The next morning, Dean woke up first. Sam was fast asleep next to him, his breath making the lock of hair that had fallen down over his face move every time he exhaled. Dean brushed it behind his ear and gave Sam a gentle kiss on the cheek. Since Sam wasn't wrapped around him like he normally was, he took advantage of the fact and went to the bathroom. As he stood, a delicious ache ran through his body, and the memory of the night before returned to him. He didn't mind being sore like this in the least.

When he emerged from the bathroom awhile later, Sam was still asleep. Dean sniffed the air – it smelled clean, similar to the aftermath of a thunderstorm. Castiel had been here. He noticed that the sheets, which were sticky when he and Sam had gone to bed, were clean, and the bowl that had the strawberries in it was also spotless and the empty whipped cream container was gone. He then noticed a note laying on the room's desk. He walked over to it and picked it up. It read in Cas's flowing handwriting:

"The first part of your union has been blessed. You and Sam are now ready."

Dean folded the note back up and stuffed it into his duffle bag. He sat down on the bed next to Sam and stroked his hair to wake him. Sam's eyes opened slowly, and he smiled up at Dean. Sam sat up and swung his legs out so that he could rest his head on Dean's shoulder.

"And how'd you sleep last night, baby boy?" Dean put his arm around Sam's shoulders.

Sam chuckled and said "Like I spent all my energy on sex. Oh wait, I did."

Dean smiled and pulled him in for a kiss. "Yeah I'm going to be sore for a couple of days, but I'd say it's worth it."

Sam looked at him and said "I've got an idea then. Why don't we go look for some breakfast and then afterwards I'll give you a full body massage – how does that sound?"

Dean very much liked the thought of Sam's hands all over his skin. "Sounds awesome Sammy. What do you say to that breakfast buffet that Bobby used to take us to?"

. . .

As they ate, Sam didn't even try to be seductive. That was a sure sign that he was all fucked out, and instead just spent most of the meal smiling at Dean, his food only occasionally being touched. Dean regarded him with a look of curiosity.

"Sammy, you gonna eat or are you just going to keep grinning at me like you've swallowed a bottle of Vicodin?"

Sammy's face became slightly more serious. "Sorry Dean. I just feel really..." Sam held up his hands and did something like a cross between spirit fingers and an arcing motion. "It's weird . I don't quite feel like I'm on the ground, you know?"

Dean allowed himself a small smile. "Was the sex really that good last night?"

Sam chuckled, a rich sound in the back of his throat. "Honestly Dean, yeah it was. But the thing is, I don't think that's it." Sam leaned slightly across the table, dropping his voice. "Not that it isn't ever anything less than exceptional." He winked at him and settled back in his seat.

Dean was eying Sam over his coffee cup when Castiel slid into the booth next to him, causing both of them to give a start.

"I see that the blessing is working. How are you feeling Sam?" Castiel fixed him with a soft but concerned look.

"Blessing?" Sam looked at Dean, searching for an answer.

Dean knew the ruse was up. He reached across the table and took Sam's hands in his own. "Sammy... last night wasn't just about sex. It was the first part of... Cas, you tell him."

Cas looked back at Sam. "Last night, you consummated, as humans call it, your engagement. In the eyes of heaven, you have prepared your souls for bonding."

Sam looked more than a little confused. "What are you talking about Cas?"

Dean held his hands a little tighter. "He's saying that we're ready."

"Ready for what Dean?"

Cas looked back and forth at both of them. "When Dean proposed to you, he wasn't talking about a traditional marriage Sam. He was speaking of holy matrimony."

Sam's mouth went dry and his voice was rougher than before when he spoke. "Holy matrimony?"

Dean looked at him. "Sammy... I know that the whole flowers and throwing rice thing isn't for us. You know it too." Sam just nodded his head in silent agreement. "But Sam... this – it's something that goes a lot deeper than a ring and and some vows. This is a bond, in the deepest, truest sense of the word." He turned to Cas and said "Could you give us a minute?"

The angel nodded. "I'll wait outside." He stood and walked out of the door, leaving the two of them alone.

Sam was the one to break the silence. "Dean what... what's going on? What are you not telling me?"

Dean 's face was beyond serious. "Sammy, I love you more than anything else in this world. There isn't a goddamn thing that I wouldn't do for you. You know that. And Sam..." Dean laughed, just a light scoff "Sammy I want this – us - to be forever."

Sam's voice was quiet. "What does forever mean, exactly?"

"Sam I'm talking about beyond the grave."

Sam's face dropped. "Like... forever forever?"

Dean nodded. "Eternal union. A union blessed by heaven. That's why Castiel is here."

Sam cast his head down and ran his thumbs over Dean's hands. "You're really serious, aren't you?"

"As I ever have been Sam."

Sam looked back up and smiled, and a tear ran down his face. Dean reached up to brush it away.

"You can still say no Sammy. We can keep going like we are, and I would be okay with that. But just think about this, please."

Sam leaned across the table, and kissed Dean full on the mouth. He tried to deepen it, but Dean pushed him back gently, wary of stares from the other diners.

Dean said "Does that mean yes?" His tone was hopeful.

Sam smiled, and when he did, Dean's insides turned to mush. "Yes. It does Dean."

Dean picked up Sam's hand and kissed it, and then signaled for the check.

. . .

Back in the hotel room, Sam packed up the clothes that he had been wearing the day before in his bag. There was precisely one thing on his mind, and it was Dean. He felt like a schoolgirl, all smiles and giddiness every time Dean looked at him.

Sam paused and said "Dean, when we do this, what's going to change?"

Dean stuffed a sock into his duffel and looked at him. "How do you mean?"

"Well Dean, I'm still your brother, and a guy, you know? Like, I'm not going to turn all girly or anything am I?" Sam's look of concern was genuine.

Dean crossed over to him and sat down on the edge of the bed, inviting Sam to do the same. "Honestly Sam, I don't know what it's going to feel like. Cas has largely been silent on that part. But what we have now? I think it's largely going to be the same. Sam what we have is great, I mean really great. The closeness, the sex, everything. Agree?"

Sam smiled. "Yeah Dean, I do."

Dean reached up and put a hand on Sam's shoulder. "So don't worry about us changing too much. But just know this Sammy - I'm going to be by your side every night, and be there when you wake up in the morning. And since we're going to belong to each other, Sam you don't even have to worry about me so much as looking at another person. I've only got eyes for you. And I always will. But we'll still be bros Sam. Just like we always have been. I'm still gonna be your big brother, and everything that comes with that. That sound good Sammy?"

Sam put his hand on the back of Dean's head and drew him in for a deep kiss. Dean tasted like coffee and fire, a mix that made Sam want to seek out even more of it. He let his tongue press into Dean's mouth, trying to memorize and capture the space in his mind forever. Sam eventually broke the kiss and said "How's that for an answer?"

Dean stroked Sam's face and said "Music to my ears."

Sam kissed him again and said "Remember the massage I promised earlier?"

"Sure do Sam."

"Ready for me to deliver on that?"

Dean laid down on the bed, gesturing for Sam to join him. "So long as it involves me kissing that hot mouth of yours for awhile."

Sam was smiling wide as he pressed his body to Dean's.

. . .

Later that afternoon, Sam and Dean strode through the door to Bobby's kitchen. He was at the table with Castiel. Both turned to look at the pair as they entered. In spite of the fact that Bobby had given them his blessing, they still stood slightly apart, not touching each other.

Cas was the first to speak. "I've told Bobby about the ritual. He shall be the witness to this union."

Bobby looked at the brothers and said "You boys really are serious about this aren't you?"

Dean subtly took Sam's hand and said "We are Bobby."

Bobby crossed himself and said "Alright."

Castiel rose from his seat and said "I'm ready when you are."

. . .

The four of them stood in between stacks of old cars, an angel, two boys, and an old junkman. As far as wedding ceremonies went, this one was probably one of the first to take place in a junkyard. Castiel had blessed the space around them, consecrating it as holy ground.

Sam and Dean stood facing each other, Castiel between them. The angel spoke. "Sam, Dean, take your hands and join them." Dean reached out for Sam, and his younger brother's hands made contact.

Castiel placed his own hands on top of theirs and spoke. "The Bonding of Souls has only been performed four times since the Creation. It is a ritual that is only reserved for love that runs deep and pure. Ever since your birth, Heaven has watched the both of you grow into this bond that you have. Heaven itself does not foster this – it is done entirely between two souls. You have arrived at this point all by yourselves."

Castiel closed his eyes and began to sing in Enochian, a sound that was both beautiful and terrifying. As he did, Sam and Dean locked eyes. Both of them felt a heat grow between them, not oppressive but overwhelmingly powerful and fulfilling.

Cas's song ended and he spoke again, his voice deeper and sounding multi-dimensional. "Your souls are now ready to be joined." He drew his angel blade, one hand still on top of Sam's and Dean's. He removed his hand from theirs and carved a sigil into it, and then pressed it first to Dean's right forearm, and then to Sam's left. It formed a brand on their skin, burning like the sun.

Castiel began to chant in Enochian again. A bright light formed on the brands, and began to travel between them. Both of them were lifted slightly off the ground, and the wind around them picked up, causing Bobby to shield his face from the dirt being kicked up around them.

After a few moments, both were set back down on their feet. Cas's chant ended. "Open your eyes." The brothers looked at each other, a white glow fading from their eyes as they did. "You now carry a small piece of each other's souls inside of you. It can never be removed, and neither can your souls be taken from you, by neither angel or demon. You are now also eternally faithful to one another, but this comes about because of your love that already exists; the bonding merely makes it stronger."

Cas began another chant in Enochian, and Dean looked into Sam's eyes, smiling. He mouthed "I love you." Sam mouthed back "I love you too." Castiel's words came to a stop and he put both of his hands on their foreheads, his hands shining bright on them. "This part of the ritual marks you as paired. Upon your entrance to heaven, you will be eternally together. Should one of you die before the other, the soul will remain with the living. This way you will never be apart, even if the corporeal body expires before the other does. This way, you will never miss the other. A love as strong as yours is rare, and very, very powerful. It must be preserved, for when you enter heaven, both of you will become angels of the Lord, and will be eternally welcome in the House of God."

The angel removed his hands and stepped back. "There is but one more part of the ritual. But I think that you both know what it is." Castiel smiled and nodded at them. Sam took Dean's face in his hands and leaned down, planting a gentle, tender kiss on his lips. When he did, the briefest of flashes across the sky appeared, 10,000 angels all crying forth "Alleluia," and then they were gone, replaced by an ear-splitting clap of thunder that made the air around them resonate.

Dean broke the kiss and held Sam at arm's length. Bobby removed his hat and bowed his head, not really sure what to do. Castiel gestured for Bobby to join him, and they both moved away from Sam and Dean, allowing them some privacy.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Dean hugged Sam close and put his mouth to Sam's ear, not wanting anyone else to hear what he was going to say. "Did you hear that Sammy? Eternally yours. No one but you."

Tears of happiness ran down Sam's face, his mouth next to Dean's ear. "Thank you." He hugged Dean tight, his arms clasped firmly around him. They stayed there like that for a long time, a heat radiating between them. It was their souls, glowing for each other. Sam moved off of Dean just slightly and looked into his eyes, his gaze full of warmth. "Dean, I know that I've said it before, but now, I can say this with complete and total assurance. I will never, ever love someone as much as I love you." He kissed Dean again, his lips wet and salty from where his tears had ran across them. Dean kissed him back, fervently, warm, and conveying an overwhelming sense of desire.

It was awhile before they broke apart again.

. . .

Sam and Dean came back into the house, hand in hand. Castiel and Bobby were both in Bobby's office, reading over one of the texts that Bobby had recently inherited from Dan. They both looked up at them at the same time, and Cas smiled wide. He crossed over to them, and hugged them both at the same time.

When Cas backed away and spoke, gone was the neutral tone that he normally spoke with, replaced by a tone that sounded incredibly close to normal, full of joy. "I had forgotten to mention it before, but as the one who performed this ritual, I am now tied to you. Sam, Dean you've earned yourselves a guardian angel."

Dean regarded him with a look of curiosity. "So now you're going to live with us? Cas in case you haven't noticed we don't exactly have a house. Hell our place of residence is wherever the Impala happens to be parked at the time."

Sam had never heard the angel speak with glee, but he was now. "Heaven bestows gifts to those who deserve them. Follow me." He gestured for them to come outside with him, and they followed.

Cas stood next to the Impala, patiently waiting to be let in. Sam looked at him and asked "Cas are we going somewhere?"

The angle nodded. "Yes, we are. Don't worry, your things are already packed. All you have to do is drive." Dean looked to Sam, who shrugged, not having an answer for him.

Bobby waved at them from the porch as they drove away, and went back inside. Normally he missed the boys terribly, worried for them because it was his job. Today though, he could rest easy, because he knew that they were safe. More so, they were happy.

. . .

The three of them drove for hours, all the way from Sioux Falls to a part of Kansas that Dean didn't recognize. He wondered how far from Lawrence they were, and he winced internally as the memory of home ghosted through his mind. Home. That word changed for him all the time – a dingy motel there, a hostel on the edge of a city. Sam and Cas were talking about some bit of history that had worked its way into their conversation, but Dean was wrapped in his own thoughts. He then realized that home was wherever Sam was. It always had been. When Sam had gone to Stanford, he had never felt complete. Even though they weren't together at that point, he had still missed Sam terribly, feeling like half of him was missing. But now, Sam was here with him for as long as he lived, and after that. Without really thinking, he reached out and placed a hand on Sam's thigh, squeezing it. Sam reached down and took Dean's hand, turning his head to smile at his older brother. No.

His soulmate.

. . .

Awhile later, they reached their destination. Castiel was the first one out of the car, gesturing excitedly for them to follow him. To Sam, it didn't look like much. They were more or less in the middle of nowhere, tall hills surrounding them save for the road. There was a worn concrete entryway that looked like it had been there for decades, a large steel door embedded in the middle of it. So far as Sam could tell, it was an old fallout bunker.

Sam leaned down just to where Dean could here him. "Dean is it just me or are we out in the middle of nowhere looking at a relic from the Cold War?"

"Not just you Sammy. This is a surprise to me too." They stood back as Castiel opened the massive door, the portal squeaking on its hinges. A cool rush of musty air hit them, causing the brothers to step back as Castiel went inside.

They heard him say just out of sight "You know it's alright to come in." Subconsciously, Sam reached down to grab Dean's hand, and they followed Castiel deeper into the bunker.

Their expectations were blown away instantly.

The place was huge, seemingly stretching on for miles. There were maps all over the walls, still as crisp as the day they were hung up. A staircase towards the back of the room led both up and down, and Dean could see several doorways leading off from the space they were currently viewing. Castiel turned to them and said. "This bunker belonged to the Society of The Men of Letters, a group of intellectuals and hunters whose history stretches back centuries. Your grandfather, Henry Winchester, was a member, and a fine man. I was one of the original founders, and have been protecting hunters ever since. However, you two are the first in half a century that I've been charged to look over. As part of my duties, it is up to me to find you a place to live. Sam, Dean welcome to your new home."

Neither of them could speak, so Castiel led them forward. "You will find this space to be completely proofed against any supernatural force – demons, creatures, ghosts, the works. Only I can get in and out past its defenses. He led them through the first doorway to the left. It was a kitchen, fully equipped, with a huge stove and oven, high chairs at an island that stood in the middle, and two large refrigerators that were humming along. "I had prepared this place in the time before the ritual. Everything here works as well as the day it was made, and the cabinets are full of food, and these refrigerators are fully stocked."

He led them back out into the room across the hall. It was a library, with shelves that went from the ceiling to the floor. They were bulging with books of any and every kind, and Sam could feel himself salivating. In the middle of the room stood a large desk, two computers resting on top of it with any and everything of that nature that they might need. "Here you will find the finest collection of knowledge that has existed since the Library of Alexandria. And yes Sam, all of your favorite books are here." The angel gestured towards a shelf stacked thick with beautifully bound editions of Sam's beloved texts, gleaming as though they were hot off the press.

Sam started to move towards them but Castiel stopped him. "There's much more to see." Dean pulled Sam along, hugging Sam close as he did.

"Dude did you pop a boner just now?" Dean was half chuckling as he asked the question.

"Dean do you have any idea how long it's been since I read Tolkien where the pages weren't falling out of my hands?" Sam was still reeling.

"Since you wore out the copy of The Hobbit I gave you when you turned ten."

Sam blushed and said "I still have it you know."


"I would sleep with it under my pillow at Stanford. Sometimes I would smell the pages because they reminded me of you. Made me feel like I was with you."

Dean stopped walking and hugged Sam tight. "You know now I can be your pillow every night if you want."

Sam tilted his head up and said "I'd like that."

The kiss they shared was long and deep.

Castiel cleared his throat and said "Shall we continue?"

Dean held up a finger saying one more moment, his lips still claiming his brother's. Finally, Dean broke them apart, inhaling deeply. "Yes."

Castiel canted his head for them to follow. Dean's hand drifted behind Sam to give his ass a quick squeeze. Sam inhaled a quick, sharp breath at the contact. Dean whispered "I'll take care of that boner for you later there baby boy. That's a promise." It was taking all of his willpower to not pin Sam against the wall right this second and go to town on him, but he genuinely did want to see the rest of the place.

Castiel led them down the stairs, opening a door that gave Dean his own boner. The walls were lined with guns and weapons of every imaginable sort, and at the back of it stood a massive door that looked as though it belonged on the front of a bank vault.

Cas spoke from behind them. "In here you will find any and every weapon you will need for your line of work. All of these weapons are ready to go, and you will find plenty of ammunition available to you, including some that hasn't been made in centuries." He moved towards the back of the room, and swung the vault-like door open.

"Dean, your hustling and playing for poker money days are over. The two of you will be financially rich for the rest of your days. This money will never run out. And Dean, you will never have to worry about Sam going hungry again." Dean put his head down, memories of them not having enough money for food flooding through his mind.

His voice was choked with emotion when he spoke again. "Thanks Cas."

"It was the least I could for the both of you. I know that that's what always worried you most Dean. But now you can take care of Sam and not have to worry anymore." Sam put his arm around Dean's shoulder, comforting him.

The rest of the place continued to surprise the both of them, every room containing something different. The place had a fully equipped gym, a garage big enough to contain at least eight cars, shining tools and car parts lining the walls. Dean thrilled at the thought of working on his baby in here, knowing that he could do it right and that his repairs wouldn't fall apart ten miles down the road.

The tour finished on the uppermost level. Castiel opened a door and stepped aside, letting Sam and Dean inside first. In the middle of the room, against the far wall, stood a king-sized bed, big enough for both of them to have plenty of room.

"I didn't know if you wanted a shared room or separate ones, so there are accommodations for both of you. If you do choose to continue to share a bed together, here it is. I'll leave you two alone for the time being." Cas backed out of the doorway, and closed the door as he left.

Both of them were in a state of awe. Dean turned and put his hands on Sam's waist.

"What do you say Sam – want to continue sharing a bed with your brother or sleep in your own. Your choice baby boy." Dean slowly blinked at him, a warm expression on his face.

Sam smiled and said "Dean I've been sleeping with you in the same bed for years now. I don't think I could adjust to sleeping alone. Besides" he closed the space between them "I want to be by your side when I wake up in the morning. Always."

Dean pulled him towards the bed, kissing him as he did so. They sank down onto the soft mattress, Dean turning so that he could lay on top of Sam. Sam's arms made their way around Dean's back, pressing his body as close to him as he could.

Dean broke the kiss and stroked Sam's hair. "So, what do you think?"

Sam thought for a moment. "About what, the gorgeous guy on top of me right now or the fact that we don't have to scrape by anymore? Because I'm currently loving both of those things."

Dean chuckled and kissed Sam on the forehead. "I thought I was going to be nervous, being bonded to you Sam. But I'm not. Want to know what did it for me?"

"Course I do Dean."

"The way you geeked out in the library. That assured me that the same old Sammy was there."

Sam kissed Dean on the lips one more time. "And I saw you salivate over those shotguns. Dean, I seriously think you have a gun kink. Maybe you should see someone about that."

The look that Dean gave Sam was mischievous. "I know someone who could help, actually."


"The same guy who I want to make love to in every room of this place. He's really tall, has this beautiful brown hair that makes all the girls jealous, this to-die-for pink mouth that kisses better than anyone, and these eyes... these eyes that make you go all weak in the knees when he looks at you." Sam's lips were parted slightly, and Dean watched, mesmerized as Sam ran his tongue over them, moisture catching the light in the room.

Dean's voice was full of growing arousal. "And... and he has this... this look he gets when he wants you. That look alone can make you cum so hard you don't walk straight for a week." Dean's face was right over Sam's, his hot breath coming in heavy exhalations. "And his hands..." Sam's hands were moving to tug off Dean's shirt and jacket, and Dean moved to where they could come off over his head. "They know just how to touch you, can make you beg for so much, and then they give it to you so good that you rejoice."

Sam opened his mouth and started to say "Dean" but at that moment it was suddenly occupied by his older brother's tongue, searching and seeking the taste that was all Sam. Sam kissed him back, open mouthed kisses to give Dean as much access to him as possible. He was on fire for Dean, wanting his touch more than he ever had before. Sam pushed Dean up and off the bed with just a hint of aggression, stripping off his own shirt and backing Dean against the wall.

Both of them were filled with overwhelming need, and under normal circumstances Dean would have flinched at the way Sam's teeth knocked into his but right now he didn't care in the slightest. Sam was grinding against him, trying to press as much of himself against Dean as possible.

Sam began to outright bite down Dean's jaw and neck. One bite hurt a little too much and Dean pushed him off.

"Fucking Christ Sammy that hurt!" Sam immediately looked very apologetic.

"Sorry Dean but... dammit you've got me wrapped around your finger right now. I need you so fucking bad right now." He closed the distance between them again, rubbing the angry red teeth mark that he truly hadn't intended to leave on Dean's neck. "I didn't mean to hurt you." His voice was much quieter now.

Dean reached out for Sam's waist and drew him back. "I know you didn't Sammy. It's just that... alright Sam I gotta confess something." He led him back over to the bed, and laid Sam down so that he could lay on top of him and look into his eyes. "Sammy, you're really, really powerful. I joke about your muscles and arms or whatever, and yeah it does turn me on. When you're directing that at me like you normally do Christ Sam I can't get enough. But Sammy what you did just then, that kinda scared me. Reminded me that if you wanted to you could hurt me."

Sam put his arms around Dean and hugged him close, kissing him on the side of the head. "Dean, I would never, ever hurt you. You know that, right?" Sam put his hand under Dean's chin and looked at him. "Ever." He kissed Dean again, slow and gentle. Dean's sudden flash of anger was gone as Sam – and his tongue – reassured him that he would never cause Dean pain if he could help it.

The need was still there, but Dean could tell Sam was trying his hardest to control it. Dean broke the kiss and said "Sammy you can still give it to me – just don't bite so hard, alright?" Sam flipped them so that Dean was on his back and kissed and nipped lightly down Dean's neck again, raising the hairs on the back of Dean's neck in only the way that his little brother could.

"Fucking love your mouth Sammy." Sam kissed, licked and teased his way down Dean's torso, every brush of contact making Dean want more and more, right down to the waistline of his jeans, tongue just barely grazing at the soft flesh where they were pulled down slightly, exposing the waistband of Dean's boxers. Sam worked his way back up Dean, and soon his brother was right there at his face again, kissing him, that wonderful tongue plunging into his mouth again. Dean wrapped his legs around Sam's waist, trying his best to generate more friction between them, aching for Sam's skin to be against his even more.

They were interrupted by a knock on their door. Sam immediately broke off the kiss and said "What is it Cas?"

The angel's deep voice came from the other side of the door, muffled but still clear enough for them to hear him. "I had forgotten to mention it earlier, but you will need to consummate your bond soon, or the ceremony will have to be repeated. But it sounds like the two of you are already doing that."

Sam's head dipped to tease the tender part of Dean's ear, earning himself a lusty growl from his older brother.

Cas spoke again. "Yes, exactly. Also, your bathroom is equipped with a bathtub big enough to equip two people. When you are done, you will need to bathe in holy water, but that won't be a challenge. I've blessed the water pipes." Both Sam and Dean laughed at the image of the angel running his hands over the waterworks, chanting in Latin.

"By the way that was much harder than you think. I have to go back to heaven for awhile, but I'll return later to check up on you." With that, the angel was gone.

Sam looked down at Dean and asked "You don't think he was getting off on listening to us, do you?"

Dean chuckled. "Who knows Sammy. I would probably get off on hearing you make noises like that through a bedroom wall. But I don't think he was listening to be pervy. Sam I really feel like him doing this for us was a huge deal. Only four other times Sammy – that's gotta be a big thing upstairs. He just wants to make sure he did it right."

Sam smiled at him and said "That kind of reminds me of something Dean."

"What's that?"

"Remember how you taught me to shoot a shotgun the right way? You were afraid the kick would be too much for me, so you showed me how to hold it right."

"Course I do Sammy. You got it after the third try."

"Well I remember how proud you were, because you were the one to teach me. I think it's kind of the same thing for Cas, honestly."

"Maybe so Sammy. But right now..." Dean gently pushed Sam off of him. "Dude. Bubble bath. Me and you. Right now."

Sam's laugh sent shivers down Dean's spine. "Dean, are you serious right now? I'm laying here dying for you to pound me into the mattress and you want to take a bubble bath?"

Dean stripped off his jeans and underwear, his hard cock snapping out with a sharp thwack against his stomach. "Would you be more interested if it included me holding you from behind while you ride me?"

Sam, in a motion that impressed Dean quite a bit, jumped off the bed and stripped the rest of his clothes off at the same time. He followed Dean to the bathroom, grabbing at his ass and trying to get his hands on Dean's cock.

"Easy there Sammy – you can have it soon enough." Sam hung all over him as he turned on the faucets, steamy water filling the tub. Dean saw a container of bubble bath on one of the shelves, and emptied what looked like to Sam half of its contents into the rising water. Soon large swaths of bubbles began to form, filling the tub with them. Dean stepped in first to test the water, then held out his hand for Sam to join him.

"Dean I feel like I'm five." Sam folded his long legs so that he wouldn't accidentally kick Dean.

"Want to know the last time I took a bath period Sam? The night Mom died. She sang to me while she washed me and I popped bubbles." Dean's look turned slightly melancholy. "Been taking showers since then. Not quite the same, you know?"

Sam circled his arms around Dean and drew him in for a kiss. "Maybe I can help you create some good memories." Sam kissed him again, and reached under the water for Dean's cock.

Dean pulled him towards the edge of the tub, making sure to shut off the water, and moved so that Sam could straddle him, one hand behind Sam's neck and the other traveling underneath the water so that he could stroke Sam's hard dick, which was laid nearly flat along Dean's torso. Sam uttered this incredible moan as he gripped Sam's member that made the iron bathtub resonate, making Dean even harder.

Dean moved to put his mouth right next to Sam's ear. "Love how fucking hard you get for me Sammy. Love feeling that big cock of yours in my hand." He drew his hand up and down Sam's length, making Sam go limp in his arms. "Fucking love watching your face when I touch you. Want to know why Sammy?" Sam merely nodded is head, not entirely capable of coherent thought at the moment.

"Because only I get to see it. No one else." He passed his fingers over the head of Sam's cock, making Sam moan again. "So fucking beautiful when you want me Sammy." He pressed Sam's lips to his, Sam still stroking him. Dean gasped against his mouth as Sam's grip tightened on him, coaxing as much sensation from Dean's cock as he could with his hand.

Sam broke the kiss and said "Need you inside me so bad Dean." Sam's face was flushed red from the warm water and his arousal, the ends of his hair wet where he'd been bobbing in the water. "Want you so bad." Sam turned in Dean's arms, pressing his back to Dean's torso. He turned his head for a kiss as he reached beneath him and Dean to guide his older brother in.

As Dean's cock brushed against Sam's entrance, he felt something hard. Sam's hand disappeared beneath the water and pulled out a shiny red buttplug. Dean's jaw dropped and his arousal increased even more.

"Fucking hell Sammy how long's that been in there?" Dean took the device from Sam and set it aside.

"Since this morning when we left the hotel Dean. Didn't want to waist any time later. Wanted to be good and ready for you." He raised himself up and reached for Dean's cock, and positioned himself so that he could take him. "Always ready for you." As he said that, he slid down onto Dean, suddenly filled, tossing his head back against Dean's shoulder and moaning, a moan worthy of a porn star.

Dean could only manage a small "fuck" as Sam adjusted to him. Sam's ass was tight, just like it always was. He didn't know if Sam did some sort of exercise that kept him that way or if it was just Sam's body, but right now he wasn't apt to wonder, because the heat inside Sam combined with the warmth of the water felt really fucking good right now.

Sam spoke, his head still leaning back against Dean's shoulder. "I feel like I'm on fire."

Dean nearly slipped out of Sam. "Come again Sammy?"

Sam laughed, and began to ride up and down Dean's length, causing the water to ripple around him. "Don't worry, I think it's just during sex. When you're inside me. I think it's our souls trying to touch." Dean held Sam closer, taking over from Sam and thrusting his hips upwards.

Sam's eyes closed and he said "Love it when you're inside me Dean." Dean kissed down Sam's neck, planting them in time with his thrusts. They were soft, gentle, and loving. Dean moved his mouth to Sam's ear and said "Love being inside you Sammy. Love being with you." Dean began to thrust just ever so much faster, Sam clenching and unclenching around him.

"Fucking love you like this Sammy, so hot for me." Sam moaned low in his throat, raising the hairs on the back of Dean's neck. "God the sounds you make Sammy." Dean bit down, just a hair past too much, on the space where Sam's neck connected with his shoulder. As he did Sam cried out "Fuck" and Dean sped up, wanting, needing, the desire to hear Sam come apart for him. "Dean don't stop please don't fucking stop." Sam's tone was a delightful mixture of pleading and command.

One of Dean's hands reached up and pinched Sam's nipple, causing Sam to whimper. Dean's fingers teased and worried it, the other reaching down to take hold of Sam's cock, stroking expertly, long, slow thrusts just like Sam liked. They had spent many long hours experimenting with each other, finding out what the other liked and didn't like, and now they knew how to please each other exquisitely, and Dean had found out early on that stimulating Sam's nipples were a sure fire way to turn make Sam cum, and make him cum hard at that.

"Dean..." Sam's voice was a broken whisper, and Dean started to thrust even harder, water sloshing over the edge of the tub as he did so. Sam, now free to make as much noise as he liked, was practically sobbing with pleasure, so well was Dean hitting the pleasure centers in his body.

Dean growled in his ear "Cum for me Sammy." And Sam did. His climax bowed out his spine, arching to the point of hurting a little, Sam uttering a loud, incoherent noise of pleasure and Dean bit down on Sam's shoulder as his own orgasm shook him, growling possessively against his younger brother's skin. Something in the room flashed, and the lights flickered dark for a second, and then came back on.

Sam fell backwards into Dean's arms, a wide, contented smile parting his lips. "I think we just sealed the deal Dean."

Dean was kissing up Sam's neck lazily, resting his head against Sam's as he finished. "Sammy I think we did a long time ago. Except now, it's really official." Dean hugged Sam as close as he could, enjoying the comfortable weight of his younger brother in his arms. "Wonder if there's a book in heaven with our names in it, saying 'Sam and Dean Winchester, Soulmates for Eternity, Please Respect Privacy When You Hear Sam Moaning Like A Porn Star' – wouldn't that be something Sammy?"

Sam's response was to turn and tickle Dean's sides, Dean's laugh going to a high-pitch that Sam rarely heard. Soon though it turned into a warm kiss, with Dean putting his hand on the back of Sam's head and running his fingers through his wet hair.

Sam broke the kiss and said "You know, we havent' actually washed yet. Cas did say we had to do that."

Dean stood and stepped out of the bathtub, looking for soap. As he was getting back in, he angled so that he would fall in Sam's lap, chuckling as he did so. Sam laughed too and they kissed again, fingers twining beneath the water. Dean took the bar of soap without breaking contact, and lathered his hands up.

Sam broke the kiss and held up an arm for Dean to wash. "Dean, I haven't said it yet but I'm really, really happy that we did this."

Dean continued to soap up Sam's skin, looking into Sam's eyes as he did so. "Sammy, nothing in this world makes me happier than you. I mean nothing. And I want that to continue into the next."

Sam smiled and said "Dean, I'm never going to let you go. From here to eternity."

. . .

That night, Sam and Dean safely wrapped in each other's arms down below, Castiel sat on top of the hill that the bunker was in, looking up at the heavens. In all of the millenia that he had existed, he had never known such complete and total happiness. Being able to bear witness and be a part of a Bonding, especially that of Sam and Dean Winchester. Their love was one that would be spoken of for eternity, and Castiel had joined them together.

Wiping tears of overwhelming joy from his eyes, he shouted upwards, his voice filled with praise "Alleluia!"