I stumbled in the darkness that was my house, coughing again. I had a bad fever, when I got sick it was the worst, my senses where very high thanks to the nine tails, so I felt everything times ten. The nausea, the head aches, the stomach aches... where are my parents? Why is it so hot? My vision blurred as I tripped and hit my arm on a doorway.

"Mom?" I breathed, inhaling what tasted like smoke and ash. I coughed and a violent sneeze came after. I rubbed my eyes. Looking around, everything was red or black. What was wrong with my vision? "Dad?" Another violent cough ripped through me. I wished I wasn't as sick as I was, I could go and play with Gaara, he was visiting with his dad. My legs gave out and I fell forward onto the cool ground, the air felt cleaner down here so I took in a few quick breaths before crawling along the ground. I felt around for a door, when I found one I grabbed a door knob, it burned my hand at the touch. I twisted it and pushed the door open, stumbling outside the Hokage's tower where I lived. I fell again, rolling across the grass.

I looked over at my house, I had never been out of my house. I've only looked out the windows, played with the people who entered. I could see now it was on fire. My eyes widened a bit and I coughed again, throwing up on the cool ground next to me. I looked around, the rest of Konoha, the place I had always looked through from the windows, was up in flames as well. People were running around and screaming, no one seemed to notice that I was lying motionless on the ground, I was to sick to move, my body felt heavy and my head was cloudy. I breathed in some fresh air, closing my eyes. The light from the moon was blocked then. Someone was looming over me. I opened my eyes. My face was met with a black robe and red clouds. I pushed myself up, the persons face just barley lit in the moon light.

"Who are you?" I muttered. Then they reached down and picked me up, holding me close and walking quickly. "Wha-what's? Who?" I stuttered, still not fully aware of what was happening. I heard shouting, it sounded like my mom.

"Naruko!" She yelled. "Naruko! Where are you!?"

"Naruko!" My dad was yelling too.

"Mom..." I coughed, a hand was put over my mouth.

"Don't talk." A bored voice said. I looked at the red haired man who was carrying me. He looked like he was from the sand.

After a while I heard something else.

"I can take it from here." A familiar voice said, I was passed off, I looked up.

"Itachi, what's going on?" I coughed a few times before groaning at my pained throat. I had seen Itachi before, he came in often when I played in my dads office. He's a great shinobi, or so I've heard. I felt Itachi stop.

I looked up at him, following his gaze over my shoulder to see a boy standing in front of us. I recognized him too. He never came in to my dads office, but I saw his photo while my dad did filing. Uchiha Sasuke. He was Itachi's brother. Sasuke was my age, around 7. I was six, he was older, I coughed again, moaning as my head throbbed. Sasuke's eyes darted to me, his eyes went wide.

"The Hokage's daughter..." He muttered.

"I'm sick..." I responded, it was easier to speak now that the air was cleaner. Itachi knelt down in front of Sasuke; Sasuke jumped back a bit, my eyes were leveled with his.

"Take her and hide." Itachi said as he set me down on the ground. Sasuke looked confused, then Itachi disappeared. I coughed again.

"Uh, hey! Are you okay?" Sasuke crouched down beside me. I couldn't talk, I kept coughing. "Hey! Stay awake!" Sasuke shook me, but his voice was fading. I shook my head weakly and everything went black.

I woke up, it was cold under me. Someone was singing.

"-Don't you dare look out your window, darling everything's on fire.

The war outside the door is raging on.

Hold on.

To this,


Even when the music's-


Gone..." The voice was soft and somewhere beside me. There was something cold and wet on my head, it was clearing up my senses. I reached a hand idly out, feeling for something that I could grab. "Oh, you're awake." The voice said again. I got up and stood, I felt dizzy and fell back onto the cool surface from before. "Don't stand up to fast. Idiot." The voice sighed, I opened my eyes fully now, I looked over to see Sasuke.

"Was that you singing?" I asked. Sasuke blushed a bit.

"My mom, she used to sing when I was sick." he said. I nodded, then I looked around, it was dark and small, the room we were in. Bars made up one of the walls.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"We were caught..." Sasuke grumbled. I looked around.

"Well, my mom and dad should come for us soon. Don't worry." I smiled. Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"It's been three days..." He said.


"I managed to hide you, but three days ago, we were found."

"How long have I been out?" I asked.

"A week." Sasuke said.

I stared at the cell's ceiling. A week... I'd been out for a week. I stood up and went to the bars.

"What are they gonna do to us?" I asked.

"Us? You mean to you." Sasuke said, staring at the wall.


"Yes, you are the Jinchuriki right?" He asked, I nodded. They wanted me... no, they wanted Kyuubi. That would kill me... And I doubt they'd let Sasuke go either.

"Sasuke... it's gonna be fine. They won't get us!" I turned and smiled, the sickness from all those days fading slowly.

"What are you talking about? Stupid girl." Sasuke muttered, glaring a bit.

"Fine! I'll escape all on my own!" I stuck out my tongue, talking in a hushed voice. I started walking around. I felt Sasuke's curious eyes following me around the room. I felt the wall, knocking in different places.

"What are you doing?" Sasuke asked. I ignored him. "Hn. Stupid girl." Sasuke muttered under his breath. I found a hollow spot.

"Right!" I said, gathering chakra into my fist and punching at the wall. It cracked and broke a bit. Sasuke walked up behind me.

"Oh look, you made a tiny hole." he mocked.

"No one asked you." I hissed. He smirked and walked back to the other side of the room. I heard some scuffling behind the wall.

"Hello? Who's over there?" A voice asked. I smiled at the familiar sound.


I pressed my ear to the wall.

"Naruko?" The voice came again.

"Yeah it's me! Help me break the wall!" I whispered.

"I can do it, stand back, okay?"

"Okay, go ahead." I ran back to were Sasuke was.

"Who's over there?" Sasuke asked. Before I could answer, there was sand pouring through the fist sized hole I had made. It came faster each time, pushing the wall open. My friend let his sand go back into his gourd. He was standing in a gray shirt with the number one on it, he had gray pants and black shoes. His red hair was covered in sand, like it normally was and he was dragging his bear along side him. I looked at my own clothes, I had the same outfit, only with the number nine on it.

"Who's that?" Sasuke asked.

"Gaa-chan! They caught you too?" I asked. Gaara shrugged. He never was one to say what was on his mind.

"He looks like he's four." Sasuke muttered, I elbowed him.

"And you look like a coward." Gaara said in his own monotone voice. Sasuke stuck out his tongue. "So what were you trying to da anyway?" Gaara looked back at me.

"Escaping. Gaa-chan, they're gonna kill us if we stay..." I muttered.

"I see... I shall assist you then." Gaara nodded to himself.

"I'm already helping her." Sasuke said, standing next to me.

"You are?" I muttered.

"Yea I am." He hissed in my ear. Gaara looked between us.

"Very well." He said. The three of us sat in a circle. Planning for our escape.