Scene: Jenny and Vastra are in the parlor room sitting across from each other while slightly facing the fireplace. Jenny is knitting Vastra a scarf and Vastra is reading a book.

Jenny POV

Should I even be thinkin' abou' this? I mean, madam wouldn' even like to consider it as nothin' more than an insignificant judgment tha' apes formulate in times when they feel tha' somethin' is missin' in their lives. We're pretty fine with just ourselves, we needn't another member of our group, I mean Strax is enough, bein' a butler and all. She'd think ill of me, even deem to distance herself from me for a shor' period of time, where in such period of time I would need madam's presence.

Jenny looks up from her work and glances at Vastra. She sees her staring down at her book, eyes gleaming in anticipation. The maid admires her wife's enjoyment before concentrating down to her own activities.

My madam..

The same person who took me into her care when the odds were against me. Even goin' so far as to offer a domestic job for me when I could have turned heel an' ran away at the site of her. I accepted it, havin' nothin' else in my life to offer to, an' started livin' with her. I noted her hatred of us "apes" an' would usually jus' nod or mumble in false agreement whenever she complained.

But she saw somethin' in me, I felt it..

An' in result, I started havin' tha' one feelin' everybody gets when it's your ideal time. I started to care for Vastra more than wha' a simple maid should feel to their master. I noticed it after she would always come home late from criminal huntin' an' I would have to tend to her wounds. At first she hissed an' darted off but after a while, she allowed me to touch her cool scales an' hold them gingerly as I bandaged her injury.

Followin' about a year of workin' under her care, she started offerin' more personal tasks for me an' for the first time, we kissed. Madam was the one tha' started it and it surprised us both. We avoided each other for a while until I forced her to sit down in the drawin' room an' confess our deepest feelings to each other. After a bit of laughin' an' cryin', we concluded by the end of the day tha' the other was our significant someone. An' now, after wha' I supposed you would call "courting", she knelt on her knee and asked tha' brilliant question. I suspected tha' I had a dazed look on my face tha' time due to the fact tha' Vastra began saggin' under her confident pose. It was a humorous scene, given the fact tha' Vastra was in every single way serious until she saw my reaction, an' began fidgeting an' avoidin' eye contact. She muttered whether she had done it right an' cursed tha' one book she had read about human courtship. She even murmured an apology an' started to get up when I forced myself to tackle her down, despite how unladylike tha' seemed.

Jenny lifts up her finished work and smiles in success. She folds it neatly on the floor beside her and unconsciously reaches for another ball of yarn.

An' now it has been two years since our adventure with the Whispermen an' Dr. Simeon an' life has never been so blissful. I always wonder wha' the future holds for us, whether we should take up a different occupation or even.. continue our lineage.

Jenny's thoughts are interrupted by an exasperated sigh coming from her partner across from her. She stiffens at the unknown meaning of the behavior and slowly continues.

Ah Jenny! Enough with tha' thought, Vastra could notice and then inquire over wha' I was thinking. Focus on your knittin'. Purl together, pass, lift…

Vastra POV

I never understood why the individual male ape would waste his time at such an event of womanly frolicking when better things can be acquired..

Vastra mentally face palms herself while continuing to read the article from the book the Doctor had given her to assist her understanding of ape society more. She decides to take a short break and peeks over to her loving wife, who appears to be fidgeting on her knit-work and biting her lip.

Is knitting that hard? the Silurian warrior thought. She observes Jenny's hands and can see that she is struggling a bit. It is simply just patterns of handiwork that one must keep track of to continue on.. Nothing as more difficult as explaining to Strax that women are not men who are too lazy to cut off extra hair. Although.. I can smell a sense of nervousness and hesitation. Is she worried about whether I would like her offering or not? No, she knows I would like it either way, after all we're married. From what I have been observing, knitting does not acquire a duel amount of anxious atmosphere, and Jenny is a wonderful house maid. Skillful in cooking, cleaning, organizing, even nagging, there is no point for Jenny to be this way. Therefore, this suspicious behavior is not due to knitting, but to another cause…

The lizard woman secretly monitors on while delicately holding the corner of a page. What happens next will confuse Vastra even more from what she was before.

Now she's smiling? Good Lord, who knows what is going on through that girl's mind? I should especially pose my question about her behavior but she would just laugh at my statement and dismiss it. But there is no other way.. Is a direct approach appropriate for this situation? Ah, what was it that book said about communication among your spouse?

She furrows her brow for a bit while thinking back before surrendering the thought and letting out an exasperated sigh.

Ah, no matter. Jenny will most likely tell me any other way, be it that I have to wrestle her to say it.

And with that, Vastra went back to her reading, not noticing that the page corner was wrinkled.

Author's notes

Hiya! Well, this was my first time attempting a Vastra/Jenny fic.. Hope it wasn't bad or anything. I'll post what Jenny has been meaning to say to Vastra in the next chappy. See you there!