she smirked.

"Ah" Kuroko suddenly exclaimed. Her cell phone was ringing 12 which is the time for her curfew. "I have to go home now, well then let's meet again tomorrow"

Kuroko dashed away without any second thought but Akashi didn't take the time to chase her. She went toward her apartment door while Akashi was still looking at her from below. Both his hands on his pockets and his eyebrows are slightly raised. He was looking a little bit pissed off but she waved her hand and pointed at her cell phone. She just sent a message to him. Well he wouldn't be angry if she acted cute, Kuroko thought.

From: Kuroko Tetsuya

Title: goodnight

Goodnight sei-chan 3

See you tomorrow^^

Akashi read the message while still in front of the apartment and grunted. If she was going to kiss me then it'll be better in reality than a message. He started composing a message as quickly as he can and soon Kuroko's phone rings. It's not obvious but Akashi is feeling a little bit sulky and he hates how Kuroko doesn't notice anything.

From: Akashi Seijuuro

Title: re:goodnight

Why did you run so suddenly?

I'll be here tomorrow morning to pick you up so you better wake up early.

Kuroko, upon receiving the message had mixed emotions. The message seems more like a chore than a boyfriend-girlfriend daily routine. Didn't he felt the cuteness in my message? I think he needs the Dating 101 more than me

She still hasn't entered the room and still overlooked at him. She waved to Akashi to go now but her cell phone just rang.

From: Akashi Seijuuro

Title: re:goodnight

You go in first.

You dashed away because of it so I'll see you off.

Kuroko gave a sigh and waved her last goodnight to Akashi and she entered the room. Akashi soon left when he secured that Kuroko was inside but Kuroko take a small peek at the window.

"So this is how to be in a relationship" she sighed.

And so the next day passed so quickly as if a second ago. Kuroko found herself waking up at the sound of her phone ringing. She reached out to her phone while still half awake, which she always put under her pillow every night. If it was an alarm, she would unconsciously turn it off but it was something she didn't expect. 3 missed calls?! Kuroko immediately sat up her bed, waking up completely and shoved her curtain to open the window; but to her surprise it was still dark out. The only trace of light can be seen from the lamp post across the street. Kuroko's phone rang again and she finally had a chance to pick it up.


"Tetsu, when are you going to be ready?"

"Huh? I-is it tomorrow?" Kuroko hesitantly asked.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Kuroko didn't utter a word and was confused. She took a second glance on her phone's screen and. . .

5:00 AM?!

"Sei-chan its still 5 in the morning!" she frustratingly replied.

"That's why I told you to wake up early" Akashi straightforwardly reminded. With the way he spoke, it almost feels like she was slacking off.

"And when do you plan on opening the door?" he grumpily asked. "It's cold outside."

"Ehh?! You're here already?" she tried to stand up from her bed but ended up stumbling and slamming her face on the floor. Even with the pain stinging from her cheeks, she immediately rushed up towards the door and greeted Akashi a good morning.

Well it was quite strategical to greet Akashi a good morning even if she never meant the morning good; but you also don't want to start the day with Akashi on your bad side.

Akashi wasn't a bit surprised with Kuroko's face after opening the door. Her usual messy morning hair, her shoulder peeking out her loose shirt, and now greeting him a "good morning" with a really red cheek. Just what is she up to?

"What's with you?" Akashi asked as he went straight towards into Kuroko's apartment. He was already in his school uniform and is tidy and neat unlike the girl in front of him.

"Huh? I should be the one saying that, what's with being so early?" Kuroko hurriedly asked "Wait a minute you have a spare key don't you?" Did he sleep wearing a school uniform?

Akashi ignored her. He just couldn't honestly tell her that he forgot to bring them. He took of his shoes and jacket as Kuroko continuously muttered about with him being early. "Nevermind" he sighed "I'm already not in the mood".

Kuroko was dumbfounded. She was standing there for some quite time with the usual "eh" look.

Not in the mood? You don't have the right to tell.

Akashi sighed again. He should have not trusted Kuroko to be ready early in the morning, or was he really that early? No. He shook his head and took a glance at Kuroko. Even if there is plenty of time for the surprise plan he was preparing for her, wherever he look at her, she's is a complete mess.

And what's with her sore cheek?

"I'll cook you breakfast while you go fix yourself" Akashi commanded.

Kuroko blankly stared at him and instantly nodded and went towards the bathroom. She was used to being ordered around by him especially during club activities, when she realized that she should've not been obediently following Akashi's orders right now. She stopped walking and turned to face Akashi who is now on his way to the kitchen.

"Wait!" as she tried to grabbed Akashi's shirt "You're still confusing me".

"Tetsu" Akashi sighed "If you hold me like that in the morning, I don't know if I could help my desires" he quietly spoke

"Ehh?!" Kuroko was flustered. She immediately ungrabbed his shirt and dashed away from him "Sei-chan you pervert!"

"Just go to the bathroom."

Few minutes have passed and Akashi was alone in the kitchen, he was wondering over the fridge for ingredients as he overlook at Kuroko's room. He wondered why there's hardly anything edible, her kitchen is basically empty. He sighed. He should have guessed earlier since this he just cooked for her the other day.

Akashi opened his phone hoping he could have a delivery over but he soon realized that it was too early for that.

He went towards Kuroko's room and knocked.

"I can't cook anything; let's just have breakfast at the convenience store."

He waited for a few seconds but Kuroko didn't reply to his suggestion. He knocked again but there is still no sign.

Is she brushing her teeth?

Akashi turned the knob of the door finding out that it hasn't been locked. He went further towards the room and found out Kuroko fast asleep at her bed.

"This girl..." Akashi grunted.

He slowly sat down on her bed to avoid waking her up. He caressed her cheeks and looked at her innocent face while sleeping. Maybe he pushed too much today and shouldn't have barged in too early. Kuroko definitely hadn't that much sleep, but all he wanted was too spent some time with her. Yes, it was definitely a ridiculous idea but he wanted to try going out with her as a girl; not that he didn't see her as one, he was actually satisfied with the way things are. He just wanted her to feel like a normal girl, having dates and going to school with her boyfriend. And he thought that it'd all work when almost have of the city is still asleep.

But there might not be any use to it.

He can't change that the way people thought about her is completely wrong, even if he did use another way.

And besides, Kuroko doesn't seem fond in early mornings...

"This girl...always made me go nuts."

Akashi lied down next to her. Is it really that early?

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