"Yo, Kuzoku!"

I turned around from my spot at my locker to see my five friends running towars me. I smiled. " Hi, Timmy. Hey, Sky. Hey, Brandon. Hi, Helia. Yo, RIven." I greeted each one by one.

"I still don't get why you greet us one by one." Sky said.

" He told you, it's a tradition in Melody, Japan. I've personally never heard of it, but Kuzoku is the first born sun of the Kotone family. And male sons usually have more responsiblility, repect, and sucess out of the entire family. " Timmy said in his logical matter.

"And stress..." I mumbled. Realisticaly, I don't know if it is stressful but it sure does sound like it. I've seen the first born son of the rich on Melody.

"Feel bad for ya kid." Riven said patting my head covered by my white hat.

"C'mon guys! Class starts in five!" Brandon shouted making a break toward the big red school.

"If he could read the analog clock correctly, we have seven minutes till class starts." Helia pointed out. "It's 6:03."

"Those Alfea girls are lucky! They start at 8:55?" Riven asked.

"Yo that's not fair Brandon! Get back here!" I shouted sprinting after him with my skinny but fast legs and the rest of the boys behind me.

We sat down in our assigned desks in Heroics classes in our Rf uniforms. My color is a blue purple. Like P.E stiches to gym, because our whole ciriculum in P.E besically, we stich from Herioics Class ( Traning ) to Health Aid Class. Aka, one of my better subjects.

This class is easy because we also have an awesome teacher, . He is one of the younger teachers, in his early thirties I would say. He has black hair that he keeps gelled in mini spikes pointing up. He has glasses that hang on is nose but can still show his brown iris'.

"Alright class, all you have to do is watch the powerpoint and listen." He said. Usually within the 80 min periods, he teaches for about 30 min. Then we have to pretend to heal that wound with our alphabetical partner ( the person after us in our last name ). The rets of the time is usually ours.

is very serious and passionate about what he teaches, but he can be very funny and cool. Like a teenager stuck in a body of a thirty year old.

After the lesson, my partner turned around to face me, Jared Kay. "This should be simple." He smiled. We pretended what we could, with learning that day how to heal a deep gash. After that we talked. "So Kuzoku, how are things?"

"Good."I said."And you?"

"Alright thanks for asking." He smiled back.

I glanced behind me to see some boys laughing. "I guess Kay is gay now." They teased.

Jared, catching that, looked at me. I looked at the desk." I'm so sorry, Jared. You shouldn't have to go through this."

He frowned a bit. " Don't listen to them. They're just mean. They don't know you, I do. Your not gay, your just... a bit more feminine."

I looked at my hands. "What makes me feminine?" I asked already knowing.

"Well... *sigh*. I'll be honest with yo because your my friend." I nodded."Your a bit smaller than the other boys, your frame, also a bit shorter. Your eyelashes are also a bit longer, and your nose and lips have a certain way of pointing. Your hands are smaller and softer. Your legs are on the skinny side and don't have as much hair as the guys around here. Your hair is on the longer side, and they say your weapon is very sissy. Your voice is also a bit more high in pitch. They also say that..."

"Yeah?" I asked. He asjusted in his seat."Tell me, your just being honest."

He took in a breath."That you never change infront of anyone, you never take off your shirt, and that the mention of the Alfea girl never gives you a boner."

I looked at him."That makes me gay? I'm just not a pervert!"

Jared stood up with me at five minutes to the bell. "It's alright Kuzuko. You have other good qualities! You have a good diet, your smart, your strong, you know when to hold your tongue, you have great friends, you are kind and caring, you help others, and you know how to deal with bull crap!"

I laughed and ran toward my locker.

Two periods later, I used my twirling staff to hit a target. Sissy? I ran across the traning hall and removed my weapon from the target. My weapon was aabout 5-6 in long with two purple glowing balls at the two ends. It wasn't totally useless! If I clicked a button on it and threw it ( similar to a frizbee ) it would release blinding, knock out, or escape powder. Another weapon I have are 6 pointed star frizbeez. Also purple glowing.

I kept doing what I was doing for about an hour when I heard a voice. "Kuzuko!"

I turned around to see Sky and Brandon. "Big news!"

They halted infront of my sweating self. " Brandon got an A in something?"

Sky made a 'pfft!' noise. "I said Big News! Not a maricle!"

I laughed. "What Sky was going to say...is " Brandon said nudging Sky." There's going to be a dance at Alfea, and the Red Fountine Boys are invited!"

I stared at them. "There's going to be music, dancing, food, and..." Sky trailed and he looked at Brandon and they lazily pointed at eachother. "Chicks!" They said at the same time.

"So what?" I asked walking out of the training hall.

They gasped."What's wrong with you!?" Brandon asked as I walked into the elevator and pressed 10. "The Alfea chicks are sexy!"

"And snobs, and rich, and annoying! Look at me with my fairy powers! I'm so powerful and yet when we get lazy and don't want to fight, it's the RF boys to the rescue! My heroes!" I mimicked and walked out of the elevator and into our dorm hallway.

They stood there for a second, and ran out beside me. "Your voice crack or something? That was really high." Sky asked.

I looked at him while I unlocked the dorm. "Um, yeah. I'm getting over a cold." I said as I walked into the dorm.

"Okay..."Brandon trailed."But please come! I know your not into this stuff, but think about it! Maybe if you go, we can hook you up with a girl!"


I ran into my dorm room, shut the door, and locked it. "C'mon bro! I didn't mean it like that! Maybe if you pretended to hook up, you wouldn't be called gay anymore!"

"You should never toy with a girl! They're smarted than you think!"

"C'mon man! I heard that the famous Musa Melody is going to be there!" Sky shouted. "She's also from Melody! She's really cute!"

My eyes widened. Huh? I shook my head and yelled back. "Who cares!? LEAVE ME ALONE!"

I could almost hear Sky and Brandon shrug and walk off. I sighed in relief as my anger left my sould and got up from the floor. I walked to my closet which I shared with Helia, and Riven.

I grabbed a light blue t-shirt with a blue vest,blue shorts, blue knee pads, blue gloves ( the kind you wear for biking, or skateboarding ), I wore my usual white hat to hide some of my long blue hair, blue athlete socks, and sneakers. 1

I looked into the mirror. " He told you, it's a tradition in Melody, Japan. I've personally never heard of it, but Kuzoku is the first born sun of the Kotone family. And male sons usually have more responsiblility, repect, and sucess out of the entire family. " 2 lie's.

"It's alright Kuzuko. You have other good qualities! You have a good diet, your smart, your strong, you know when to hold your tongue, you have great friends, you are kind and caring, you help others, and you know how to deal with bull crap!" Not exactly all that true.

"And snobs, and rich, and annoying! Look at me with my fairy powers! I'm so powerful and yet when we get lazy and don't want to fight, it's the RF boys to the rescue! My heroes!" Lie. Just jelousy... that they don't have to hide.

"Um, yeah. I'm getting over a cold." Another lie.


"Who cares!? LEAVE ME ALONE!" LIE.

"That makes me gay? I'm just not a pervert!" TRUTH.

I'm not gay, my voice doesn't crack, the Alfea girls aren't bad ( even though I've never met them ), I don't have any good qualities, greeting one by one and being the most sucessful first son isn't true! My last name isn't even Kotone! NOR IS MY FIRST NAME KUZUKO! I do care...

My life is a lie... My name is Musa Melody, and I am a girl.

Did I have you guys confused for a minute there XD! I tried to make it seem as if " Kotone Kozuko" was a totally different person than actually being Musa Melody! Did anyone think Kotone was a different character?

I got this idea from MusaloveRiv-and-IloveKICK. I sorta asked her to make the story a MXR story, but she came up with this idea! I HAVE PERMISSION FROM MUSALIVERIV-AND-ILOVEKICK!

1:) Musa looks like Nagihiko's Chara Nari: Beat Jumper! From Shugo Chara.