Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek or any of its characters, only my OC - Kaitlyn Donovan.

This is the sequel to The Ripple Effect. It would be insightful to read it, but not completely necessary - though you may wish to at least read the last few chapters.

Query - Do you think Khan went willingly into that cryotube at the end of Into Darkness? What was the fall out after everything was said and done?

Broken Remnants

Prologue and Chapter 1

Prologue - Last scene from The Ripple Effect

U.S.S. Enterprise.

Leonard McCoy pulled himself off the floor when the ship stopped shaking. They had captured John Harrison on Kronos, then he'd revealed his true identity. Leonard clicked on the nearest monitor and waited for the communication to go through. He had to tell her what they'd found out before the Admiral managed to blow the Enterprise up to bits. "Get me Acting Captain Donovan on the Daystrom." he requested.

Kaitlyn's image came on the screen, "Leonard - what's wrong?" she questioned quickly when she saw his expression.

"I think we're in over our heads." he admitted. He quickly explained what had happened and everything they'd learned in the last few hours.

Kaitlyn could feel herself growing angry. She had worked so hard to bring credibility and higher moral standards into the Section when she'd been Director of Operations - and now she found out she'd been duped, tricked, and manipulated by the very organization that she put her name upon years ago. "Leonard, we're still days away - but I'll see what I can do." She was frustrated that there wasn't anything she could do at the moment to help them when their lives were hanging on a thread.

Leonard nodded. He looked up quickly as the ship shook again, when he looked back at the screen, it was black. He closed his eyes tightly and prayed they'd get out of this alive.

Kaitlyn blinked rapidly when the connection was terminated and the screen went black. She quickly thought over their options as she headed back to the Bridge and opened her communicator, "Donovan to Engineering."

"How may I assist you, Captain?" Sorek's calm voice questioned over the communicator.

"Get ready to engage the trans-warp drive." she said as she entered the Bridge. She saw the questioning looks from the Bridge crew.

"Captain, we have not completed all of the trial runs. To engage the trans-warp drive for more than a few hours could potentially do more harm than good to the ship and crew." Sorek stated.

"How much closer to Earth?" she questioned him.

Sorek quickly did the calculations, "We would be there in under four hours."

Kaitlyn frowned, four hours could be three hours too late - but they had to try. "Sorek, prep the drive and get your team ready. Any signs of problems, notify me immediately." she ordered.

"Aye, Captain." Sorek quickly went to work in Engineering.

Kaitlyn walked over to Lieutenant Relch, their Navigator, and stood beside him. "As soon as Engineering gives the go ahead, engage the trans-warp drive and get us to Earth as quick as possible."

Lieutenant Relch nodded, "Yes, Ma'am."

Kaitlyn looked to Commander Tala at her Weapons' post questionably.

Tala nodded in understanding, "All weapons will be ready when we arrive."

Kaitlyn patted the Andorian woman's shoulder, then went and sat down in the Captain's Chair. She took a deep breath and collected her thoughts on what she needed to say to the crew of this very unique ship. She had become well acquainted with all of the crew and felt they trusted her. But one wrong word, one misconstrued connotation in her message and she might have a conflict break out between the species that still didn't completely trust one another. She pushed the button to open the comm system throughout the ship and carefully began to explain the situation they were racing into.

Broken Remnants

Chapter 1

U.S.S. Daystrom - 30 minutes from Earth

Acting Captain Kaitlyn Donovan stood up and walked over to Lieutenant Hotch at Communications, "Try hailing the Enterprise again." she requested.

"Aye, Captain." the young man said as he quickly tried hailing the Enterprise. They'd been trying for the past few hours, to no avail. He smiled and glanced at Donovan, "Ma'am, they are receiving our hail."

Kaitlyn Donovan's heart started racing. She had been thinking the worst had befell them when they hadn't been able to reach them since her connection with McCoy had been cut off almost four hours ago. "Put it through to the Conference room." she requested as she left the Bridge. She clenched her fists as she came into the Conference room. For all of her one hundred and thirty-six years - though she only appeared to be in her late thirties - she'd never felt this unnerved and shaken. Her Mother's species, the El-Aurians, were a peaceful and calm people - but all she wanted to do right now was scream. She quickly readjusted the clip that held her light brown hair up. She couldn't remember when she'd put her hair up, but she had to make sure she appeared presentable - like an Acting Captain should look when she answered the hail.

She needed to know that they were alright. She closed her green eyes tightly as she tried to calm her nerves. She would have been with them on the Enterprise, if she hadn't been transferred onto the Daystrom as the First Contact Officer to help with the transition of this very unique crew.

The Daystrom had all of the advanced technology Nero had sold off while he was awaiting for the arrival of Ambassador Spock into this universe. In effort to avoid a war, she had suggested that all Federation members, and a contingent of Klingons and Romulans study the advanced technology together. It had been precarious and at times tensions ran high between the species on board, but the past eleven months had been very successful.

She opened her eyes as the monitor beeped that the communication was incoming.

Commander Spock appeared on the screen and she immediately knew that something was wrong, "What happened?" she asked.

Commander Spock efficiently relayed the events of the past few hours to her. He watched her carefully, "Doctor McCoy is treating Captain Kirk with a serum he developed from Khan's blood. The treatment has shown positive results."

"So, Jim is alive?" she wanted reassurance that she wasn't misconstruing what he'd told her.

"Yes, though he is unconscious. Doctor McCoy said the Captain will probably stay that way until his body has healed." Spock stated.

"What about Khan - where is he?" she questioned.

"He is in a secured facility on Earth, under heavy guard." Spock noticed that she looked like she wanted to ask him something else, but hesitated. He guessed her query, "Doctor McCoy is fine, he was relatively undamaged from recent events. He is with Captain Kirk at Starfleet Medical."

Kaitlyn nodded slowly as the tight feeling around her heart lessened its grip. She took a deep breath, "How much damage?"

"We are docked in the shipyard currently - we sustained heavy damage. Forty-seven crewmembers died and almost everyone else has some type of injury. I estimate at least six months for repairs." Spock glanced over his shoulder as someone said something to him. "One moment, please." He muted the call for a minute, then turned back to her. "My apologies. When will the Daystrom arrive to Earth?"

"Thirty minutes."

He raised an eyebrow in surprise, "I thought you were days away - how will you arrive so quickly?"

"We have a trans-warp drive we're testing out. It's working great, thank goodness." she smiled slightly.

"Do you mean you hadn't finished the trial runs on it, before you engaged the trans-warp drive?" He did not understand the human proclivity to test their luck that something would work. "Apparently, you are more like Captain Kirk than I realized."

Kaitlyn shrugged, "I'll take that as a compliment. What can we do to help you when we arrive?" she offered their assistance.

"Thank you for the offer, I will send you a list of our most immediate needs." Spock nodded. "Would you like me to inform Doctor McCoy that you will be arriving soon?"

She shook her head, "I'll surprise him."

"Doctor McCoy does not like surprises." he pointed out.

"I think he'll like this one. We will hail you as soon as we arrive." Kaitlyn said, then ended the transmission. Kaitlyn sat back in the chair. She was thankful that the Enterprise was out of danger. She frowned. They wouldn't have been in danger in the first place, if they'd known the truth about the whole situation. She sent out another transmission and waited for an answer.

Admiral Robert Reed frowned slightly when his Mother appeared on his monitor in his office at Section 31 Headquarters in San Francisco, "We're a little busy here." he pointed out.

"When did you know the 'Khan' we confronted was not the real Khan?" she demanded.

Robert sighed, "I grew suspicious when Admiral Marcus seemed pleased that you found the Botany Bay eleven months ago. I had a few of my people start digging around for information. I learned that they had discovered the Botany Bay a few years ago."

"And the Khan we found - who was he?"

"Part of Khan's people. Marcus had their memories replaced to make them believe that he was Khan. Marcus left the Botany Bay to be discovered, so that no one would know the real Khan was working for him. No one probably would have found out - if Khan hadn't gone rogue." Robert shook his head tiredly. "I'm sorry that you were deceived, Mother. We have Khan in one of Starfleet's Secured Facilities."

"Robert, the Section is supposed to protect us from all enemies - from outside, and from within. How did this happen? How did Marcus get away with building a ship like that?" she asked quietly, in order to control her growing anger with the whole situation.

"You know we have a lot of funding from our private companies. Marcus had been showing us a lot of intelligence that the Klingons were building up their fleet. He acquired a lot of support for funding." he explained.

Kaitlyn shook her head angrily, "Of course the Klingons are building up their fleet - they lost most of the one they had to Nero! You are the Head of Operations - you should have known about the ship, the weapons, and even the recruitment of Khan." She watched him carefully.

"Things have been run differently, ever since Admiral Marcus joined us as Head of Weapons Research and Development in the Section." Robert Reed knew his Mother was furious, he'd only seen her this mad a few times in his eighty years.

Kaitlyn closed her eyes and willed her blood pressure down by taking slow, deep breaths. She looked back up at the monitor, "Which facility is Khan being held at?"

Robert raised an eyebrow, "You know I can't tell you that." He wondered what she was going to do, because she had that look on her face. The one that use to make his Father cringe, because he knew she was about to stir up trouble. "Mother?"

"Robert, what is the one thing that your Father and I told you about the Section when they asked you to join them right out of the Academy?" she questioned him quietly.

Robert Reed sat back in the chair and swallowed hard, "To never trust what anyone tells me - to always check the facts myself." He remembered the conversation very well - because his Mother had been angry that they hadn't asked for her permission to recruit him, because she had been Head of Operations then.

Kaitlyn Donovan nodded, then ended the transmission.

Admiral Robert Reed frowned at the blank screen. She was going to come and clean house. He knew she would be thorough, but she would also be fair in her assessment of each individual involved. He closed his eyes tiredly. He decided there was nothing more he could do here. He stood up slowly and walked to the outer office.

His Aide stood up quickly, "Sir?"

"Lieutenant, send the order for all nonessential personnel to go help out. Direct anyone with medical training to go to the hospitals, everyone else should go to the crash site and help out the emergency workers." he ordered.

"Yes, Sir." the Lieutenant quickly went to the Communications Center to send the order out.


Kaitlyn Donovan walked into Medical and went directly to Doctor Kor, "Is the Captain awake?" she inquired. She had ordered him to be woken up from his medically induced coma as soon as she'd had the trans-warp drive engaged.

Doctor Kor nodded as he noted the paleness of her features. He quickly ran a scanner over her and frowned, "Your blood pressure is very high, I need you to sit down for a few minutes." he indicated a biobed.

She waved him off, "I'll be okay. I'll sit down as I talk to the Captain." she promised and began to walk over to Andrew Jacob's bed. She pulled the stool over and sat down.

"How are they?" Captain Jacobs questioned as he had the bed raise him into a sitting position. He started to think the worst as he saw how pale she was and she just sat there for a few moments.

Kaitlyn realized she'd been lost in her thoughts and looked up quickly and explained the situation.

Andrew Jacobs nodded, "As soon as Commander Spock sends the list of their needs, start delegating who should go where."

"Yes, Sir."

"Kaitlyn, I'm glad they're okay." he said softly.

She nodded, "I am, too."

He looked over her carefully, "I know you didn't want this assignment - but I'm glad you were here with us."

Kaitlyn gave him a small smile, then patted his hand. "It has been a very challenging assignment." she admitted to her friend from back in Starfleet Academy.

Jacobs smiled, "Do you have a recommendation for First Officer from amongst the crew?"

"Commander Tala. She's been in command of her own ship. She's strong willed, but everyone knows she means business and they follow her lead." Kaitlyn recommended.

"I don't think Starfleet Command will approve a non Starfleet Officer to First Officer of this ship." he frowned.

"It is a sign of trust. Besides, they've done it before - Sub Commander T'Pol was Captain Archer's First Officer." she pointed out.

"You're right." he nodded as he remembered. "As soon as we reach Earth and you've got our people assigned to their duties on the Enterprise, you're relieved for forty-eight hours."

"Thank you, Andrew." she stood up, then headed back to the Bridge.


Commander Spock waited patiently at the docking port for Commander Donovan to arrive. He nodded as she stepped on board the Enterprise. "It is good to see you, Commander." he said as they began walking down the corridor together.

Kaitlyn Donovan glanced at the Vulcan, "How are you doing, Commander?"

He stopped walking and raised an eyebrow at her question, "I am fine."

She, in turn, raised her eyebrow at his automatic response to her inquiry.

He glanced both ways to make sure they were alone before answering her, "I find myself unsettled." he admitted.

"That is normal." she nodded.

"For a Human."

She shook her head, "For anyone. I'm a jumble of nerves right now, and I don't think I'll calm down until I see Leonard myself." she admitted to the Vulcan First Officer.

Spock watched her closely, "Doctor McCoy is okay." he reassured her.

She nodded as she pulled out her PADD as they started walking again, "I have assigned most of our crew an area in which to help." She looked up at him as he pulled out his PADD. "Will there be a problem with our varied species of crewmembers coming over here? Anyone have a grudge?" she questioned. She wouldn't put her crew in danger.

"I do not know of any grudges. I find it fascinating that you have managed to get all of the species to work together on the Daystrom. Perhaps we can discuss it at a later time." Commander Spock suggested.

Kaitlyn nodded, "Maybe in a week, when things have settled down." She looked up as they crossed the walkway and noted the dangling walkway above them. "Well, that needs to come down quick before it decides to come down on its own."

Spock nodded, "We have not been able to get the needed equipment in here, and the equipment we do have does not have a stable base to stay on."

Kaitlyn thought quickly to all of the equipment they had, then smiled. "We have a levitation platform that could hold up the walkway as it is detached."

"But how will you get it in, and then out with the walkway?" he inquired.

"We'll just transport it in, then transport all of it to a open spot in the cargo bay." she explained. She wondered if they were having the same problem with the wreckage on Earth. It would take some coordinating, but they could have all available transporters do the same thing with the wreckage of the ship and the buildings. She quickly typed in the suggestion and sent it to Admiral Durkin.

Commander Spock had watched her quickly type a message in her PADD, then looked back up at the walkway, "I believe your suggestion may work."

Kaitlyn opened her communicator, "Donovan to Admiral Kenmore." she requested.

"How can I help you?" Trip Tucker's Southern drawl came in loud and clear.

"Could you transport to my location, please? We have a dangling walkway over here, and I'd like for you to supervise the transporting in of the levitation platform." she explained.

"I'm already in the Transporter room - give me a moment." He nodded to the Transporter Operator and appeared beside her a few moments later. He stretched out his hand to the Vulcan First Officer, "Glad you're in one piece, Commander." He looked up and gave a low whistle, "That's something." He quickly made the calculations he'd need to get the levitation platform in the right spot. "We'll have to transport it in with the platform on, and someone running it. It will dip a bit, but we've got enough room to maneuver."

Commander Spock glanced quickly between the two of them, "The engine on the platform could malfunction while it is running as it goes through the transporter." he pointed out. Did they not see how dangerous this attempt would be?

Kaitlyn saw the look of confusion on Spock's face, "It will be fine - we've already done something like this before." She turned to the Engineer, "Have Telek run the platform." she directed. She saw him about to protest and she stopped him with a quick glance. She stepped closer to him, "You have been testing fate too much lately. Have Telek run the platform and you supervise."

Trip Tucker gave her one of his genuine smiles, "Okay." He glanced at Commander Spock, "I'll need a few of your people to help out."

"Yes, Admiral." Spock nodded and quickly called for a team of Engineers to meet Admiral Kenmore at the walkway.

"Any other structural damage like that?" she inquired as they started walking again.

"The outer hull damage is being repaired by the Dockyard Engineers while we keep the emergency bulkheads in place." he explained. He noted her anxiousness to get started. "You do not have to stay, I know you are anxious to see Doctor McCoy."

Kaitlyn glanced at him as they got on the turbolift, "You are mistaking my anxiousness to help you, with an eagerness to see him. It's been eleven months Commander, a few more hours won't matter."


Starfleet Medical

Commander Kaitlyn Donovan found her way to Captain Kirk's room relatively easy and she was surprised that it was as quiet as it was in the building. She smiled softly to herself as she saw Jim Kirk in the biobed, resting relatively peacefully and Leonard McCoy asleep precariously in the chair beside the bed.

She walked over to Jim and touched his face gently. She wanted to know from his point of view what had happened, and she wanted to check on his brain functions. She quickly scanned his memories and found that he was not having a restful recovery. She gently pushed his mind to start recalling all of the fond memories he'd had in the past year. She stepped back and watched him for a few more moments as she contemplated everything she learned and tried to contain the emotional overload she'd felt from him. She took a deep breath, then focused her attention on Leonard as she slowly walked over to him. She rubbed his arm gently.

His eyes fluttered, then snapped open. His disorientation quickly went away as he saw her and a grin came over his face. He pulled her into his lap and kissed her desperately. He smiled and ran his hand along her cheek, "I'm so glad you're back."

Kaitlyn leaned her head into his touch, "So am I." She kissed him gently on the lips and smiled. "Can you leave, or do you need to stay?" she questioned.

He sighed, "They don't have anyone to spare to keep a watchful eye on Jim."

Kaitlyn stood up, "I brought five of our Doctors with me, I'm sure Doctor Kor can watch over him." She stepped out into the corridor, then a large Klingon came back in with her.

Leonard stood up quickly and looked over the Klingon Doctor carefully, not sure what to think at the moment. Kaitlyn had told him their doctor was very knowledgeable on the treatments for all of the species on the Daystrom.

Kaitlyn introduced them, "Doctor McCoy, this is Doctor Kor."

The men shook hands.

Kor gave Leonard a grin, "Kaitlyn has told me much about you. It is good to finally meet you in person."

Leonard glanced between Kaitlyn and the Klingon, "Well, she's had very good things to say about you."

Kor laughed loudly, "And probably a few choice words - she doesn't like to be taken off duty."

Kaitlyn looked at Kor, "Doctor, just because I don't necessarily like the treatments, doesn't mean I don't appreciate everything you do for us." She smiled, then changed the subject to the matter at hand. "Doctor Kor, Captain Jim Kirk is requiring a watchful eye and the hospital has no one to spare."

Kor stood up straight, he recognized this as an honor to watch over Jim Kirk. "I will keep a watch over him and guard him with my life."

Leonard McCoy raised an eyebrow, "I don't think anyone will try and attack him, but he is in a critical stage of recovery." The two doctors moved closer to the bed. "We have already given him a blood transfusion, and I have given him a serum developed with another patient's blood. His body is healing, it's just slow going."

"How are his brain functions?" Doctor Kor questioned.

"Normal, and there have been no adverse reactions to him being placed in cryostasis for a few hours." Leonard reported.

"His memories are intact." Kaitlyn stated from behind them.

They both turned around and looked at her questionably.

"You read his mind?" Leonard asked, wondering when she'd done that, then just as quickly realized it was before she woke him up.

"I wanted to make sure there was no damage. He's fine, though he was having bad dreams - so I led him to happier thoughts." she explained.

Kor nodded, "I am glad to hear there is no neural damage." He stood tall, "Do you have any instruction for the night?" he asked McCoy.

Leonard picked up the PADD, "This is it. Not too much to do, but they have a lot of other patients to attend to." He nodded to the Klingon Doctor, "I thank you for relieving me."

"I am honored to watch over your Captain." He glanced at Kaitlyn, "Besides, she would gouge my eyes out if I didn't."

Kaitlyn gaped at him, "I would not! I only said that when you. . ." she stopped herself. Some things were better left alone. She looked over him closely, "I do appreciate this, Kor."

"You'd better remember that Blood Wine you promised me." Kor turned his attention to the monitors. "Go on - you're bothering me." he dismissed them with a slight wave of his hand.

Leonard glanced back at Jim's room as he walked down the corridor with her, "Are you sure he'll be okay?"

Kaitlyn smiled and patted his arm, "Yes, Jim will be fine. Doctor Kor will call if anything comes up. If you're agreeable, we could stay on the Daystrom."

Leonard McCoy grinned as they stepped onto the lift. He moved closer to her, "Are you propositioning me?"

Kaitlyn ran her hands over the sides of his all white uniform, "I'm very tempted to ditch the ship and get a hotel room." she admitted. Being this close to him and being able to touch him was about ready to undo the restraint she'd been able to maintain.

Leonard stepped away when the lift indicated they'd arrived to the first floor. He held onto her hand as he led her to the Transporter room. "Tempting as that may be, hotels don't have the ability to transport us here if we need to get back quick." He glared at the transporter technician as they stepped in the room. "Two to transport to the Daystrom." he snapped.

Kaitlyn raised her eyebrow at Leonard as she handed her credentials over to the technician, "Do you have to bark at everyone?" she questioned.

He shrugged.

Kaitlyn turned to the technician, "I apologize for Doctor McCoy, he's had a very stressful time with the recent events on the Enterprise, and he has a slight paranoia of the transporter."

"I understand, Ma'am." the young Lieutenant looked over his console. "You are authorized to beam aboard." he acknowledged.

Leonard frowned at her when they walked over to the platform, "Did you have to tell him?" The kid could wipe him out of existence with the push of a button.

She shrugged.

They rematerialized on the Daystrom and Leonard immediately patted himself down. He looked at her quickly, "Did he do that on purpose? I know we were in the buffer longer than we should have been!"

Transporter Chief Morris stepped away from his console and gave a quick glance to Donovan.

Kaitlyn turned to Leonard, "That is actually our protocol on the Daystrom. Our transporters check for weapons and contaminants during transport." she explained calmly.

"And you didn't think to tell me before we transported?" he frowned. He didn't like it, but it was an advancement that should be put on all ships. He glanced at the technician, "That was real fun." he said sarcastically.

Kaitlyn smiled at Morris, "Ignore him. Have a good evening, Tom."

"You too, Ma'am." he said as he went back to his console.

Kaitlyn led Leonard through the quiet corridors.

"Where is everyone?" he whispered.

"On the Enterprise, or asleep. There is a minimal crew maintaining the Daystrom." she explained as they stepped in the lift.

"Captain Jacobs is back in charge?" he questioned as they arrived to her floor.

"Yes, Kor released him for light duty as few hours ago."

They nodded to the few crewmembers that were heading for their quarters to get some much needed sleep.

Kaitlyn's communicator beeped. "Salas to Donovan."

She quickly opened the communicator as she entered the code for the door to her quarters to open. "Go ahead Salas."

"Ma'am, the first shift has returned from the Enterprise and the second shift have all reported in. Admiral Kenmore and Commander Sorek are requesting to work for a few more hours before they head back." the Lieutenant explained.

"Very well. Please tell the Admiral and Commander Sorek they are only allowed four more hours because their next shift starts in twelve." Kaitlyn directed.

"Aye, Ma'am. I'll relay your orders. Salas out." he replied quickly

Leonard came in and looked around her quarters. It was set up pretty much like her Enterprise quarters, but it was a lot bigger. "Got enough room?"

She shrugged, "It was a perk for becoming Acting Captain - they insisted that I move in here."

Leonard realized belatedly that he hadn't stopped by and gotten a change of clothes before they'd come here. "Damn it! I didn't bring another uniform to change into for tomorrow." he shook his head in frustration. He didn't want to have to leave and then come back.

Kaitlyn smiled and indicated the bathroom, "Then aren't you glad we have our own sonic cleaning units in each bathroom? Just hang your uniform in it and it will be cleaned." She walked around him as she headed to the bedroom, "I do like the way that white uniform fits on you."

"I'm not a model." he said dryly as he headed for the bathroom to change out of his uniform.

She came in the bathroom and smiled at his bare torso, then handed him a pair of gym shorts and t-shirt. "You could be."

He glanced down at the items, "Hey - these are mine!" He looked up at her, "You've had them? I accused Jim of hiding them from me."

Kaitlyn ran her hands over his warm sides, "I know. He told me you were miffed for a few days." She kissed his chest, then smiled as she looked up at him.

He raised an eyebrow, "Why did you have my clothes?" he questioned.

"Because I wanted something of yours to wear when I missed you." she admitted.

Leonard tossed the clothes on the bathroom counter and pulled her closer. He kissed her slowly, enticing her as he deepened their kiss. "I missed you so much."

Kaitlyn kissed his cheek, "Would you care for a shower?" she suggested as she started to unzip his pants.

Leonard grinned as he removed her hands, "I can take my own pants off sweetheart - you start the water."

"But I like to help you." she batted her eyelashes at him innocently, teasing him as she ran her hands over his shoulders.

He shook his head, "You like to man handle me, then leave me frustrated - that's what you like to do."

Kaitlyn shrugged, then went over and turned on the shower water. She went over to the counter and took her hair down from its clip, then brushed it out. She smiled as he came up behind her and molded his body against hers.

"Why are you not out of those clothes yet?" he asked as he kissed her neck.

She turned around and smiled as she felt him against her, "Because I know you like to undress me and I don't mind being man handled by you."

His eyes narrowed and grew darker, he was about to reply when the comm in the bathroom beeped. He frowned.

"Chief Morris to Commander Donovan."

Kaitlyn reached around and pressed the button, "Go ahead Chief."

"Ma'am, Admiral Durkin is requesting our assistance in transporting debris from San Francisco." the Chief explained.

"Will we be able to maintain at least one transporter for our use to get crew back and forth?" she inquired as she saw an annoyed look start to come across Leonard's face. She rubbed his upper arm gently.

"Yes, Ma'am and we'll be sure that we stop transporting debris when we are transporting our crew on the other transporter pad." Morris laid out the precautions he wanted to put in place.

"That sounds good, Chief. Go ahead and get started. Donovan out." she clicked off the call and focused her attention on Leonard, "Now, where were we?"

He proceeded to take off her uniform off and dropped it on the floor and ran his hands over her body. "You're even more beautiful than I remember." he swallowed hard and kissed her lips gently.

Kaitlyn smiled and pulled him into the shower.


Kaitlyn rolled over and ran her hand over Leonard's chest. His heart was still beating hard, though it had slowed its pace a bit.

He patted her hand with his, "I know you've been up for at least as long as I have - where are you getting all of this energy from?" he questioned and forced himself to take slow, deep breaths.

She propped herself up on her elbow, then ran her other hand through his sweat glistened hair. "I don't sleep much, haven't in a month." she admitted.

"As much as I've completely enjoyed this, we really need to sleep. Besides, we can be with each other every night." he pointed out with a grin. Then he saw the look that crossed her face. He turned on his side so he was facing her, "What is it?"

Kaitlyn touched his cheek gently, "I will try to get back to you each night, but I might be gone for a few days at a time."

"What will you be doing?" he asked quietly, because he wasn't really sure he wanted to know the answer.

"I am going to lift my retired status at Section 31 and investigate everything that went on."

Leonard sighed softly, "Are you going to talk to Khan?"


"Be careful around him. I'll come with you, if you want me to." he offered.

"I'll be fine. I will need to review the blood analysis of him that you did, and the serum you made from his blood." she requested.

Leonard nodded and pulled her closer to him. He closed his eyes and kissed her forehead. "Promise me that you'll watch your back when you're investigating them."

She leaned her head against his chest and closed her eyes, "I promise."



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