The sun sets, as the moon changed place with the bright light. The Sky went darker in color, before it became black. Stars brightened the night alongside with the moon which reflected the light from the sun.

In Circus Second Ship-more precisely, in the bedroom of a certain boy with an 'animal'. Gareki laid on his bed, unable to sleep. "Tch," The jet black haired teenager clicked his tongue, changing positions.

It's a half past eleven now, He looked at the clock. Gareki closed his eyes, hoping that he could sleep. Finally, his consciousness faded and he sleep peacefully.

Meanwhile, on the lower bunk of the bed, a white haired boy-almost like an albino fluttered his eyes open. Ga..reki?

Nai rubbed his two red colored eyes sleepily.

"Tomorrow is May 21st, Nai-chan!"

That's Yogi's voice.. Nai reminisced what happened earlier in the morning-when Gareki wasn't awake yet.

Nai tilted his head confusingly, "What's special about that date?" He asked to the blonde.

Yogi grinned childishly, ruffling the boy's white hair, resulting it into a mess. "Well, Nai-chan. It's Gareki-kun's birthday!"


The white haired boy blinked. "What's a birthday?"

"...Ah." Yogi mumbled. "That's right." He face palmed for his stupidity. "Well.. A birthday is when you get born for the first time in the world, from your mother's.. Eto, anyways, it's a special date! Everyone celebrates it! It's very fun, Nai-chan!"

Nai smiled. "Then, let's celebrate it for Gareki! I want him to be happy!"

... May 21st.

The boy looked at the clock, 1 minute!

He climbed to the top bunk, "Gareki!"

Said teenager jumped out of shock, getting his stances and pointed his gun at Nai. Nai blinked, Gareki widened his eyes. "Oh, it's you, Nai.. sorry 'bout that."

"So what's up?" Gareki asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Umm.. Wait for a minute!"

The teenager twitched his eyes in annoyance, here he was, finally able to get a good night sleep, but Nai woke him up and said 'wait for a minute'?


Gareki yawned.


Nai waited.


Gareki grumbled.


Nai still waited.


His blue eyes glared.


His red eyes looked at the clock expectantly.


Gareki sighed.


Nai waited.


"Oi, Nai, what the hell is keeping you-"


"Gareki." Nai looked at him, eyes glimmering with excitement, a slight tinge of red on his cheeks as he smiled like an angel. The said teenager blushed at the closeness of Nai.


"Happy Birthday!"

"... It's my birthday?" Gareki blinked. "Oh, you're right.. Thanks." He frowned. "But you didn't have to wake me up this early for that."

Nai pouted, "I want to say that to Gareki first."

Suddenly, that imaginary animal came again.

"Gareki?" Nai glanced at him, as their eyes met. "Your face is red.."

"S-shut up! It's not!"

"Eh.. but it is-"

"I said it's not damnit!"


"Argh! That's it, I'm going to sleep!" With that, Gareki laid on his bed once again.

Reluctantly, Nai climbed down the bunk. What's wrong with Gareki..?

A/N; I'm well aware of the grammar errors here ^^; But I still hope you can understand it. Grammar is not my thing..

I really love Gareki/Nai so. =w=; Hehe, Happy Birthday, Gareki! Your present is.. Nai! /shot/

Actually, I want to write where Nai is his present but decided against it.. haha.

Made a community of Gareki x Nai! Please check it out XD

Hope you enjoyed :D