Hi Everyone,

I hope everyone is safe and well amid this coronavirus outbreak.

I hope this instalment comes at a good time, as we are all doing our best to stop the spread :) I would just like to thank you all for your continued support. It means a lot to me!

I wish you and all your loved ones good health, and my heart goes out to all those affected, personally or by association.

Thank you so much to everyone who read, reviewed, messaged, favourited and followed.

Huge shout out to: Skyloftx, Kibachow, farahb, chibibeary, NellielTu, Sadie321, crimson11116, OriSweatshirt, ShadowShy, alysha. , Silentshit, Butlikeewlawlz, misao97, nfuewshf984tjiweofn98w, LuuLuuu, Lila-me, bunnyboo1612, Hermione Granger, aurora0914, Meech Macko, themirrorminder.372259, Kichisaburo, Melethriel, Mystical Ice, MoRaine25, champylin, Indigo2629, LittleShyCloud, cespericueta35, Rroxz, springmind, AndromedaAstrophile, muzicaldove, paradoxical.001, SasuHinaxx and Guest(s)!

Stay safe and enjoy


Sayuri opened her eyes to a cold, damp and extremely dark room. There were no windows and the only source of light was coming was from a dying lightbulb flickering on and off. Her body felt like it had been knocked down by a train and she could barely move.

The last thing she remembered was seeing Hinata and losing her shit. A surge of pain ripped through her as she tried to prop herself up.

Just the sight of her was disgusting. How dare she parade around a festival while Hiro was locked up like a prisoner in the Hyuuga compound?!

And more importantly, where did she get that kimono?!

It was more exquisite than Sayuri's entire collection.

And Hinata's own collection back at the Hyuuga compound.

Her sister-in-law hadn't taken any of her possessions when she left, which meant all of her valuables; jewellery, finery, clothes and shoes were hers for the taking. As the heiress, Hinata had a lot of nice, expensive things. Many of the fancier things, Hinata had hardly worn. And before that horrible little Hanabi could do anything about it, Sayuri took it upon herself to 'inherit' all of Hinata's belongings. Honestly, only a simpleton could posses such nice things and not use them.

So then, where did she get that kimono? Dark, blood red in colour, with gold embroidery and trimming - the workmanship was exceptional. And certainly not Hyuuga colours. How did she attain it? Sayuri considered the possibilities:

Maybe the medic had lent it to her?

No... Haruno's kimono was pretty average compared to the one Hinata was wearing. And no woman in her right mind would lend someone else a fancier kimono.

Was it a gift from the Hokage perhaps?

No... It looked far too special to 'gift' someone that wasn't your wife/partner. And if the rumours be true, he had eyes for the medic.

Which left one possibility - the Uchiha must have given it to her.

He was the only person who could afford to gift or possess such an item. An heirloom perhaps, as it wasn't in todays fashion.

But why?! Sayuri's head began spinning like clockwork. Honestly, Hinata was quite a plain and simple woman. How could she appreciate such a fine item, let alone wear it?! And red wasn't really her colour. Once again, her mind quietly offered the same explanation it had provided over and over for the last few months.

The Uchiha was in love with her.

Sakura had no choice but to restrain Sasuke.

She didn't want to use 'it' on her teammate but things were getting out of control.

Using one of her new experimental techniques, she was able to perform a full-body paralysis on him. It was still in it's development stages and the current run time on an average 75kg male was about 20 minutes. Therefore, it meant she had about 7 minutes (8 min max) before Sasuke broke out of it.

ANBU shinobi were there in an instant, and while Sakura's first instinct was to go with Hinata to the hospital; Sasuke looked like he was going to be too much for Naruto (or anyone else) to handle. Sasuke was extremely dangerous and unpredictable when enraged. Leagues above the female assailant, Sasuke had beaten her to within an inch of her life in a matter of moments. Naruto had barely managed to pull him off her just as the ANBU shinobi arrived. And in a puff of smoke, the site was cleared before any of the festival goers could have realised what had just happened.

The assailant was currently detained in a secure location for questioning. Interestingly, it was a Hyuuga. A female Hyuuga. Luckily, she and Naruto had burst in before Sasuke would have done away with her. A minute later, and she would have been dead. Her teammate obviously hadn't thought of the implications - he had acted purely on impulse. Sakura instructed the ANBU to take Hinata to the hospital and herself rushed to the assailant. She healed the assailant just enough to bring her back from the brink of death, while Naruto dealt with Sasuke. She was much more useful to them alive than dead. Kakashi praised her quick thinking but he knew the action repulsed her.

Currently everyone was in the Hokage's tower, discussing what should be done next. It wouldn't be long until the Hyuuga realise that one of their own was missing.

"First of all, we need to find out who she is and her position within the Hyuuga. Then, we figure out the best way to negotiate with them. She hasn't got a branch seal so they will want her back to seal her eyes." Nara said. "We interrogate in the meantime. Find out what she knows. Morino, that's where you come in."

The old interrogation ninja nodded. "I'll do my best to find out what I can, and then some. But it won't be easy; Hyuuga's are trained from birth how to avoid interrogation... Although she doesn't appear to a trained shinobi, one can never assume."

Shikamaru nodded. "Well take the usual precautions then. What happened was unfortunate, but it has helped us more than it harmed us."

Naruto hadn't spoken throughout the discussion. "I was right there... when it happened."

"Che.." Hissed Sasuke, glaring at the blonde, "All you had to do was watch her. And you managed to fuck that up too."

Naruto, feeling guilty, did his best to appease Sasuke. "I'm sorry Sasuke, I..."

Sakura headed over and put a comforting arm around Naruto. "Hinata's injuries are superficial. She'll be fine in no time." She hissed back at Sasuke.

"Well, in any case, there's nothing that can be done now." Interjected Kakashi. "Let's see what we can get out of this woman."

Hinata woke up alone in the hospital.

The clock on the wall ticked away gently, while the pristine white curtains billowed softly in and out of the room.

"Sasuke?" She whispered. "Sakura?"

The late-afternoon sun bathed her room in delicious warmth. Hinata willed herself to get up. She had a headache and generalised body pain but she was ok.

As she was about to get out of the bed, a middle-aged nurse with a kind smile walked in. "How are you feeling?" She asked, checking the drip. "You've been out for quite some time."

"I'm ok, thank you..."

"Would you like something to eat?" She smiled.

"Yes please." Hinata didn't realise how hungry she was. "Um, would you mind telling me what happened? I don't remember."

The nurse offered her another warm smile and noted something down on her chart, her eyes betraying nothing. "Why don't you lie down and get some rest. Your friends will come by this evening."

Hinata pouted as the nurse had disregarded her question.

"I'll go get you some dinner." The nurse nodded and left.

Getting up, Hinata decided to freshen up a bit as she waited for the nurse to come back. There was a paper bag on the chair next to the bed. Maybe her clothes were in there. Limping over, she was about to grab it as she heard a soft knock on the door and sensed a very familiar chakra. One she hadn't sensed since she left the Hyuuga compound.

She gulped. "C-come i-in."

"Please state your name for the record."

"Sayuri Hyuuga."

"And your occupation?"

A uncomfortable pause. "A noblewoman such as me does not require a profession."

The investigator raised an eyebrow. "Ah, so unemployed then." Sayuri flinched while he noted it down.

"What is your position within the Hyuuga?"

"I am part of the main family."

The investigator reclined in his seat and looked at her questioningly. She didn't want to elaborate because it made her feel inadequate.

"I'm Hiro's sister and Hinata's sister-in-law."

"Tell me about Hiro and his relationship with Hinata."

"Hiro is my brother. I believe he was a good husband as Hinata was ever going to get. Just look at the stuttering, bumbling mess that she is. She's lucky he's willing to put up with her."

The investigator shot her an inquisitive look. "If she's such a burden and an unattractive woman, then why not divorce her?"

Another uncomfortable flinch from Sayuri. "Hiro is a traditional man. He does not believe in divorce."

"Is that so?" He tossed her a file. "I think it may be something else."

Sayuri refused to touch it. "What's this?"

"I'm glad you asked." He opened the file with various documents. He pointed to one in particular. "This a copy of your father, Hideaki Hyuuga's, will. An affluent and prominent Hyuuga as I'm sure you are aware. The financials he filed for the last 5 years up to his death showed he had quite a lot of money. But Hideaki Hyuuga left his entire wealth to his legitimate daughter, Miyako Hyuuga, as per the Hyuuga law. You and Hiro did not see a dime of that inheritance now did you?"

Sayuri looked away in anger, confirming his assumptions.

He continued, pointing to another document. "According to the registry of births, it shows that you and Hiro were first registered under your mother's maiden name, and then later changed to Hyuuga upon their marriage. Your mother died soon after. In his will, Hideaki Hyuuga left you only his last name in the hope that you would be looked after by the Hyuuga upon his death, thereby legitimising you both. Surprisingly, this will was accepted by Hyuuga. However, as you both were illegitimate at the time of your birth, you are not entitled to any inheritance in the form of money, land or otherwise."

"You've done your research, haven't you?"

He rewarded her with a knowing smirk. "Yes. Isn't it strange that the Hyuuga would marry their heiress off to someone like Hiro? A beautiful kunoichi heiress such as herself would have no doubt secured a strong marriage allegiance with another powerful clan accompanied by a substantial dowry."

A wry smile from Sayuri. "Beautiful? Hardly."

"Then why would Hiro marry her? I've heard he is quite fond of women. Beautiful or not."

No response from Sayuri.

"Or was money? Position?"

Again, no response from Sayuri.

"By marrying Hinata, Hiro probably thought that he would have access to her money, but unfortunately thats not how it played out. The war drained the resources of many clans. By marrying her to one of their own and well beneath her station, a dowry was not required to be given while retaining their rightful heir."


"Also, Hinata's inheritance is held within a trust account, maintained by her father. In fact, the account is still active today. All activities are transparent to him, and since she has had that account from birth, he knows her spending habits quite well. If anything were to be amiss, well, I imagine it would be ...swiftly dealt means, the only way he would have access to that money, is through an heir."

"You think you have it all figured out do you?"

"Yes. Strange, that in two years, a child was not produced. Perhaps your brother is sterile."

That triggered surprise anger in the woman. "The Hyuuga heiress is barren! Not my brother! She's the one that has failed to produce an heir!"

Barren?! Well... this certainly was an interesting turn of events...

"C-come i-in." Her sister's voice said faintly.

Hanabi took in a deep breath before she entered. Hanabi took in a deep breath and shoved open the door.

She just couldn't hold it in.

There was her sister on a hospital bed, bandaged up like a beaten up rag doll. And like a tsunami, it all came gushing back. That dreadful wedding where she helplessly watched Hinata embrace her doomed fate, that putrid Hiro, his bitch of a sister Sayuri, those horrible two years of her sisters marriage where she too, had to endure as Hinata shrunk further and further.

Hot tears rolled down as she rushed to her sister and threw her arms around her neck.

And she let them out

Tears of sorrow.

Tears of anguish.

Tears of hate and rage.

Tears of hopelessness and helplessness.

Tears of regret.

Tears of love...

Naruto and Sasuke received the alarm call and made a dash for Hinata's room. Upon getting there, they were shocked to discover Sakura waiting outside, looking quite unsure of herself. So they peaked in. There, nestled in Hinata's arms was a younger girl, with a striking resemblance to her. Hinata was stroking her hair, cajoling her, like a mother hopelessly trying to soothe her angry and crying child.

The scene sent a surprising shockwave of bittersweet anger through Sasuke. After everything that had happened! after everything that Hinata had endured! There she was, comforting who was most likely to be her younger sister, as if she was in the most pain. It was her downfall before, but it all stops NOW.

Sasuke strode in. The Hyuuga girls broke from their embrace.

"Get out."

A wave of panic rushed through Hinata. "Please Sasuke, she was just-"

But Sasuke ignored her. "Did I stutter? I said get out. Now."

The younger Hyuuga's eyes couldn't meet his gaze, but she did not budge. "No."

Within a milisecond, Sasuke's hand was around her neck, lifting her up. "Last chance."

A pure horror and fear washed over Hinata. "Please Sasuke, Put her down." She cried, getting off the bed and hopelessly pulling at his arm. But he didn't listen. Hanabi clutched at her throat, struggling to breathe. "Sakura, Naruto, Please Help!" Hinata pleaded. But the two didn't move to stop their team mate. As far as they were concerned, the Hyuuga deserved whatever punishment they got. They certainly weren't going to 'help' them.

"Sasuke, STOP! I forgive them!" Sobbed Hinata, arms around his waist. "I forgive them..."

He looked at her incredulously, let go of the younger Hyuuga, and stormed out of the room.

How could she be so foolish?! After everything they did to her! After everything they put her through! How could she forgive them so easily?!

Hinata ran out after him, slowly and ungainly due to her injuries. She grabbed his arm.

He shoved her hand aside and kept walking.

"What else can I do Sasuke?!" She called out after him, sobbing. "I-I love her!"

Hiashi Hyuuga had watched his second daughter secretly leave the compound. He knew where she was going but made no effort to stop her. He also knew that tramp Sayuri landed his daughter in hospital. It made his blood boil, but he was powerless to do anything. The Hyuuga elders were all hardened arseholes who only saw his daughter as a means to an end. Nursing a large sake, he downed it in one gulp as he noticed a sinister chakra appear behind him.

"Ah. I have been expecting you." He said, turning to face the intruder.

"Hiro. Hand him over. Now." No introductions were needed. Beneath the coolness of his exterior, rage emanated off of him in waves.

"Or else what?" Laughed Hiashi. "You'll kill me?"

"If need be."

"Hinata will hate you."

An unexpected laugh escaped from the young man. "Your daughter forgives easily."

"Ah yes..." Hiashi replied ruefully, with a slight laugh of his own. "She's just like her mother."

He poured himself another drink, and then gave one to Sasuke, who didn't touch it. "It's not poisoned, I assure you." He gestured to the chair opposite his desk. Sasuke warily took both. A sip of the liquid showed that it wasn't poisoned and it was one of the good stuff.

"Sasuke. I must say that you have done me a great service, but I need my daughter back here at the Hyuuga compound. How may I repay you so that we can both get on with our lives?"

"I don't want your money. I have enough of it to last me several generations. I do, however, want to destroy Hiro."

"I see... How is she?" He asked slowly.

"Why do you care?"

"I... deserve that. You know, I didn't so this to hurt my daughter, but to secure her future within the clan. Unfortunately, things didn't quite go according to plan."

Sasuke responded with an expectant (if not skeptical) look.

"I don't expect you to understand..." Hiashi sighed. "Hiro was not my choice for a son-in-law. In fact, I actually wished to honor a previous arrangement, but it wasn't meant to be. The clan were pressuring me for an heir with each passing day. The only way to do that was to marry within the clan. Usually, thats not a problem but the war left us with little choices. Many of our prominent and skilled shinobi from the main family were killed. There were no skilled branch members like Neji for her to marry either. So, we had to go with this third rate alternative that was Hiro."

Sasuke sensed disdain in his voice, but let him continue.

Hiashi swirled his drink. "I resisted at first, but the clan was right - we needed an heir, I needed an heir. All I needed was for her to fall pregnant and then I would personally 'deal' with Hiro. For two years, I watched my daughter endure that wretched man but unfortunately she did not conceive. Now the clan is aware she is barren. No one will marry her, as she cannot bear children. But she is my daughter, and I want her back to resume her duties as an heiress. When Hanabi comes of age, I will announce her as the heir."

Sasuke found himself empathising with the man despite himself. He had walked into the Hyuuga compound, ready to kill her heartless bastard of an old man, but instead discovered the opposite. He could see that her father was stuck between a rock and what must have been a very, very hard place. He looked like he hadn't slept in aeons, torn between his duty as a father and a clan leader. Hiashi wasn't aware that Hinata did not conceive on purpose, so she may not actually be barren, but Sasuke was't going to tell her father something she told him in confidence. He decided to use it as leverage instead.

"Give me Hiro. Then we will talk about Hinata."

Hiashi gave him a long, pointed look. "How can I trust you to return my daughter?"

Sasuke stood up and placed the glass on the table. "You can't."

Hinata's father considered the man in front of him. This was the young man that took in his daughter, and from the sound of things, has been quite good to her. And he wouldn't be here in front of him if he didn't care for her. Hiro was not worth the paper his name was written on, much less to be an heir's consort. Sasuke, regardless of his background and history, was a highly skilled and formidable shinobi. It was better to have him on his side than that useless twat. With a wave of his hand, a Hyuuga shinobi appeared in the room. "Tell Hiro I want to see him." He ordered.

A few minutes later, Hiro presented himself and audibly gulped when he saw Sasuke. "Hiashi-sama. You sent for me?"

"Yes. I have decided that I would like Hinata back."

Realisation appeared on Hiro's face. "But Sir!-"

Sasuke pulled out a scroll. "Sign this and I might just let you live."

Hiro looked at the scroll with disgust. It was the divorce scroll. If he signed it, then he would left with nothing. "Not a chance. You tell my wife she better come back if she knows what's good for her."

Sasuke felt his blood boil at the words 'my wife'. "I don't think you understand - We have your sister. Sign this or she dies."

Hiro looked contemplative for a moment. "The Hokage office cannot risk such bad publicity. You can't kill her."

Sasuke's eyes widened in surprise. The nerve! He opened his mouth to speak but Hiashi beat him to it.

"Ok. What do you want Hiro?"

Hiro's eyes were filled with dark delight. "All of her inheritance. A place to stay rent-free within the Hyuuga compound, a monthly allowance, and a position on the council." He had finally won this game.

The Hyuuga elder regarded him stonely. The demand was excessive but it would free his daughter. "What do you think Sasuke?"

Sasuke narrowed his eyes in disgust. "I think Hinata won't need a divorce if she becomes a widow."

"Are you daft? It's against the law for you to kill me while we are both citizens of the Leaf village. You will go to prison for murder!" He scoffed.

Sasuke laughed a deep menacing laugh. "I've been a missing nin for most of my life. If they couldn't catch me then, what makes you think they can now?"

Hiro reeled. Was this guy was a lunatic? "You will be sentenced to the death if you kill me on Hyuuga land!"

Another menacing laugh. "By who? You?"

"The Hyuuga...?!" A glint in Hiashi's eyes suggested otherwise. He looked to his father-in-law, betrayed. "You would turn a blind eye?"

"A small price to pay for the service he is willing to provide."

He did not have the backing of the of the Hyuuga! The pretentious old fool. He scowled. "I want the council to rule on the matter. I wish to seek advice before signing anything. And I want Sayuri and Hinata to be present."

Sasuke gave him a stone cold look and narrowed his eyes. "You have wasted enough of everyone's time. Sign or die, it's up to you." He grabbed him by the cuff of his neck. "If the council or anyone else objects, they are welcome to stop me." He said, knowing full well he was being watched.

Hiro had a look of pure horror on his face. He snatched the scroll, and hastily signed without reading it. "This isn't over Uchiha."

So Hiro has finally signed the divorce scroll. About time!

And a backstory to Hiashi Hyuuga. What will Sasuke do with this intel?

What happens now?

Please review and message! xoxox