Author's note: Okay, so I've been out of the fandom in ages but I wrote this epilogue ages before writing the second chapter of the fic and I honestly like the epilogue a lot, so even though you'll never get the rest of the story (which would essentially just have been a few chapters that told how Gabriel and Sam fell in love while Sam grew up. Or, well, that sounds pedophiliac - that's not what I meant! I meant Sam falling for the adult in his life and them LATER becoming a couple). But anyway, here's the epilogue of Puppy Love. Enjoy!

When Gabriel woke up this morning he wanted nothing more than to stay in bed. Preferably for eternity!

The sun shone warmly in between the venetian blinds in his bedroom, giving the bed a striped shadow and gold look. Hmm, he turned his head a bit on the pillow and grinned stupidly. The sun also gave his boyfriend's naked ass a nice striped shadow and gold look. Okay, that part about waking up wasn't so bad.

He admired the view for a few more minutes, letting his eyes wander over his boyfriend's form and gazing affectionately at the slow rise and fall of his breath that indicated he was still sleeping. Every inch of him was bathed in golden light broken in that striped pattern and it was an absolutely gorgeous sight to behold.

Gabriel rolled over and got up on all four so he could pad over to the sleeping form next to him. This was the reason he woke up first on lazy weekend days like this. To be able to admire what was his and his alone was a good enough reason to wake up even before the crack of dawn, if that had been necessary. Luckily it wasn't.

He leaned down and kissed the small of his boyfriend's back, earning a sleepy chuckle and a content sigh. The sounds of an angel, he decided, and continued showing his affection to this gorgeous body underneath him, showering it in small pecks and little tickly strokes of his fingers.

Finally the body underneath him stirred and the breath changed. "Rise and shine, kiddo," he said and turned his attention higher up the body, letting his amber eyes meet the hazel ones of his boyfriend.

Sam's eyelids were heavy with sleep and the corners of his mouth were lazily turned up in a big smile. "Mmh, 'morning," he said, turned to lie on his back and stretched. Gabriel let his eyes wander lower and savoured the way Sam's young muscles bounced and flexed underneath his skin.

Sam must've noticed how his body was put on display, because Gabriel soon felt a set of hands cupping his face and dragging him up the bed (and up Sam's ridiculously long body) and into a kiss.

One of those silly, disgusting morning breath kisses you can only enjoy if it's with someone you love. And damn did Gabriel enjoy his morning breath exchanges with Sam.

"Let's go back to sleep," Gabriel declared after a ridiculously long kissing session, which had led to touching then to groping and after that... Well, let's just say they didn't have to be concerned about morning wood any longer.

"We can't," Sam disagreed and nuzzled his nose in the nape of Gabriel's neck. "I have plans for you," and Gabriel was sure he knew what those plans were, because he definitely knew that Sam knew what particularly gruesome day it was.

"Don't wanna," Gabriel objected and pulled Sam's body even further into his, as if anchoring them to the bed would make a difference on the subject. Sam stirred and pulled a bit away. Not much, but enough for cold air to get between the still sweaty and warm bodies. Gabriel made a pathetic whimper.

"Two years ago you declared that this was the best day of the year," Sam said and kissed Gabriel behind the ear, drawing a purr from the older man. "That's because two years ago you woke me up with our first birthday sex," he replied. One year older today.

"Oh yeah, that's right," Sam grinned and the smile on his lips was pressed so deliciously against Gabriel's skin and Gabriel chuckled. "Nooo, don't do that! I'm a disgusting old man," he groaned and pulled away from the tickling lips behind his ear. "You shouldn't be together with an old fart like me," he turned his face a bit and kissed Sam on the forehead.

"Dude, come on, you're only turning forty," Sam smiled and the look in his eyes was so warming that Gabriel could've sworn something inside him was melting.

"Maybe I've been lying to you about my age all along," he replied and wiggled his eyebrows. Sam just sighed. That sigh he used whenever he knew he was in for one of Gabriel's little games and just accepted it. Gabriel loved that sigh.

"For all you know I could actually be a stone rich sixty-seven year old fart with a secret wife and grandchildren," he said in a faked posh British accent, pecking little kisses all over Sam's face forcing a laugh from the younger man. "Sure, I'm just your girl on the countryside, aren't I?"

"Definitely," and then both of their faces grew into large goofy smiles.

Finally Sam was able to drag Gabriel out of bed with a promise of fancy breakfast at the local diner after they'd fed the dogs. Gabriel could never say no to good ol' Flo's waffles with fruit salad and all the maple syrup he could eat.

And so, while Sam was drinking his black coffee, looming over a plate of bacon and eggs his phone rang. Gabriel didn't take much notice, how could he have when Flo's (the waitress at the diner persistently tried to convince him that her name was in fact Margot, not Flo) waffles รก la Gabriel were so magnificent and took over so much of his attention. Sam said a few words, confirmed a question and then he hung up, waiting for Gabriel to finish.

"I have someone I want you to meet," Sam said, when they were back in the car. Gabriel made a joke on how he hadn't believed Sam was that kind of guy who introduced third parts to his sex life, but that he would totally allow it if that was the deal. Sam just laughed at him and shook his head. "No, we're off to meet someone very special, Gabe,"

"Oh god, you don't have a secret love child?" he exclaimed and clasped his hands to his cheeks in a mock expression of horror. Sam smacked him at the back of his head.

"Hands on the wheel, kiddo," Gabriel laughed and Sam focused back on the road with a smile on his lips. "So, anyway, who are we off to see?" he couldn't deny that he was getting increasingly interested in this entire ordeal. It was some sort of birthday gift, surely. "Oh, you'll find out soon enough," Sam replied and pulled into an alien driveway.

"And here we are," Sam said and leaned back against the driver's seat. Gabriel looked out of the front window at the house confused. He'd never been here before, so it wasn't the house of any of his close friends, obviously. Maybe it was a surprise party at one of Sam's friends' house, but he seriously doubted it. Most of Sam's friends were too young to own houses of their own already. He was soon running out of ideas as to why he was there, what the surprise was and he turned to Sam with a confused look on his face.

Sam smiled in reply and said "Come on," before exiting the vehicle. Gabriel felt odd about going up to what he assumed was a complete stranger's house, but Sam seemed to know exactly what was going on and that thought calmed him enough to exit the car and follow his boyfriend.

The door bell rang three times before a plump woman opened the door, a small warm smile plastered on her face. "Can I help you?" she asked, and Sam took a step forward and introduced himself, after which her smile grew larger. "Oh, then you must be Gabriel," she said and turned to face Gabriel, who nodded and politely said hello. "I've got someone here who'd like to meet the two of you," the woman said and whistled.

Out from what Gabriel assumed was the kitchen trotted a large overweight scruffy dog. Its paws and muzzle were grey with age, but its pelt was distinctively black-and-tan. It walked in a slow pace and it probably had something with its hips due to age and overweight. But Gabriel had never seen a more beautiful dog.

"Sam is this..." his voice trailed out as he looked over at Sam, who was wearing the biggest most unbelievably happy smile on his face. "Do you remember him?" Sam asked and crouched down as the lady opened the door for the dog and took a step back.

The dog looked the two men over and let itself be patted in the doorway.

"Of course I remember. Hi, Timmy-Two." Gabriel said as he sat down and started massaging the dog's ears tenderly.

"Thank you very much ma'am," Sam said as he waved goodbye half an hour later and walked Gabriel to their car. The woman replied that they were welcome any time; Timmy-Two probably didn't have much time left before he died and that he'd be happy to see some familiar faces once in a while. He'd lived a long and happy life.

Gabriel and Sam got back in the car and moved towards the kennel and their shared home. Sam was about to say something (probably something funny) as he looked over at Gabriel but the sight of Gabriel's face stopped him.

Gabriel was sitting with tears streaming down his cheeks and a hand covering his mouth, crying his heart out silently. "Oh my god, Gabe, I'm so sorry!" Sam cried out and was about to pull the car over when Gabriel shook his head and laughed. "No, it's not... It's not like that. Sam, I'm just so glad you saved that dog all those years ago,"

Sam looked back at the road and his concerned expression melted away, "So am I, Gabriel." And the two just sat there in the car smiling like children on Christmas day. Hadn't it been for Sam finding Timmy-Two in the woods those odd thirteen years ago, then Gabriel and Sam would probably never had met each other. And he was grateful for that.

"What do you say we celebrate your forties birthday by grabbing a beer?" Sam asked, quickly shooting Gabriel (who was still drying off the tears from his face) a quick glance. "No way, kiddo," Gabriel smirked and leaned back in his seat. "You're still only twenty, I'm not one to encourage underage drinking," and there with the eyebrow wiggle that made Sam love him even though he'd never admit it, "Come on, there's only a couple of months left," Sam groaned and glared.

"Nope, you're too young."

"And you're an old fart,"

"Oh, yes I am!"