
Chapter 1


Five. Three of them were in some way an alternate version of another fighter. The other was liked enough that they decided he could visit any time he wanted. That just left him alone, unwanted, forgotten. And he was not the type of person that takes being forgotten well.

Five. Out of 25, he was one of five kicked out. He was the only one that had an original set of moves, and he was removed. He was more powerful than anyone. He slammed his fist into the side of the cave wall. He looked at the computer monitor.

The 35 of them were all in their normal groups. Roy wasn't there that day. He saw the blue jackal, Lucario, enter the room. That is whom they replaced me with, Mewtwo thought. They will regret throwing me out and forgetting about me.

Olimar went into the cafeteria. He was followed by the only pikmin he had gotten really close to. It was one of the flame type pikmin. Olimar had originally named it Red, but that got really confusing with the other Red. Olimar settled for the name Flame. He wanted to name Flame something different, but that was the best he could come up with.

He looked at the salad bar and was delighted to see that pikpik carrots were available. He had been surprised when he discovered that Master Hand had brought pikpik carrots. He grabbed a dozen or so of the carrots. He also added salad to make it a salad. He could see Diddy Kong head for the bananas. Ike suddenly stopped him. "I'm sorry," he said. "But you have reached your limit and need to move on."

Diddy Kong started squalling. Most people couldn't understand him, but Olimar knew he said, "There aren't limits. Kirby can eat as much as he wants, so I should be able to."

Ike just shook his head. "I have no idea what that means." He kicked Diddy Kong backwards into a trash can. Ike and some others laughed as Diddy Kong slowly got up. Ike stopped laughing once Donkey Kong grabbed onto his face and smashed it into the wall. The second Ike fell onto the floor, Donkey Kong knew he was in trouble.

Marth pointed at Donkey Kong and said, "Get him." Link, Marth, and Pit all rushed forward and began beating up Donkey Kong. Donkey Kong tried to fight them off, but he was quickly overpowered. "Take him to the lair." Everyone gasped at Marth's order.

Pit and Link began dragging Donkey Kong out. Zelda grabbed Link by the arm, "Don't do it."

"He hurt Ike, so now we need to punish him," Link said.

"He already was taken more than enough punishment. He is going to be in bad condition if you take him there."

"Link doesn't have to." Ike was holding his head as he got up. He was a bit unsteady, and everyone could see his head was bleeding. "I'll deal with him personally." Link let go of Donkey Kong. Ike picked the ape up and walked out with Pit.

Marth started applauding. A few others joined him, but most were too scared to. "Okay," Marth said. "We have decided that we should add another member to the elites. The current members are me, Link, Ike, Zelda, Samus, Pit, and Peach. We have decided that the next member should beā€¦Lucas."

Everyone gasped as the shy boy stood up and walked over. He shook hands with the members that were there before taking a seat. Flame grabbed Olimar and said, "He's in trouble. He'll turn out just like the rest of them."

Olimar and Flame went to the table the rest of their friends were at. He was at the bottom of the pack, with Diddy Kong, Donkey Kong, Wario, Yoshi, R.O.B., Mr. Game & Watch, Dedede, and Falco. None of them liked being there, but they didn't really have much of a choice. Falco just stared at the elites. Olimar noticed Falco's gaze and asked, "Why are you staring?"

"I am wondering what will happen to Lucas," Falco said.

"He'll be fine," Dedede said. "If he's anything like Ness, than they won't be able to corrupt him."

"But he isn't Ness. They chose Lucas over Ness because of that fact. Ness is confident, and I don't think they could change him. However, with Lucas not being as sure about himself, I'm worried that Lucas will end up becoming just like the others."

"Well, they're soon going to get rid of the four groups and change them into two," R.O.B. said. "The guys that are slightly higher than us, Bowser, Captain Falcon, Ganondorf, Jigglypuff, Lucario, Pikachu, Red, Toon Link, and Wolf, will be merged with us."

"Then the final group, Fox, Ice Climbers, Kirby, Luigi, Mario, Meta Knight, Ness, Snake, and Sonic will join the elites," Wario said.

"Doubt it," Falco said. "They will change some. Since Mario is dating Peach and Luigi follows Mario, they probably will, but I doubt Fox and Ness would ever join the elites. The elites may take in someone like Pikachu or Toon Link."

R.O.B. was about to say something, but they stopped when they saw Ike and Pit walk in. Diddy Kong began to cry a little of they said things about Donkey Kong and laughed. "It isn't right," Olimar said. "They shouldn't be above us."

"At least some of them have toned it down," Wario said.

"Yeah, remember when Link lead the elites," Dedede said. "He's been a lot kinder since he started dating Zelda. I heard it was because of Zelda he gave up the position."

"He's still a jerk." Falco said. "And Marth is ten times worse. He's the one that got the lair started. I was once sent there because I sneezed too close to Marth. The beating Marth and Ike gave me was worse than anything Link ever had done to me."

"Arrow," Yoshi said.

"What?" Falco asked. Olimar responded by pointing up to the roof. They all looked up to see a blue arrow turning in circles beneath the ceiling. It suddenly darted down and hit Diddy Kong, the only one not watching. Cheers rose as Diddy Kong let out a scream.

As the elites began mocking Diddy, Olimar pulled out his whistle and gave a short blow. Everyone at his table noticed, but none of the elites did. A few Pikmin walked into the cafeteria. Olimar was pleased that one of the pikmin that entered the room was a purple one. He held it up to the others. "I'll throw it if a few of you promise to back me up." He was pleased when Falco, Dedede, Flame, and Yoshi agreed.

Olimar stood up and aimed. The elites had all sat back down and weren't even paying attention. Olimar mustered up all of his courage. He closed his eyes as he threw the pikmin. The elites had begun laughing about something. It ended when the pikmin hit Pit in the back of the head and sent him face first into his food.

For several moments, the room was absolutely silent. Eventually, some of the elites began to look up at Olimar, who was still standing. Marth began getting out his seat. As soon as he began walking over to Olimar, people began moving tables out of the way. Some ran out of there. Marth stopped right at Olimar. He said, "You're a brave little man," Before kicking him off of his feet. Olimar crashed into a wall. He groaned as Marth said, "We have another for the lair."

Olimar looked to his friends for support. The ones who said they would help looked frightened, and the ones who didn't had either backed away or had already left. Ike walked over to pick up Olimar off. Olimar murmured, "Let your henchmen do the dirty work I see."

Marth responded by kicking Olimar's helmet as hard as he could. "Go away, I want him to myself." Marth picked Olimar up. Olimar was suddenly dropped onto the ground. He looked up to see Diddy Kong latched onto Marth's face. Marth ripped Diddy Kong off and flung him to Ike. "You can have him."

"That's enough." The elites watched as Falco stepped forward. "Let them go."

"You guys can't figure out your spot," Marth said.

"Yeah, we can't seem to figure out how the guys like you ended up being above us," Diddy Kong said. Flame and Yoshi walked forward and got into a fighting position.

"Okay, anyone else." Marth looked around. Mario, Fox, Wolf, the elites, and a few others had stayed. Everyone else was gone. "Then I guess we have three for the lair."

All the elites except Peach, Zelda, and Lucas ran forward. Ike had a hold of Diddy Kong and was squeezing him as hard as he could. He was knocked over by a hard hit from Dedede's hammer. Diddy Kong tried to get up, but he was stepped on by Pit. Yoshi ran over and swallowed Pit. Link slashed Yoshi and hit him with his boomerang. Yoshi tried rolling into Link, but Ike smashed the egg open.

Marth held Olimar against the wall. He repeatedly struck Olimar again and again. Flame jumped onto Marth. He set Marth's cloak on fire before betting his hand. Marth screamed and flung flame across the room. Marth threw Olimar as hard as he could into the ground before walking over to deal with Flame. Marth blocked a blow from Dedede's hammer and then punched him in the chest. He found Flame and held up his sword. He was suddenly tripped by Olimar. "Get out of here," Olimar said. "You can die here, I can't"

Flame nodded and ran off. Olimar turned over and got back up. He saw Marth come at him and started running. He grabbed the purple pikmin he threw at Pit and threw it at Marth. It knocked Marth over, giving time for Olimar to run away. He wasn't paying attention where he was running, and he was suddenly tripped by Peach. Olimar tried to get back up, but Olimar had gotten him again. He held Olimar up, "If you four stop fighting, only Olimar will be taken to the lair." The other four looked at each other. Falco said something to them, and they all left. Olimar was shocked as everyone left until he was there with the elites. Marth smiled as he said, "I'm going to enjoy this."