I do not own Naruto or Naruto characters

Beast of Bloodlines

Konoha 8 years after the Fox's attack


A young blond in a dirty, oversized, orange jumpsuit was walking through an alley battered and bloody. He thought he could just head home, but knew that everything he owned in the ratty apartment was going to be destroyed and didn't want to waste what energy he had left cleaning glass, piss, and crap off his uncomfortable bed to sleep when concrete worked just as fine. 'This was a fun birthday.' The blond thought as he began to wonder why every year he was viciously beaten; he was interrupted by a white haired, pale man in more ragged clothes then him.

"Hey boy." The blond turned braced himself for another beating, but his eyes said you can knock me down, but I WILL get up. The man saw this, the will to take anything head on clear in the boys eyes. "Relax boy if I wanted to hurt you I would." The boy did when he heard 'If I wanted'; the boy knew when people meant their words and when they were lying.

"May I ask what do you want sir?" It was barely noticeable, but the man knew this kid was a natural at acting. 'If the kid didn't add that sir I would have bought he was a polite. This kid has some pride.' The man thought and began thinking 'how good is this boy?'

During the 4 years this man has bummed in the village he noticed how they treated this child and how it was giving him natural skills, survival skills. The child is able to sneak pass trained ANBU ninja and avoid detection while wearing bright orange, set elaborate traps for his pranks, hunt and salvage, and lastly a high threshold for pain; the man personally witness that when the mob was beating him and didn't give them the satisfaction of a scream of pain. "You remind me of my former clan, but less stupid and hungry for a fight."

"What was your clan?"

"Unimportant… Why were they beating you?" The boy's eyes lit up with hope that someone was caring for him, but dimmed when he realized he didn't know why he was being beaten either.

"I don't know, but they say I killed their loved ones and I am a monster." The boy look sad

"If you were a monster you would have kill these bastards after the first beating." The man's words reinforced the blond's already iron will. "Kid you're gonna hang out with me my name is Kaguya Kishimaro what's yours?"

"I am Uzumaki Naruto, nice to meet you Kaguya-san." Naruto gave a real smile that made Kishimaro smile back. 'This kid is special, I can just feel it.'

The following week they became close Naruto saw Kishimaro as his big brother. He would buy things for Naruto since the blond wasn't allowed in most stores and started training the boy. While Kishimaro saw Naruto as a son, he didn't know when he started thinking it he figured it was due teaching the kid some taijutsu and how to anticipate an opponent's attack; the kid was already extremely observant of people's actions, but it was actually the fact that he taught Naruto about the Kaguya clan and their idiocy.

Kishimaro held no love for his clan's love of death which led to their demise and now he was the only one left. Naruto had asked "why not try and rebuild the clan."

Which he replied "I'm sterile so I couldn't even if I wanted to." It was the truth he didn't want to rebuild the clan, but he did want a son to carry on and hopefully make a more peaceful clan. 'Bone manipulation is very useful and would be useful for the kid. He holds no malice for the village yet the village hates him. I doubt he would be hell bent on revenge if he would gain power' He thought as he believed he found someone who could rebuild a new one.

"Then why talk about them wouldn't it be better just to forget the past?" Naruto asked reflecting on his own life.

"It is good not to live in the past, but you should never forget the lessons they teach. There is a saying." Naruto was actually a smart kid, but has to play dumb in front of the villagers.

"Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it." The Kaguya look at the child and smiled. He knew the blond wasn't stupid.

"Hopefully it leads me to actually winning a game of shogi." Kishimaro replied with small chuckle

"We'll see Shi-niisan, we'll see." Naruto replied with his own laughter. After a short while of laughter Kishimaro looked deep in thought. Naruto noticed Kishimaro silence and contemplating look. "Shi-niisan… what are you thinking about?"

"Naruto what would you do with power?"

Without an ounce of hesitation the blond replied "Protect those precious to me and this village."

"Why protect them?"

"They may hate me, but the Hokages saw something in the village worth protecting and I will protect it for them." Again no hesitation.

"Why not get revenge?"

"The best revenge against an enemy is to be happy." Naruto stated with the biggest smile he had ever seen. The blond noticed every time he smiled the villagers who hated him got in a bad mood and ruined their own happiness by trying to hurt him.

"Kid I want to give you my KekkaiGenkai." A shocked expression appeared on Naruto's face.


"I have an idea, but give me two days to prepare and I will meet you at your home." The man smiled and left leaving Naruto to wonder.

Two Days later at night

Naruto had snuck Kishimaro into his apartment avoiding all ANBU eyes. Naruto closed the door and blinds. "So how do I get your bloodline trait?" Naruto asked.

"Naruto your about to undergo an extremely painful process." Kishimaro looked serious as he made that statement. "Are you sure you want this?" He knew Naruto wasn't a person who wanted power for the sake of power and also someone who wouldn't go back on his word. "Cause if so promise me you will protect those precious to you." Naruto nodded as Kishimaro gave a soft smile.

"Then let us begin, lie on the bed and raise your shirt to reveal your stomach." Naruto complied as he was instructed. Kishimaro walked to Naruto pulling a small knife, slicing the tips of his fingers on his right hand. "Naruto I will now make five cut on your stomach." Naruto nodded and didn't even squirm as he was cut; unbeknownst to the man the cut were within the outer layer of the seal. He placed his hand on the blond lining up the cuts "I will now convert my blood to chakra and pump it into your chakra coil… it will hurt." On cue Kishimaro converted his blood focused it into Naruto as the boy slipped into unconsciousness.

Naruto's Mindscape

"Hey kit bout time you showed up. I was beginning to wonder when you were going to say hello." A female voice called out. Naruto found himself in a large sewer in front of a large cage, looking inside only to see two red eyes staring at him.

"Beautiful eyes." Those two words caught the creature off guard to let out a giggle. "Who are you?"

"You could call me your other mother seeing I had an influence on you when you were developing, but who I am is the Kyuubi no kitsune." The kyuubi paused and cringed in expecting the blond to yell at her.

"So?" That caused tears to swell in the giant fox eyes.

"B-but… I'm the one who… made the… village hate you." Naruto could hear her crying.

"I know the eyes of vengeful and evil people, your eyes tell me you're neither." A giant smile appeared on the fox's face. "So why did you attack the village?"

The fox let out a sigh and decided to answer. "I was controlled by an Uchiha who claimed to be Madara, but I was controlled and ordered to destroy the village." A paw reached out of the cage, grabbed Naruto, and pulled him into a gentle hug. "I almost hurt my precious child." Naruto felt the warmth of a hug filled with love and hugged back.

"So you knew my parents?"

"Yes I was sealed in your mother who was an Uzumaki, but unlike her predecessors her seal didn't keep my power from leaking into you." The other paw rose to stroke his birthmarks which made the boy let out a purr. "SOOOOO CUUUTE my little kit purrs hahahaha." Naruto pushed her paw and pouted. "Aaaw it's cute, but I have something to talk to you about." She stated as she place Naruto back on the ground as he looked at the giant fox confused.

"It is about this Kishimaro giving you his bloodline." The fox lowered her head to be on level with him.

"How do you know that?" The Kyuubi's mouth formed a smirk.

"I'm apart of you so I do know what you're up to…" The fox's eyes reflected the boy like mirrors showing changes. His hair now platinum blond with white highlights, eyes now baby blue with dark blue lining around the pupil, and his birthmarks now highlighted in red. "It seems you now have a fourth Kekkei Genkei." Naruto seemed very confused.

"What do you mean four?"

"Simple due to having this seal placed on you have two chakra based ones." The Kyuubi held up two claws. "First, because the seal compressed your chakra it made close to the same density of iron. On an adult it wouldn't become genetic, but since it was at such a young age it happened to become natural to you." The fox paused to let it sink in and then continued. "Second, is that you have a new affinity. You were just wind through your father's side, kinda funny since he was lightning. Well through circumstances I don't want to go into until you're older you can naturally merge wind, fire, water, and lightning into a jutsu with barely any effort. You can give it a name yourself, but I would name it Hellstorm release."

"What aren't you telling me?!" Naruto yelled at the Kyuubi. "You know something."

"Yes, but there is no point in telling you for now so please trust me." Her eyes pleaded not to push the issue any further. So he dropped the subject.

"So what about the other two Kekkei Genkeis, I know one is bone manipulation." The fox nodded

"Yes, but the other is blood manipulation." Naruto looked very confused.

"How is that?" The fox frowned then began to growl in anger. Naruto knew it was directed at someone else.

"Because of the constant amount of blood loss and being constantly poisoned. You on several occasions have stopped yourself from bleeding to death with your will to live. Due to being malnourished your body actual to nourishment from the poison so instead of just iron in your blood it is some form of alloy. You also produce three times the amount of blood so it will appear as if your blood is black." Again a look of confusion appeared on his face.

"If it appears black and all this other stuff why haven't the doctors said anything?"

"Because they're bastards who have been trying to kill you." Naruto was saddened by the statement Kyuubi noticed this and sighed. "I am the one who has been healing you when you were hurt, but now you must awaken and bury Kishimaro." Naruto was going to ask what she meant, but before he could he vanished from his mind. "Sorry Naruto."

Naruto's Apartment


Naruto's eyes opened to see Kishimaro frozen in place with a smile. "Shi-niisan, are you okay…" Naruto noticed he wasn't breathing. The boy was about to cry when he noticed a letter placed on his chest.

Dear Naruto

If you are reading this then you're alive. I told you once before the Kaguya clan were idiots and in truth I don't even know if this would work, but with your luck and your determination I know you will pull through. It took me years to figure out how to convert my blood to chakra. I have killed four other kids with this process trying to "have" a son to carry on the clan and when I saw you, I saw my last chance. So this time I poured every ounce of energy into you. So if I am dead destroy my body and create a strong clan for me.

See ya,


"So he was just using me." Naruto felt anger swell inside, but then heard.

'There is more Naruto, keep reading.' And Naruto did see a P.s.

P.S: Don't let these assholes break your will. You are the strongest person I ever met. Also, eat more vegetables because I know you know how to forage if they don't give you something healthy you're resilient. I bought you some new clothes and made you a symbol.

Naruto found the clothes. There were a few black shirts; ANBU pants adjustable, boot sandals, and a black hooded jacket. He saw the symbol it was the Uzumaki swirl turned into a skull and the jaw was jagged, white bone. It was in the middle of the jacket on the back. After looking at it for while he returned to the letter

Hide them until you want to where them and hide your new power because they will fear you. Be safe kid, just promise that you will survive.

"I will Niisan." Naruto let a few tears drop on the page.

'Kit you need to destroy the letter and Kishimaro, hide your new gear, conceal your powers, and let us start coming up with a training regimen.' Naruto knew what she wanted, but found it hard to even think about destroying Kishimaro.

"W-why… due I-I have to?" He knew why, but he didn't want to destroy anything he cared about.

'If someone found the letter they would find out about your new bloodline and force you to marry some sluts who don't love, and if you keep or bury a dead body they may try to pin murder on you. I know it is hard to let go, but you have to.'

"I know I have to. I just needed to hear it." Naruto quickly burned the letter and came up with a plan to dispose of the body in the Forest of Death.

Outside the Forest Death


Naruto found it harder than normal trying to sneak around the village with a dead body. It was mostly due to nerves, he has snuck around with heavier things for pranks. The forest has been his training ground for his stealth skills because his exact thoughts were 'if I can survive here nothing the villagers due can hurt me.' That was two years ago and it has improved his secret jutsu.

'Kit there may be something here that can break down his body, but you'll still need to hide his body.' The kyuubi made a point about not just leaving a dead body near the entrance. He'll have to place it somewhere within the forest.

"I'll drop it near the nest of acid slugs give enough time they should do the trick." Naruto whispered hoping no one was around.

'You know you just have to think talk to me right?' Naruto nearly slapped himself in the face, but stopped in fearing that it would be heard. It took him thirty minutes to locate the nest and an hour to wait until it was safe to implant the body into the nest. 'Are you going to say a few words?'

'No, he knew I thought of him as a brother. So he knows that he will be in my heart because Kishimaro was one of the few people who treated me like a person.' Tears began to form, but were forced back. 'But I will not give into sadness because Shi-niisan would want me to be strong.'

Naruto made his way back to the entrance it took him longer to get the entrance as many creatures began to wake up and the new traps on his detour didn't help. 'Who sets up these traps?' Naruto thought in a mix of marvel and terror as he avoided them. He made it out virtually unscathed just in time to see the sunrise. He took a deep breath and started walking forward only to be stop by a dango stick.

"So you're the one who has been setting off my traps." Mumbled a feminine voice.


AN: Somewhat a cliffhanger but you can see where this is going. The Kyuubi is just a mother figure to Naruto. If I can I will write up to the point where Sasuke escape which causes problems for Naruto.

Naruto will have a harem. To be decide later but I have an idea for five






I would like feedback and ideas for the story.