I do not own Naruto Shippuden or any of the characters.
Too Late
Naruto dropped off of the ship with the others and looked around. The beach was deserted except for several destroyed boats and one of Michiru's personal guards who was holding a cut in his side. Naruto ran over and the guard fell to his hands and knees.
"Were you bitten?" Naruto questioned pointing one of his chokuto at the guard.
"N...no," the guard answered. "They used their swords like they were still alive. But they wouldn't die."
Sakura ran over and healed him and Naruto tightened his grip on his sword.
"Were you here when Michiru took the throne?" Naruto questioned.
"Yes," the guard replied. "You're Naruto Uzumaki right?"
"Yes," Naruto nodded. "Are the three shinobi that we fought back?"
"No," the guard replied as Sakura finished healing him. "Just that one bastard that killed Captain Korega."
"Damn it," Naruto swore before looking toward the castle. "Let's go. Sakura, you and him stay here. Take the ship out to sea if anything happens."
Sakura nodded and Naruto, Sasuke, and Hinata all ran through the trees to the main road then to the Castle's courtyard, not seeing a single person or zombie the entire way. Finally they arrived and saw why. The zombies were busy trying to break down the door. Naruto sent dozens of clones into the horde and it quickly and easily wiped it out.
"Michiru!" Naruto shouted. "Hikaru! It's Naruto! Let me in!"
The door swung open slowly and Naruto smiled but faltered when he saw who was standing in the doorway. He had neglected to find a new wig showing off his bald head, his forehead protector was still blank and now rested over his forehead as opposed to attached to the wig, he wore the same blue pants and shirt, the same white vest, and the same gauntlet on his right hand that had caused so much trouble before, the eye glowing brightly on the back.
"Ishidate!" Naruto growled. "Where's Michiru!? Where's Hikaru!?"
Ishidate waved someone forward and a single, somewhat fat, but undeniably skinnier than last time, zombie stumbled out of the door stopping in front of Ishidate. He wore the same extravagant outfit as before but his bandanna was gone, the clothes were a few sizes smaller, and there was a massive chunk missing from the side of his neck.
"Michiru," Naruto mumbled, fighting spirit already crushed.
"The brat, on the other hand," Ishidate spoke up. "Seems to have gotten himself made into lunch. Such a shame."
Naruto sprinted forward and leapt over Michiru to attack Ishidate but something caught his leg. He looked down and saw a massive flesh-colored tentacle wrapped around his leg and attached to Michiru's shoulder. Naruto cut it off and spun kicking Ishidate away just in time to lean out of the way of a bite from Michiru.
"Sorry," Naruto muttered before raising his chokuto and breaking one of Michiru's legs to hold him still.
Before he could, a smoke bomb went off followed by several more. Then, a small hand grabbed Naruto and began to drag him away. Naruto followed after a moment and soon, he, Hinata, Sasuke, and Hikaru exited the smoke together and began to run away.
"You're alive!" Naruto said in surprise and joy.
"Yeah," Hikaru nodded. "I hid when they found us while Dad tried to hold them off."
"I'm sorry," Naruto apologized. "I tried to get here before that happened."
"It's alright," Hikaru replied. "I'm going to put my father out of his misery. Then we can leave."
"I have to kill that bastard first," Naruto growled.
"I agree he should die," Hikaru stated. "But I have a plan in motion that requires more stealth than I remember you having."
"A fair point," Sasuke grinned.
"I don't think you guys have met," Naruto realized. "Hikaru, Sasuke. Sasuke, Hikaru. You can shake hands later."
Sasuke snickered and Hinata giggled. After a few moments, they reached the beach to find the guard decapitated and Sakura gone.
"What the hell happened?" Naruto seethed looking around and spotting the destroyed ship.
"Naruto," Sasuke called. "This head wasn't cut off. It was torn off."
"Who would have that kind of strength?" Naruto questioned.
"Jugo," Sasuke stated. "Taka is here."
"Sasuke?" a voice called out and they all spun to see a red-head with her hair spiked on the right, glasses, a blue shirt and black pants walking out of the trees. "SASUKE IT IS YOU!"
Sasuke stared blankly at her for a moment then looked behind her as Jugo and Suigetsu joined her.
"The big one is Jugo," Sasuke informed the others. "Suigetsu has Zabuza's sword, and the annoying one is Karin."
"Haha! Sasuke called you annoying!" Suigetsu taunted her.
"You're just as bad Suigetsu," Sasuke stated.
"Where's Sakura?" Naruto demanded.
"The hot chick?" Suigetsu asked. "The zombies carted her off to the castle just after that one turned."
Naruto rolled his eyes and sighed.
"Now what?" Naruto asked looking around.
"We have to save her," Sasuke stated. "And kill the zombies."
"I agree," Hikaru added. "My plan is to sneak into the castle and put an arrow through both of their brains so we can grab her while I do."
Naruto nodded and Taka stepped forward.
"Count us in," Suigetsu stated.
"You'll be in a hole in the ground if you follow us," Naruto warned. "Go to the Hidden Leaf Village and help defend it. We'll handle this place."
Suigetsu looked at Sasuke who simply nodded then sighed.
"Fine," Suigetsu sighed. "Let's go then."
They left and Naruto turned back to the castle with the others. Hikaru led them all to a secret tunnel to the dungeon where Michiru was locked up until he turned. When they got there, however, Michiru was gone and Ishidate was waiting there with several guards, all armed with their sabers.
"Welcome Hikaru, Naruto, Sasuke," Ishidate sneered. "I assume you're looking for Sakura?"
"Where the hell is she?" Sasuke growled.
Ishidate sneered and stepped aside as Sakura was led forward in chains by a newly turned Michiru.
"Are you infected?" Naruto questioned.
"No," Sakura replied shaking her head. "They needed me alive to lure you here."
"Good," Naruto sighed. "Hikaru, change of plans."
Hikaru instantly drew his bow and put an arrow through Michiru's head while Sasuke activated his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and waded into the soldiers. As he slaughtered them, Naruto sprinted at Ishidate, attacking with his chakra blades first. Ishidate avoided his attacks easily then grabbed Naruto's left arm, petrifying it instantly. Then, he threw Naruto at Hinata who caught him carefully and set him on his feet. Naruto put his chakra blades away and drew one of his swords while encasing his petrified arm in a bone cocoon, trapping it against his side for protection. Then, Naruto charged forward again. Ishidate avoided his attacks easily but after a couple seconds, Hinata landed behind him and swung at him with her own sword.
He ducked under it and picked her up by the throat but Naruto removed his hand before he could petrify her. Then, he stabbed the glove through the eye. He pulled his sword free and looked at Ishidate just as Sasuke finished the other zombies and walked over.
"It's over," Naruto stated. "You've lost."
"You think so huh?" Ishidate sneered as tendons began to move in his severed wrist and formed a hand out of nothing but tendons. "You can't stop me."
Naruto looked to Sasuke who shook his head to tell him that he couldn't use any Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan jutsus yet. Then, Naruto sprinted forward and began to slash at Ishidate again. Ishidate avoided every attack then grabbed Naruto's throat and lifted him into the air.
"Now what will you do?" Ishidate questioned as Naruto dropped his sword and grinned.
"Digital Shrapnel," Naruto said pointing one finger at Ishidate and launching the bone from the tip of it at him then regenerating it.
Ishidate managed to get his head almost out of the way but the bone burrowed into his left eye then out his left ear failing to kill him but partially blinding him.
"Damn you!" Ishidate seethed stumbling backward and clutching his face. "Die!"
He charged again and threw a punch at Naruto but Naruto ducked under the arm then trapped it under his arm with one hand on the back of the elbow and the other on the bicep.
"Bracken Dance!" Naruto said grinning wickedly.
Suddenly, bone spikes began to explode out of Ishidate's body starting in his arm then spreading toward his torso, once there, the rest of his body soon followed until his entire body was shredded by the spikes.
"I thought that power only worked on the ground," Sasuke stated.
"I can do it to anything I touch," Naruto stated wiping some sweat from his forehead. "On a small but extremely tiring scale, even other people."
"Impressive," Sasuke nodded. "Now we should leave."
"Good idea," Naruto replied. "First, Sakura, if you don't mind."
He retracted his bones into his body and Sakura healed his arm. Then, he retrieved his weapons and they all went back to their ship.
Taka was waiting and when Naruto arrived, Suigetsu said, "There you are, the ship don't move. How are we supposed to get to Konoha?"
"Walk," Naruto suggested. "Ether way, you might as well ride now, so long as you follow my rules."
"What rules?" Jugo questioned.
"First," Naruto began holding up one finger, "no one but me can control the ship and all directions are my choice. Second, any arguing with me over a choice, and you go overboard and have to find your own way back. Third, the two love birds can't argue with each other while we're on the boat."
Naruto grinned as Suigetsu and Karin started shouting at him then at each other. finally Sasuke shut both of them up and they agreed to the rules. Everyone climbed onto the ship and Jugo pushed off the shore and began to sail away.
"Are we going back to the Leaf Village now?" Sakura questioned.
"Yes," Naruto replied. "It's time to go home."