What time is it? It's Ad... woops, wrong intro.
Dan96kid here with a new story. This story is based off of a game called ROBLOX, hence why it's in the ROBLOX section. Most of the content of this story is mine, everything else will have credit given to there respective owners. So without further adieu, lets get this thing going. Please be aware that this story will cross-over with some of my other stories.

For nearly 2 billion years, the Trigon Sector was at peace. Two major tech powers co-existed in harmony. It was a harmonic time, until that peace was shattered.
The Robloxians are the younger of the two tech powers. An industrious race that made a living through industry and trade. They created vast intergalactic trading empires, laying the foundation for the modern Trigon Sector economy. The Robloxians were among the first to venture out of the sector in search of new trading opertunities. During that time, they did not have a military. It all changed when pirates started raiding their trade ships. Trade ships started to carry weapons for self defense. The pirates became bolder, attacking in masses to overwhelm the trade ship's defences. Eventually the first Robloxian military force was founded to combat the pirate menace. Despite the pirates, the sector remained at peace. The peace was shattered in the year 748 AD, when a corrupt leader took control of the Robloxian government by force. This marks the beggining of the Robloxian/Atlantean War. The corrupt leader launched a full scale assult on the three Atlantean homeworlds: Tyron, Chinaria, and Carrosh. They attempted a genocide of the entire Atlantean race. Atlanteans on Robloxian controlled worlds were slaughtered on the streets in public. The robloxians showed no mercy, nearly destroying Carrosh with arcane fusion bombs. Within a few weeks of the Robloxians declaring war, civil unrest started to happen. Large-scale protests occured in every major Robloxian city. Riots soon broke out. Rebel groups were formed with the intention of overthrowing the government. Cities became war zones as civil war erupted. This event was to be known as the Robloxian Revolutionary War. During the late stages of both the Robloxian/Atlantean War and the Robloxian Revolutionary War, the rebels collaborated with Atlantean forces in a massive attack on the Robloxian Capital: Roblox City. The battle lasted for days, with both sides suffering heavy casualties. The corrupt leader was captured and executed in public, bringing both wars to an end.
In the years following the wars, a new government was formed. This new government helped to rebuild the Robloxian's tarnished reputation. Around the same time, the modern Robloxian military was founded: The Roblox United Armed Forces. The new government operated with the goal of all races are treated equal. The RUAF operated with the same goal, hoping to unify the races in peaceful co-existence and harmony.
Time passes by, and the Energon War erupts. The Energon War was the first major war the RUAF participated in, and helped lead the Galactic Federation to victory.
The year is now 2240, and another war is in progress. A war that threatens to destroy the entire dimension.
This is ROBLOX: Enter The War