Captain Jack Harkness raised a hand to knock on the door of the blue police box that had just materialized along the Cardiff waterfront.

"For God's sake, Jack, just use your key!" a rather weary voice called through the closed doors "I know you've still got one," the grumble continued as Jack unlocked the door and stepped inside.

Jack gave a low whistle as he glanced around the control room. "Love what you've done with the place, Doc," he quipped, then stopped short as he took in the sight of the tall, gangly man with the mop of unruly brown hair. "Whoa. Redecorated and regenerated. What do you need?"

"You don't sound particularly surprised to see me," the Doctor noted.

"Well, you know, entire star systems disappearing from the sky, and then reappearing a few hours later…sorta has you written all over it."

"I suppose it does," the Doctor admitted rather tiredly. "We just need someplace safe to rest for a few days while the TARDIS refuels."


The Doctor gestured to the far side of the console, and Jack saw a pretty brunette girl lying unconscious on the floor, wrapped in a purplish-colored tweed coat.

"Do you need medical help?" Jack asked, dropping to his knees to scan her.

"I think just a few days rest should sort her," the Doctor replied.

Jack, being Jack, just couldn't resist sliding his fingers along her jaw line to check her pulse. "Who is she, Doc?"

"That, Jack, is the girl who put the stars back in the sky." He winced then, knowing that he'd just given the 'Captain of the Innuendo Squad' a perfectly dreadful opening.

Jack seemed to be reading his mind, because he winked and said, "I'm gonna give you a pass on that one Doc, 'cuz I can see you've had a hard day. You wanna talk about it?" he asked more seriously.

"That's probably not a good idea, Jack. We're from your future. I came here because I needed a safe time and place for Clara and the TARDIS to recover. The next time you see me, it may not be this me, or this TARDIS."

"Understood. Do you need anything?" He watched, a trifle concerned, as the Doctor stooped and lifted Clara in his arms. This new Doctor looked as though he'd just as soon trip over his own feet as walk on them, and Jack steadied him as he stood up.

"I think I've got everything I need right here."