Author Note: I'm Solstice, BTW. If you're not bothered to check out our profile, I'll jut sum it up for you... Evvyxox is made up of 4 people! Our AMAZING editor, Minni, who makes sure we don't post total crap, and Sky, Summer, and Solstice (me) who write. I'm Solstice writing this!

Disclaimer: I do not own Maximum Ride! All due credit to James Patterson

I sigh, tugging my reluctant suitcase step by step up the meandering staircase. It makes a harsh thud as it hits the next step. I curse silently. Way to blend in Max. It's 4am, and I'm trying, key word being trying, to get to my new dorm in my new school. I sigh softly again, before accidently tugging the suitcase up two steps, onto my awaiting foot. I yelp, letting go of the suitcase, letting it tumble back down the mile of stairs I've just covered. Scrambling back down the stairs, chasing my runaway luggage, I finally manage to stop it. I stand still, teetering on the edge of a stair, trying to regain my breath. Right at that moment, the whole thing opens up letting the entire contents tumble out all the way down the staircase in all of its glory. I bite my fist to stop from screaming, both at my throbbing foot and the current gallery being made out of my clothes. Dejectedly, I trudge down the stairs, picking up everything as I walk back up, stuffing it into my utterly useless suitcase, and renewing my uphill struggle. This day just gets better and better.

It's 5am by the time I get to my dorm, and 7 by the time everything's been put away. I tug a comb through my dirty blonde waves, trying to regain some order, somewhere. I have shadows under my big, dark brown eyes. Great, what a way to make an impression on your first day. Tiredly, I rub them, only succeeding in making them look droopy. I haven't been able to sleep for a few weeks now. I bleakly wonder how mum is. She was almost in tears when I left, but she needed the space-I could tell. After dad left, she left the house more and more, sometimes leaving for days. She couldn't stand to look at me. I looked too much like him. And if there's one person I would suffer for, it's my mum. So I decided to apply for boarding school, and got in on scholarship. And that's where I am now. With a headache, lack of sleep, starving to death, and with a throbbing foot. I groan, rolling over in bed. It's a Sunday, so no one is in school, except for the first years, meaning my year. The others have been here for a week though, coming early to meet up with others and unpack. School only officially starts tomorrow. There are two more rooms in my dorm. One has someone's things already unpacked, whereas the other has men constantly coming in and out, carrying boxes of possessions. I finally get up, from lolling on the bed, going to find some food, when I'm rugby tackled to the floor. I look up from wheezing on the floor to see a girl grinning down at me. Her mocha skin contrasts starkly against the blinding white of her teeth. Her straightened dark brown hair is frizzing slightly at the tips, bouncing as she jiggles with excitement, her whole body seems to exhume excitement.

"Hi! I'm Monique! But everyone calls me Nudge, so you can too! I like Monique, it's a nice name, but maybe I would like something a bit fancier, like Cordelia, I mean it sounds so pretty! Oh, what's your name? I bet it's something all tomboyish like Alex. Is your full name Alexandra? I mean, that's a nice name as well, but Alexis sounds much nicer. I used to know a girl called Alexis, but she was a total meanie, I mean, I hated her. Isn't it weird how horrible people get the nicest names? Oh, not that I'm horrible, or that I don't have a nice name, I hope you're not horrible. I would hate to have a horrible roommate!" she squeals. She said this all in one breath. Jesus this girl can talk. She opens her mouth to say something again when I put my hand firmly over her mouth.

"Max. Max Ride. Short for Maximum. When I take my hand off your mouth, you are not going to talk. Ok?" I say slowly. She nods vigorously. I take my hand off of her mouth.

"I'm just moving in, see, I have that room," she says pointing at the room with the men going in.

"Who lives in the other room?" I ask, almost scared to ask her something.

"I don't know, the door says 'Angel'. She'll probably be back soon," she says.

"Right, now where can I get food in this hell hole?"

Author Note: Hey! I'm completely new to fanfiction, and just managed to figure out how to upload a damn story! But I figure it out, so yay!:D

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