Hello. Miss Nightshadow reporting. This is my first movie fanfic also it is a slash story (boyXboy) if you don't like please do not read and please don't flame just that reason alone.

This story is not for profit and is just for entertainment purposes.

Main pairing: x Spock Also some interest from Khan.

Set after the film and it runs off on a tangent from any official works. I do not own any rights to this except for the plot and any characters I create myself (mainly new villian who helps Khan out of the freezer), the blood bond ability of super soldiers and this is un-betaed so there may/most likely will be mistakes.

'private thoughts of a person'
psychic communication

Enough from me, please enjoy.

The Lure.

Chapter 1

Khan knew the sensation well, he never expected to feel it again. The slowly growing warmth melting the ice inside him one by one. There had only been one time in his life that he had ever felt a stronger warmth. Surprisingly it had occured when a Star Fleet Captain had beat his fists against Khan's body.

A normal human.

Unremarkable creatures slaved to their own weakness but this one knew he was weak. He knew what his weaknesses were, displayed them at times and instead of being crippled by his weaknesses he turned them into strength. Khan had never encountered anything like it before.

Never expected to feel it again, he knew the rage filling the vulcan halfling could only mean one thing the little firestorm was no longer alive.

Remembering the raw emotion in that filthy creature's eyes Khan recalled something. The woman had teleported in. The bitch shot him. Several times which will translate to several severe breaks that will be on her person when he next sees her.

'She's a linguist,' he remembered, 'so a broken jaw, with missing fingers and no eye lids to make signals with will be a suitable punishment.'

A fitting punishment. A voice that could only be described as soft a baby's sigh floated into Khan's mind who immediately threw up his anti-psychic defenses. Calm down I merely wish to talk with you before you fully wake. I would not want to surprise a super soldier.

'No one surprises a super soldier.'

That Captain did.

Khan frowned. His body was nearly fully thawed and he still does not know why he is being disturbed again. There was no advesary worth facing out there any more.

You are not the only one Khan. Your crew is too. This ship you are adrift on is yours to do with as you see fit.

'Why? You wake a weapon and toss it aside? Such foolishness.'

I am well aware of your potential. I am also aware of the sorts of things you will do so letting you run free is not a real risk for me or my organisation. However I will impart a little piece of information you may find useful.

'I find that doubtful.'

I am aware of a peculiar trait of super soldier blood. The blood bond trait to be precise.

'How much longer must I listen to your prattling?'

The girl you saved to kill her father and all of those in the London archive, you could, if you got close enough and chose to, influence her actions in a way that could be considered empathic manipulation.

'Your point?'

The Captain, like you, will do anything for his crew. His family. He leapt into the reactor core to save his ship. He should have died of radiation poisoning. He made the Vulcan cry. His crew made the same decision.

Khan felt the smile spread across his features, faces of his crew hovered over his capsule.

'They used my blood.'

A lot of your blood. Transfusion and serum. I suspect his body functions have improved along with his strength but that is something you alone can confirm this. Perhaps I will see around.

The capsule hissed open releasing the last confined super soldier onto his new ship.

"Khan it is good that you are awake." Azbetan grinned showing off his superior canines. "We were beginning to get worried. You had woken before, they really wanted you to stay frozen."

"You should all know by now I am unstoppable."

"That is why you lead us." Mercy stated her gaze colder than the ice that had finally released him. "You will tell us what has happened."

"Do not take that tone with me. I will tell you one thing I have found something very interesting. Cornelius!"

"Yes Khan?" the smallest member of his crew shuffled through the crowd. His bright green eyes still held as much fear as the last time their leader had seen them.

"Do you remember those experiments you spoke of to increase our number?"

Cornelius stood straighter. "Yes Khan, you were against them. If I may be so bold..."

"You may."

"What caused this sudden change in policy?"

"Let's say I have found someone worthy of becoming part of our crew."

to be continued...