Oh look, I wrote something—miraculous. Not too sure it makes sense, but I think I like it. Tenten this time—I do like her, think she's probably second to Ino. Enjoy. c:

Disclaimer: I own skinny jeans and a Sherlock shirt, but, sadly, not Naruto.




Most kunoichi have no scars; instead they have swaying hips and smooth skin, perfectly done makeup and so much knowledge of seduction. If they do have scars, perhaps gained from a mishap in a fight or a training accident, they're small, unnoticeable, easily concealed from roaming eyes. They take great care in keeping their skin smooth—after all, smooth skin is more attractive than rough, and attraction is key.

Tenten, however, takes no such care of her body. Scars litter it, ragged and rough and so noticeable. They keep her from being sent on seduction missions, keep her in fights and escorts and rescues, and she loves that. She's never liked seduction, ever since she first learned of it when she was young, and despite the fact she sat through the classes in the Academy, she's never been on a single seduction mission in her seventeen years, thanks to the scars over her arms and legs and torso.

She purposefully practices dangerous weapon maneuvers with nobody around, hoping they'll add to her collection—that's how she'd gotten her first scar, and she'd done it purposefully. At thirteen, she'd been assigned a seduction mission, and hours before she was supposed to leave, she'd gone off for last minute training—to take her mind off it, she'd said. She had done a trick she had no experience with, and during, she'd hit her left leg with a kunai, leaving a deep, ragged wound that was sure to leave a scar, no matter how much healing chakra they used. She'd been told she'd never be able to go on a seduction mission as a result, and that someone else would take her place—she'd nodded solemnly as she was told.

Inside, she was cheering. No seduction for her, ever, and she's delighted. At seventeen she knows little of seduction, especially compared to others, and she's pleased by that. She'd never wanted to seduce, and she got her wish—she's stuck in fights, with kunai and swords and fists, and she loves it.