I was sorting all the stuff out in the closet because it got a little messy over the year, and thats when I heard a creak come from behind me. It was the door. Then it gently shut. I whipped around, and I saw a shadow of someone. They stepped into the light, and I finally recognized who it was. IT was Andy Evens. He started babbling about how I was a bitch, by telling everyone he was a perv, but I didn't listen to the rest because I was planning how to get around him, and out of the closet. I finally heard the bell ring, and everyone was coming out of their classrooms. Maybe someone will hear me scream, so I inhale and- He put his hand over my mouth, I could barely breath. He sticks his hand up my shirt, and said this is what I've been wanting all along and I enjoyed it the first time, but little did he know how pissed I was, and the rage started bursting out of me. I pushed him off of me, and he stumbled back and hit his head on the lamp that was sitting on the desk, I grabbed the broom behind me, and tried to hit him but he grabbed it from me, and was pulling it till it broke in half. Still holding the one half of the broom, I took the sharp end, and stabbed it in IT's shoulder, he fell over, and I tumbled on top of him, I scrambled to get up. The piece of broom was still stuck in his shoulder, and I grabbed the other half, and stabbed him in his stomach with all my rage, and it made me feel good, but just for that moment. His eyes closed, I got off of him and watched him suffer, it made me think about all the times I suffered, and how much I wanted him to suffer just as much as I had. I looked back at ground, where a dead boy now lay. All off a sudden I realized what had happened, I asked myself the same question over, and over again in my head: "What do I do now?"

Tears started streaming down my face, my heart was beating fast and I could barely breath again,all my thoughts were now bouncing off the walls of my head.I could still hear his scream, stuck in my head like a tape playing over, and over again. I fell down to the ground, kneeling beside what had once been a lively boy, now laying still as the ground under me. I shook him violently thinking he would open his eyes, twitch, give me some kind of hope that I didn't give this monster his grave. He didn't move, he didn't breath, he didn't speak.

I grabbed his hands and dragged his body to a wide cabinet, I shoved his heavy dead corpse into it. I shut it, then locked it. I turned around and noticed the key to the door hanging on a nail, I grabbed my book bag and the key, went out the door, and locked it behind me.

I ran to class, luckily only being 5 minutes late, but Mr. Neck still yelled at me and I sat in my seat right behind Rachele. He asked me if I had seen Andy, thats when my throat really burned and I could feel myself starting to sweat, and as I bit at my nails, I shook my head gesturing no.

Everyone started to gossip knowing that IT is never late to class. Mr. Neck walked over to the phone and dialed the number to the office, he said " Andy Evens is not in class today, does he have a late bus or appointment?" He listened and then "mmhmed" to the phone, and then hung up. About a second later the announcer went on, and said "ANDY EVENS PLEASE REPORT TO THE OFFICE IMMEDIATELY" Little did no one know that IT wasn't going to be at the office.

Mr. Neck's class went so slow, and he kept giving me the death stare the whole class, I just tried to act naturally, and act like nothing was wrong.

I got home and my parents asked me how my day was, I stood there staring at them, and said nothing, then I ran upstairs and hid in my closet, I grabbed a shirt of the hanger, and I screamed until my lungs felt like they were bleeding. The tears just kept coming. I hated knowing what I had done, I knew inside that It was wrong, but all I could think about is how much trouble I could get into. Thinking about how his family must be worried about him, and how many people loved him.

I got up, and walked out of the closet, I walked to the my mirror and looked at myself, thinking " Andy Isn't the monster, I am." I stared at myself until I couldn't see myself through my tears, I ran downstairs, and headed out the door. I stopped at the end of the driveway and thought about which way to run. I could go north and walk up the highway till I found a cheap motel or I could go south and go to the park. I went south. I walked up to the park and saw someone sitting on a bench, they were facing there back to me, I recognized the jacket...He turned around...IT was staring right at me...It couldn't be him? could it? I blinked a couple times and he was gone. I shook my head and kept walking.

I was a little creeped out so I starting walking back home, as I was a block away from my house my neighbors old dog started barking viciously, I looked at him and he was staring straight at my house. Dogs are stupid and bark at nothing, I just kept walking and headed inside. My mother sprinted into the living room from the kitchen, and yelled at me for not telling her where I was going. I just said "ok next time" and ran up to my room again, and sat on my bed hugging my knees. Then I took breath, then my nostrils flared, I smelled him...I smelled his cologne. I didn't know what was going on. I got up slowly, and walked into my closet and sat down...but then I smelled it again...I jumped up, and ran downstairs. Breathlessly I sat next to my mom on the couch and she asked me what was wrong, but then it went away. I thought about how I was going crazy and my mom put her arms around me and told me that everything was going to be ok. Somehow that was comforting and that night nothing else weird happened.

I woke up the next morning knowing that it was the weekend, one of best feeling I've had all week. I sat up in bed, and thought about what I was going to do today, I thought about hanging out with friends, but at that moment I forgot, I had no friends. I walked to kitchen and got some breakfast, when a good idea struck me, I was going to go plant in my garden! That usually helps distract me from this life, so I gulped down a glass of milk, and ran outside to my garden. I looked down upon my garden, and thought about how I forgot to buy flowers, I called my outside, and he came walking slowly. I told him I needed flowers, and he said he would jump in his car and go buy some, I trusted him on his choice of flowers, he used to be a landscaper.

He came back about half an hour later, and I opened the trunk, and saw blue and white flowers that looked almost like daisies, I asked my dad what type of flower they were. He looked up from the flowers and said "Andy's, they only grow in the northern mountains range, they were on sale, and It looked like no one was going to buy them." I stopped and stared horrified at what I heard and what I was seeing, my dad looked at me, and said "come on bud give them a chance." I nodded and took them out and set them on the grass near my garden, I took them out of their container and started to plant.